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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but i did my first fast day on Monday and i found myself eating less than id normally do on Tue/today. For example, id normally have a small sandwich, crisps and chocolate for lunch and now im having a small yoghurt and sandwich or the yoghurt alone. Even for dinner, im finding myself trying to avoid having very calorific foods. Do you all feel the same or are you more likely to gorge on foods on feed days? That said, im out tonight and will probably have something yummy but will no doubt pick a steak and salad or something 'healthier'....its almost like my brain was conditioned to eat things and now im de-conditioning it...
Sounds very positive,
I eat less than I did and usually make healthier choices, it was thoughtless eating and drinking that got to my previously Obese BMI.
Mind you it easier to make lighter choices in this lovely hot weather :smile:
Yes I do..Its strange on a fast day I think to myself umm!!! I fancy whatever I'll have that to-morrow,But then when I can, I don't want it :confused: Think it could be down to the 'When you can't have it you want it malarki :lol: Anyway can't be a bad thing x :wink:
I always seem to eat less the day after a fast. Now the day after that my appetite comes back with a vengeance!
Hi Eva!
I'm impressed! I call it the 5.2 resetting effect, but it usually takes a bit longer to kick in. Some people go through a period of eating somewhat uncontrollably after their first few fasts, perhaps because no foods are banned with 5.2. The next stage is a settling down one where the appetite gradually lessens, just with the odd breakout, and then tastes change for healthier foods and smaller portions. Great isn't it? :smile:
I find this too. If I eat a lot I feel very uncomfortable.
I'm the same as Kootbear, today is 1st day post fast and I haven't had breakfast and my lunch was a very small vegetable stir fry. Tonights dinner will also be quite ssmall. Tomorrow though will probably be carb heavy and a hobbits eating pattern.
Its why I couldn't do a 4:3, I wasn't eating enough on my normal days to keep out of starvation mode.
Since I no longer feel like hunger is such a big deal, I tend to skip lunch, or breakfast now and then, or replace it with some miso soup or something. Especially if I plan to eat a lot later in the evening, or go out for a beer.

I also seem to be a lot more picky with for example what candy or snacks I eat, before 5:2 I would happily munch away with many kind of sweets without thinking much about it, now I would only eat something if it's actually really delicious, if it's the wrong kind or not really high quality stuff I lose interest. Suddenly I eat only really expensive candy, and just a little.

It has to be worth the extra calories.
At the start of 5:2 I was one of those that scoffed as much as I could on normal days. Now my appetite has settled so much more. I often have a slightly larger breakfast than I would have (maybe a slice of toast on top of my fruit & yogurt or porridge) but apart from that it's largely normal. I try to stick to proper meals rather than snacking lots but I do find I can eat less at my main meal now without feeling really full (although I seem to want to push it!).

That only happens on the day after a fast day - once I'm well into the weekend, I'm as hungry as I ever was before - i.e. always ready to eat something!!!
Kootbear, aren't you a tad young to fast?

I must confess, I do try to eat less so that I won't sabotage my trying to lose weight but I can eat as huge amounts of food as I did before. ;-)
I often find it difficult to eat enough on feast days as I tend to eat only when feeling hungry (quite often thirst is mistaken for hunger so I have a glass of water) and last night we went out for a meal and I didn't fancy anything and had a plate of grilled zucchini as my main and only course. Sometimes I feel a bit 'wobbly' so I make sure I have some protein when that happens. I no longer get the huge blood sugar swings and restrict myself to chocolate once every 4 days (not bad for a chocaholic) which I think is helping. I am keeping a record this week on MFP as it is part of a nutrition course I am taking and average 1100 - 1400 cals on a feast day which is close to my TDEE.
I WISH!! :bugeyes:
Mine varies. I do hate feeling overly full now but sometimes at meals I will still force myself to finish a meal, but I am getting loads better at just stopping and guaging my limit, I still calorie count as a safety net.
All days are feed days at the moment, but the pattern changes a bit with planned exercise and family requirements. Whilst I was fasting to lose weight I found the appetite reset was immediate, after the first fast day, and snacking on crisps/biscuits stopped then (half a bag of crisps since February!). Snacks now are nuts or cheese just before or just after a meal, so more of an extra course than a fast-breaker; meals themselves are pretty much as previous with lots of veg (even root veg/potatoes) but oats for breakfast have been swapped out for omelette/cheese/baked beans - hardly eating any cereals now.
Delaying breakfast is as much as I have to do at present to maintain my 135 lb target, all thanks to appetite reset I think...
I'm defo eating less than I did on feed days.

This is making a very welcome reduction in shopping bills.

I knew I just shouldn't need so much food for one person.
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