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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with Abbe about the mental aspect of continual failed diets, been there and done them all myself and yes, FAILED every one, I do think there may be an element of 'body memory' going on. I remember Dr M being told by, I think it was Prof Longo, that the fasts would get easier as his body would remember them and for me, it is true that the fasts got easier. These days, I do 16/8 for maintenance every day, I find that I am increasingly having only one meal per day giving me a daily fast of 24 hours, minus however long the meal lasts, and I just love it. I love not feeling stuffed full of food constantly and I rarely get hungry but the funny thing is that when I know a meal is coming up soon I start to get hungry and that is definitely a mental thing.

So, @Sachat, pick yourself up, smile again :grin: and be happy, not :cry: , in the knowledge that, this time, you are NOT on a diet, those days are gone, afterall, how can you fail at a diet if you are not on one? :lol: Eh? What did I hear? Ah, that's better, it's NOT a diet, it's a PERMANENT way of eating and living that will make you feel happy, healthy and plain old fashioned wonderful, now, how good is that? Feeling better already? Good girl :smile:

Ballerina x :heart:
Just a huge hug / pat on the back to all of you from me. :heart: You all so deserve to succeed, judging by all the effort that goes in, in all sorts of different ways for different people. Shown in the replies on this thread. Really proud to be on the same forum with all you peeps
:victory: :heart: :victory: :heart: Sniff sniff gulp :smile:
I'm not sure I agree. My first diet was when I was 13 years old, 27 years ago. Since then I have been on and off diets. I lost loads of weight with SW, it didn't go back on for 3/4 years and that was after a couple of miscarriages and the birth of my youngest. Then I've lost weight with WW (but that was really unhealthy for me) and became a gold member, but had to half starve myself to keep it off.
I've followed Rosemary Connelly diets. Joined gyms, all sorts really.
I started exercising and calorie counting last year and lost 43lb. But then the last 6 months of that the weight loss was slower. I had started struggling to sleep as I was convinced I was going to be on a diet for the rest of my life in order to keep my weight down. This filled me with complete and utter dread!
I've started 5:2 and it's got things moving. Not only that, but my eating habits have changed for life. I'm not hitting the food for comfort in a stressful time. I can honestly see me using some form of fasting for the rest of my life. I don't have to calorie count everything that passes my lips (MFP app) but can do a liquid fast and not worry about the non fast days!
I'd recommend it to anyone who has struggled in the past.
It does take some effort to begin and continue, but we are worth the effort in my opinion! :heart:
Huge thanks to you all for the support and/or loving kicks up the backside! I really appreciate the honesty and willingness to share - it makes such a difference when you're down in the dumps.

The self-loathing you describe in your blog, Julie, is so familiar and, I think, part of my problem at present. I'm beset by a host of Shoulds - Should exercise more, Should use my time better, Should make healthier food choices, and on and on. I'm going through a fairly major transitional phase in my life - a lot of things are changing - and it doesn't help to have my weight bouncing up and down madly. All in all, I don't know if I'm coming or going and, since I am the Queen of Control Freaks, I've been feeling distinctly bleugh.

HOWEVER! Today's a new day, and a lovely sunny one in London. I'm fasting - first one in 3 weeks, driven by the fact my body seems to be demanding it - and feeling positive about that. I do actually believe this WOL is different from all the others and sustainable - I just have to hang on firmly to that when life gets on top of me.

Thanks again, folks. Normal Pollyanna service has been resumed! :grin:
Off topic - sweeteners...
06 Oct 2013, 11:50
Just a quick OT one re. sweeteners @43tweaker: for cocoa and tea you could try spices instead like cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom etc. - they're slightly sweet in themselves but the flavour also somehow compensates for the lack of sugar - a gustatory distraction perhaps. Worth a try :) Not sure what to do with coffee - I confess to using Pure Via (stevia) in mine and I've never noticed the 'strange metallic taste' that some folk pick up - mint might do it if you take your coffee black?
not tried it personally but might vanilla essence work in coffee? :?:
callyanna wrote: not tried it personally but might vanilla essence work in coffee? :?:

Thanks, I do have vanilla in my hot cocoa haven't ever tried it in my hot tea. But, I am not a coffee person. Not even if it is a cup of cream and sugar with a tiny splash of coffee topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. :wink:
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