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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Not sure if ive posted this before.

Anyway .. I fasted yesterday.. I'm a daily weigher so weighed in at 70.0 kg this morning at about 7am .. now I'm hoping for 3 or 4 69.9s or 69.8s for the next few days to try to get to my Libra weight of 69.999 by Easter to make my Easter challenge.

So I am planning to keep fasting and continue my calorie restriction today and weigh again every few hours till I reach it. Usually, in a day i will lose 100g's every few hours. Of course, once i start eating for the day, i.e. solid food or a smoothie/juice, that weight loss stops.

I am just waiting for tradesmen here to finish up for the day before I weigh myself again. Don't think I want them to see me in undies on the scales in the back room where the scales are lol.

So is getting your "official weight down" by just extending the fast just a bit longer kind of OK.. is this a trick for the purpose of the progress tracker stats or a valid strategy. Indeed maybe it helps ones overall weight loss cause you are extending the "stay hungry" mode for a good number of hours. As my last good meal was 8pm. i am effectively fasting another 16 or more hours.


anyone done it?

As a postscript due to a response by moderator.. let me clarify that i am meaning that the extension of the fast on the day after a fast still incorporates 25% TDEE in the previous fast day. Not zero or near zero calorie intake

Also if i dont reach the desired weight on the day after such a calorie restricted day i would start eating normally probably by about 4pm at the latest.

It is essential one doesnt consider extended zero or near zero calorie intake fasting for extended lengths. For my personal stance i dont think it should be done for longer than about 16 hours
I think weighing yourself more than once a day is obsessive and probably not very meaningful.

Good luck with your goal, though, Juliana!
Obsessive or not. It worked

Its 2pm.. , tradies have gone, and it's now safe to weigh myself and having not eaten since last night..

I'm now just 69.6kg... i dropped 400g in the 7 hours.

that brought Libra down to 70.1.. all time low for me since doing this WOL.

only 100g to go for Easter challenge. I might just make it. Is Easter Sunday too late?

now how clever is that, as i write this munching on left over chicken stir fry from last night and a small bowl of cottage cheese. You really appreciate food on this way of life.

Postscript... please do not just keep fasting hour after hour after a fast day.. as this may not be good for you. I was just suggesting that you can extend for some hours. And i would never recommend 2 fast days in a row, though plenty here do it.
I think if it is helping you achieve your goals, giving you a good feeling and is not in an obsessive way, good on you! How amazing you must feel. My goals for the next few months are to get under 70 too - so well done you!
kelkelkelster wrote: I think if it is helping you achieve your goals, giving you a good feeling and is not in an obsessive way, good on you! How amazing you must feel. My goals for the next few months are to get under 70 too - so well done you!

ahh we are in the same weight "zone" hope you can get there too.

yes agreed as long as i dont get obsessive its ok.

i wouldn't weigh again until next morning with this method. that would be obsessive i think

i guess all i was doing was a 16:8 or 17:7 immediately after a normal 4:3 fast day. if we want to label the crae crae behaviour
I suppose it's a bit like someone else on here (sorry, can't remember who) saying that they weigh just before breaking their fast.
carieoates wrote: I suppose it's a bit like someone else on here (sorry, can't remember who) saying that they weigh just before breaking their fast.

Yes I remember that one but cant remember who.


i think i found it. discussion with @Wendy Darling and @Ballerina

Yes, it's me. I do 5:2 and 16:8 because I don't have breakfast on any day. It's not obsessive I don't think, it was just an observation. I don't weigh at lunchtime any more because it's no longer practical for me but when I did it was interesting to see that an extra lb could drop within a few hours but it can't possibly be a real lb. However, it was motivational to see the numbers dropping on the scales. I started doing 16:8 because I began to eat mindfully and and only when I'm hungry and that's never at breakfast time. I still weigh daily first thing although I am so used to this woe now that I probably don't need to now. I do it because I like keeping the chart in the
True Weight App up to date. I started completing it each day at the beginning because I am so impatient but I could easily have done it weekly. Horses for courses.
Good to see you're nearly there to the Easter Target Juliana :)

To be honest I don't keep track of the hours I just don't eat if i'm not hungry. So if I do a fast day and i'm not hungry until dinner the next day I don't eat. I think my body is quite good at telling me when i'm hungry.

But i'd be the same, holding off eating for a few hours if you can and if it results in a better weight loss is something i'd do.

Obviously everyone has different issues with food but it sounds like it worked for you :)

rebelsue2 wrote: Good to see you're nearly there to the Easter Target Juliana :)

To be honest I don't keep track of the hours I just don't eat if i'm not hungry. So if I do a fast day and i'm not hungry until dinner the next day I don't eat. I think my body is quite good at telling me when i'm hungry.

But i'd be the same, holding off eating for a few hours if you can and if it results in a better weight loss is something i'd do.

Obviously everyone has different issues with food but it sounds like it worked for you :)


ahh you missed my multiple announcements. i made target yesterday :-) :-)

i think the holding off after a fast before starting to eat again cemented my good results this week.

its probably then 4:3 with a bit of 16:8 thrown in, that is if we need to label it.

can this be 4:3-16:8 diet lol
Oh i did miss them! sorry! haha... well done! :)

I didn't put on any weight on hols, but I am still stuck, I seem to be doing amazing at maintaining which is not really the goal!

Totally exhausted with jet lag still, waking up at stupid times and eating just when I feel like it really.

I'm hoping next week will be a bit more productive. The scales did that silly flash 3lbs lower then settle at the higher weight so that's usually a good sign i'm on the right track!

Well done again!Is that you at final target??
Oh @Juliana.rivers I'm exactly the same as you. I'm aiming to get to 10:13 ( I guess that's 69. Something kg?) by Easter Sunday. This morning I weighed in at 11:1. I've got another fast tomorrow. I live in hope but actually I'm beginning to doubt I'm gonna get there. I wouldn't feel right if I put my weight from a different time down, no matter what it was because I know it wouldn't be a true reflection. So, like you, I weigh every day and write them in my book, but I only record my weekly weigh-in on my progress tracker. Actually, maybe I should change that and put it on my tracker daily. Hmm...what do you do?

Anyway, well done for reaching your goal!

Bean :heart:
Hi @Juliana.Rivers...I have been doing 4:3 and 16:8 for most of the time I have been on this WOE. It has worked very well for me and my OH.I usually weigh myself in the morning before breaking my fast like @Wendy Darling does. I am not sure how good it is to weigh yourself throughout the day but it may be interesting as an experiment! :geek:
Congratulations on meeting your target! :victory:
@nursebean if you have reached a lower target on a day other than you designated weigh in day you have cracked a new low and achieved that weight. I weigh most days but recorded at my lowest. It is different as have been having a break so my weight has gone up a bit and that is recorded. But for you if you have seen the lower numbers it is real. Be it water loss or fat burnt it is still what you see on the scales IMO
Just a reminder: 36 hours is the max amount of zero (or near-zero) calorie fasting in one go that is permitted in discussion on this forum. I can't tell if you ate your 500 calories on your fast day or not. I'm hoping you can reassure us that you ate dinner on your fasting day so that this thread can stay up.

If you didn't eat since 8pm Sunday and fasted until midday Tuesday, then I'm afraid I have to delete this thread as this is against the rules agreed upon by the community.
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