In a word, yes, and I believe this is for a number of reasons.

1) Due to fasting two days a week, it appears as though my stomach capacity has diminished, hence filling up sooner and eating less on feed days.

2) In an attempt to become sated and having my meals last longer, on fasting days I take a small bite of food, set down the fork, chew quite well, have a sip of water, then repeat. Where the pace, which I previously ate, was comparable to a starving man, I now am the last one to finish eating. This is becoming a habit on feed days as well and portion sizes have decreased.

3) Since the main goal of this new lifestyle is to become healthy and lose weight, fasting day meals are thoughtful and nutritious. Eating better on fasting days has made me quite cognizant of what I put into my mouth on feed days.

The caveat to the above is that these are not always the case. I am still prone to gulping down meals, over eating until feeling nauseous and eating crap food. However, many of us need to remember that this is a lifestyle change and some old habits take longer than others to change.