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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Sorry about that, I did say in the competition topic that anything besides entries would be moved to a new thread.

I don't see any harm in discussion about it as long as folks don't turn it into an argument. Some like or don't mind supplements, some don't like them. I don't think the product itself is likely to be any more harmful than zero noodles. As I understand it those still swell up and make you feel more full - "Glucomannan has the highest water holding capacity of any soluble fibre, swelling up to 100 times its own water weight. This bulking out in the stomach means that once digested, Zero Noodles make you feel full and satisfied whilst also slowing down digestion and preventing sugar spikes." sourced from the Zero noodles website. Looking at the price if you were just to use the supplement on your fast days it would work out cheaper than eating zero noodles every fast (when they are a couple of quid for a packet) - and personally I don't like the noodles ;) So, perhaps not so expensive if you look at it like that.

From what I can gather via Google it's not totally banned in Australia, only certain products - namely some small jelly sweets which contained it and if they lodged in the throat they could swell up - pretty dangerous of course! It appears that other products containing it are allowed as long as it is clearly labelled. ... /ifn-02-10
Isis wrote: I was very surprised to see this advert flashing up on the site. OK I suppose if it helps with the cost of running the forum? but surely part of fasting & 5:2ing is learning what feeling hungry really feels like & therefore learning how our own appetite works?

Call me daft or shallow but I know what hungry feels like and I hate it... :confused:
Moogie, I have tried a glucomannan product a few years back and it mademe full for hours! I tried it before recommending it to my dad and did what it promised.
This is probably a stupid question, but I understood that fasting gave your body a break from digesting food, if you are filling it up with a substance which takes longer to digest are you then possibly negating some of the health benefits fasting is supposed to give? :?:

I've found that my appetite has reduced after fasting and I'd be concerned that that wouldn't be the case if I was feeling full all the time.

I'm sure it could be useful for those who struggle to fast though.
I don't suppose it could be any different than eating zero noodles on a fast day, those presumably take longer to digest too, especially because of the bulk of them (don't know how concentrated these pills are).

My appetite has reduced, but so has my weight loss for the most part and I'll be interested to see if this does indeed increase the fat burn or not. I'm going to remain impartial until I've tried them out!

They're certainly not for everyone but I imagine they are of interest to some.
Yes, I think that only those who don't eat at all on fast days can judge those who need to eat something and not feel the back of their stomach meeting the front. ;-)

Unless I'm mistaken though, they contain VitB, copper and konjak. Which of these ingredients is supposed to do the fat burning?

BTW, my appetite hasn't reduced at all. I;m not complaining, I like to eat a scabby dog once in a while. :-)
No idea which ingredient is supposed to help with that, I'd have to re-read the stuff on the site.
BBT053 wrote: I have no knowledge of this product but assuming "natural" is safe is not good. There are many plants or mushrooms which would be lovely only the once.

I'd be wanting to know the reason for the ban in Oz.

They're banned in Australia because of the high risk of choking or digestive system blockage. They're a bulking agent; they can easily get stuck in the oesophagus or digestive tract if not taken with enough water. There have been fatalities.
izzy wrote: I know companies are always looking for ways to make easy money, but it sticks in my craw knowing that I'm part of a group being targeted!

Haha was that deliberate?!
izzy wrote:
We're an untapped market, don't ya know? :wink: You just might be better off buying a bottle of konjac/glucomannan capsules through the Amazon link on the forum. Save money and support the site!

I agree. And if you want a fat burner or an energy booster, there are better and cheaper choices as well. :oops:
emm wrote: I'm really surprised to see this here. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone tried to make money out of people eating less! But this is worse than I imagined -- telling us 5:2 is difficult without buying their product! Sorry, am I the only way who feels this way?

I totally agree with EMM! Seems whenever a new diet/eating/WOL Plan starts to show some interest, SOMEONE will come up with a way to make money riding on the coat tails of that success. Suppliments for the most part are unregulated and we really dont know what we are getting in them. I'll stick with pure 5:2, seems to be working fine for now
Dianhelen, supplements in Europe are very regulated. There are many American supplements and drugs (even foods!) that are banned in Europe.
It's the same with suntan lotions, that's why many Americans buy the European brands even though they are more expensive. And that's why I order the cream for my back from the US. ;-)
Edit to add: and that's why I also order my Oreos from the US. The forbidden is more tasty. :heart: :cool: :shock:
the getting stuck issue is also a problem with psyllium tablets too, but there doesn't seem to be a problem with the powder.
Hey Merlin,
FYI konjac is available in Australia as 'Slim Pasta'. There are two types, a more transparent jelly-like version and one called 'angel hair' that is slightly pasta-like with some calories per serve (7 or so?).
I was curious when I read about it a year ago so I ordered it online but have since seen it at one of the big two supermarkets (can't remember which, maybe both).
It's pretty flavourless but the texture can be a bit challenging - a new take on 'al dente' with a bit of squeak - hence I have barely touched the stockpile I ordered. But on my first ever fast day of 5:2 the other night I dug it out and had it with some steamed greens and kecap manis for a very filling meal worth less than 100 calories.
When I lived in japan about 20 years ago I was aware of a type of food called Konyakku used in stews and soups but had no idea of its 'miracle food' status. It was just a kind of neutral thing added to bulk out certain dishes and for texture/variety.
Worth a try to pad out fast-day meals, but I personally wouldn't bother with taking it as a supplement.
I would beware trying these types of supplements. A friend of mine who happens to work in the local hospital (and is also doing 5:2) told me recently that someone was rushed in with a blocked intestine. The doctors were saying it was because she had been on the 5:2 diet!!! I have no idea of course what she might have been eating or have taken. I think 5:2 is brilliant and shall certainly stick with it, but it pays to be careful what you eat.
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