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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I too started with ready meals - I'm also not a regular user but they really helped me get through the first weeks. I don't cook on fast days generally - I don't get home from work till about 7 and the last thing I want to do is get supper on the table. My husband usually cooks those nights and I will have what he and the kids are having, and have a portion the same size as or smaller than my 6 year old daughter's. I don't figure out my calories anymore - I just figure my daughter can't get through 400+ calories in one sitting so I'm in good shape.

I will soon not be working anymore though, so that plan will probably change. I'd love to get creative but when I'm that hungry creativity goes out the window. I've been known to have toast and peanut butter because I can be wolfing it down less than 10 minutes after I walk in the door.
So an interesting mix. I may get busy for my Thursday fast day this week and cook something.

Tho like a few others here, most of the time it's alot of effort for just the tiny meal. Salads and ready to grab easy stuff seems to work

I wish I had a live in cook ;-), and I wish I lived in Downton Abby hehe
I've eaten a soft boiled egg for every fast day breakfast, over 50 fasts. I'm always a bit repetitive with food. Finding ingredients in Japan can be tricky. Dinners alternate between stir fry (I love how long it takes to eat a bowl of 300cals of stir fried veg), Mexican pizza from the book, sashimi, and Tom yum soup. I have a lot of salads on nonfast days, but strangely not on fast days. In general I keep carrots and cherry toms around for snacking and try hard to stay away from processed food.
I like to cook and I have my OH, 2 teens, and another growing boy of 9 who eats more than any of us now. I have a rotation of fast day meals that I use. Basically soups, salads, meat plus green veggie or omelette/egg dishes. The kids like all except taco soup, so I usually will make them chicken tacos or quesadillas that night.

I occasionally experiment with a new recipe. Last week we tried pizza soup, which is ok but not my fave. OH and 2/3 kids liked it; so, it will probably make it into an occasional rotation. I prefer no crust pizza or meatza as we call it. It is a sort of meatloaf meets pizza combo made with ground turkey, pepperoni and low carb pizza sauce.
I too agree with lots of the above.
I started out often having a "Ping" meal-love that description Beltanmaid. :lol: Very easy early on when counting calories is a pain.
Now I nearly always have a large plate of stir fry veges, sometimes with an egg, followed by a plate of fruit, strawberries and melon mostly. I like it, it's healthy, and a big plate of food! I only eat the one meal.
I'm not a big protein lover and don't think it hurts to miss it one or two days a week at my age.( 57)
I try and have left overs for the family or else grill a protein and do a separate pan of veges for them.
I must admit I do weigh everything carefully on fast days- seems to keep me on track.
Never weigh anything other days.
I always have a lunch and an evening meal on a fast day and as I live in a hot climate I tend to have a home made container of coleslaw on the go all the time so I can have a forkful if I feel peckish. Usually chicken and broccoli or cauliflower and carrots for the evening. Sometimes I eat a banana - I don't eat starchy food (wheat, potatoes, pasta) anyway so as long as the total calories stay under 500 I'm happy.
I tend to stick to salads on fast days,
You can get a huge plate of mixed salad veg and chicken or ham for under 500 cals
Plus it keeps me full for hours and I know I'm getting good nutrition.

I usually eat at work on fast days to avoid having to eat a different meal to kids and hubby as don't want the word "diet" to enter the house if at all possible.
Ideally I'd like to be able to eat a 500 cal version of what family has ,but in the past when I've tried this I end up blowing my allowance.
Restraint is obviously and issue !!!
May have to though when winter comes in again, as salad may not cut the mustard on cold and wet nights :smile:
I keep it easy and simple and somewhat repetitive, but then I tend to eat that way in general. I go thru trends in what I eat. So when I was into split pea soup on fast days, I ate it every fast day for 3-4 weeks. Now it's summer, I'm on to miso soup. I make a pot of vegetarian base to get me thru a couple of fast days and keep it in the fridge and just heat up a cup at a time. My muesli is for every day fast or feed. And then a green salad or steamed veg for dinner depending on whether it is hot or cold weather.

I like the break from planning meals and cleaning up after. Even on feed days I'm hooked on garlic/potato soup and have that 2-3 feed days a week. It's actually unseasonably cold here so I'm able (crave actually) heavier soups again.
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