Well I have been so grateful to be able to stick with WOE and have only achieved my progress by having alternatives like fluid fasting. Agree with Michael 16:8 it is just a time restriction and you then can eat freely.
Also I would not want to deter anyone from finding what is their individual solution and we all respond differently. I am grateful to have found 5:2, and even the recent other options on here where we have incentives to whittle away a bit more. I was getting to the point of being slack regarding sticking to my goal, so now I am even closer thanks to the Christmas club.
I can only speak for myself in that having carted around excess of 15 + kgs from more than 20 year my weight has distressed me, I have several health issues it impacts upon. Now I have found some formulas which work well I am going for it. For my health practically and the for my vanity
So I will liquid fast, I will low carb, and some days I will 18:6 because I know what they all mean as I have had a go and experienced them for myself. If some people just want to do 5:2 as per MM and that works good for them they are lucky it stops there.
Also I would not want to deter anyone from finding what is their individual solution and we all respond differently. I am grateful to have found 5:2, and even the recent other options on here where we have incentives to whittle away a bit more. I was getting to the point of being slack regarding sticking to my goal, so now I am even closer thanks to the Christmas club.
I can only speak for myself in that having carted around excess of 15 + kgs from more than 20 year my weight has distressed me, I have several health issues it impacts upon. Now I have found some formulas which work well I am going for it. For my health practically and the for my vanity
So I will liquid fast, I will low carb, and some days I will 18:6 because I know what they all mean as I have had a go and experienced them for myself. If some people just want to do 5:2 as per MM and that works good for them they are lucky it stops there.