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So I'm streaming Inspector Frost last night, and his partner (kind of frumpy, not his regular partner) is chomping on a take-out burger (it's really disgusting if you want to know the truth, the food and the way he's eating it) and I just have to have one! It was late and there's no way I'm going out for a burger, I'm not hungry - I'm actually full, so I eat (and drink) about 800 really unnecessary calories from the fridge and cupboard :curse: (cheddar cheese, bourbon, tea with coconut milk, fruit). It's not the calories or the impact on weight loss that upsets me, it's that food has such a hold on me, I am not the master, and I think I should be. I swear, I'm not a control freak, I'll compromise. Food: if I'm hungry, I'll eat you; if I'm not, just go away.
I am a control freak. Which is why I like fasting. I have very little control when it comes to food but when it comes to WHEN to eat, I find I can handle that better than how much or what I eat. Planning helps me as well. I try to eat, give away, or throw away all the bad food in my house so that there's nothing 'bad' left for me to eat. I make a list for the grocery store and focus on only hunting down each item on that list while I'm in the store. Don't let your eyes wander! LoL I don't know about you but once I see those cookies, all bets are off! On top of this, I'm super lazy so I won't go out for that burger that I'm craving and I end up eating the 'good' stuff I bought from the store.

I like one of the points in the article @ADFnFuel linked about making sure to fill the gap left by something as fulfilling as food with something else. I find video games keep me too occupied to remember to eat so that's what works for me for now!
Itt may sounds but do you know the reasons why food has such a strong hold on you ? One of the key could be to find the reasons and work on them. It worked for me anyway.

I was an emotional eater, stress or overwhelming emotions would make me look for comfort and, even if I didn't ate a lot, I put on weight, it was a way for my body to protect itself and it all happened after a trauma I had in my late teens. To be blunt, and I already talked about it here, I was raped. After that trauma, putting the weight on was a way to be sure that it would never happen again. It's only when I worked on dealing with that trauma that my relationship with food changed.

But don't over think it. Those answers will come when you're ready.
@Manderley, thank you so much for opening up and sharing and corroborating what I have felt. :heart:
I know just what you are talking about. I lost 90 pounds over the last 3 years literally without trying. My body just formed this incredible satiety, I could barely eat my favorite foods, and I was working hard to eat more (or probably would have lost much faster), but couldn't. My theory (after a bazillion medical tests) is that psychologically I just didn't need the weight anymore. I started gaining after my divorce (eons ago), and I think the weight was intended to be a barrier to having another relationship. Then poof, my body just wanted the weight gone and it went. Maybe I want a relationship now or maybe my psyche just feels that my age is barrier enough, I haven't answered that. Calories in/Calories out is not THE ROOT CAUSE of overweight; why we overeat is the key and finding it is so hard. Still looking, you've been a big help :hugright: .
Absent finding the answer to my heart's questions, practical tips are so appreciated! The satiety I mentioned in my prior post is gone now and I'm still 30 pounds overweight.
@ADFnFUEL I read the link. It has already been helpful. I think I solved my Inspector Frost problem - I'll just watch it before or while making dinner! It worked last night and they seem determined to eat crappy and craving inspired food throughout every episode (product placement?).
@She Lurks I'm so thankful that I don't have to shop in a traditional grocery store, I shop mostly at Pike Place Market (my avatar) which is awash with fresh foods. Sadly, I live across the street from a 7/11 (I didn't notice if you are in the US - it's basically a sweet/salty/beer/wine store) but I am lazy too and there are panhandlers/drug dealers so they act as a barrier to late night junk food raids. Football season is over in Seattle, my last two real binges were caused by tv commercials, and I won't be watching the Super Bowl.
It's a tough balance. I don't want to live in an egg, but I do have to be mindful. I don't want to go back.
I really like your problem-solving approach. That, along with not beating ourselves up when we succumb to crazy moments is how we carry on and don't fall into the abyss :shock: ! Well done! :wink:
bordergirl wrote: ...not beating ourselves up when we succumb to crazy moments is how we carry on and don't fall into the abyss...

...trying to keep that uppermost on my mind.
Thanks for the kind words.
I empathise raving! I dont have to be hungry,just seeing someone eat can make me want a full tum now but @stowgateresident just said" biscuit tin" in a post and its enough for me to go....mmmmm..biscuits..
got none in and no way going out for some,fortunately
Dieting is hard and ditto fasting,for me..
difficult to keep weight off when i DO lose it..without doubt theres underlying reasons why food is a crutch for me,the key to weight loss is finding that trigger and i hope to do that this year x
Sorry, @CandiceMarie, I promise that I won't mention the "you know what" again! I don't want to be responsible for anyone's cravings!
ahh not yr fault stowie @stowgateresident you were only innocently saying you'd be busy on yr fast day which wd help you stay away from the biccies ! X hope it went well x

There used to be an advert, ' a cup of tea's too wet without a biscuit! '
I love dunking a bikky or two! :razz:
I need to keep repeating ,Theyre just sugar and fat,sugar and fat..! X
I really wish people would stop thinking that weight is only because you eat too much. It's not that black and white. Emotions will make you eat for comfort or not eat for control. When the "incident" happened, I also lost my first love in a motorcycle crash a few months later. I couldn't eat. I only survived on apple juice and yogurt, well it's not yogurt it's what we call here "fromage blanc" but I don't know the right translation, for more than a month. It was not intentional, I was just broken hearted. The same when my dad passed away, I couldn't eat for the first month or so. I wanted to but

The only ad that gave me cravings was the 90s Rolo one, with the elephant.

There's no translation for fromage blanc, at least not in the states. I've never seen anything like it before.

You've not been dealt a fair hand in life, Manderley. That's for sure. Your strength is amazing. (hugs)
@manderley i agree with @tracieknits have a lot of inner strength
Do you know the Leonard Cohen song Anthem
There' s a line,
"there's a crack in everything
Thats how the light gets in.."
Meaning we may get damaged by life's events,
but its how we grow spiritually coz those cracks let the light into our souls

Ps did you say one time you wd love to try Rolos but you cant get them where you live? X
I can buy rolos in my corner store :-) I'm happy to visit the post Manderley!
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