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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am only into this for 6 fasts so far, but so far I have just kept the fast days repetitively simple, as in yogurt, salad with some protein, apple. I do see many interesting recipes, but it almost seems so much effort for 1 meal for 1 person for 1 day.

What do you find works better or is easier or more satisfying, just getting thru the day simply, or expending the effort, to create something interesting?

Just curious@
I just don't eat. For those that do, I suggest eating what you really like/want to eat - just 500 cal. worth.
Ya but what I like/want had an effort factor to it. If I had a full time chef there would be no question ;-)

I'm wondering if it's worth the effort to create, just stay simple

Simcoeluv? You dont eat anything on your fast days? Do you have protein drinks, or no caloric intake at all?
I like cooking and I'm a creative cook so it would be hard to stop that twice a week. I keep it simple yet not repetitive or boring.
Now that it's pretty hot I mainly eat salads or vegetable dishes but I also enjoy pasta dishes with slim noodles instead of regular pasta.
Monday's I usually have liquids only - black coffee, herbal teas and water. Thursdays were the same liquids and then soup and toast for dinner. I'm moving on to maintenance now but Monday's will stay the same, not sure what I will do on Thursday's yet.
All of the above here. :oops: Specifically, "Ping" meals.

I don't mean to sound sanctimonious but previously I have never really used ready meals but I have found it really helps having it all measured out and minutes later - ta-dah! No sneaky tasting/slice of cheese whilst cooking/guessing what makes a portion etc. Hubby and I have tried a few different ones and enjoy with a large salad or veg. We only eat an evening meal on fast days bar maybe a cup of Bovril earlier sometimes.

Now we are getting further into this I hope to vary things a bit more - generally I like cooking so I think as autumn approaches we will be trying soups for example instead.

Hope you don't mind the input of a 5:2er who reads the forum avidly but doesn't post. :-D
My fast days meals are usually simple things like chicken with stir fry veg or spicy scrambled eggs with veg. And sometimes odd things like a large bowl of porridge, or boiled eggs and some watermelon (not in the same dish...). I usually avoid pasta and rice on these days, just because the portion size will be depressing to me! I also batch cook so can grab a single portion of something out of the freezer.
When I started I just use to have ready meals as the calories where all there on the label and I didn't have to think about it, now summer is here I don't want that food anymore so am having salads with hot chicken or prawns ect but as long as I can make it quickly as I'm starving and just want it in my belly by the end of the day then I'm happy. I'd be really grumpy if it took a long time to make.
Hi Dianehelen,
Iam new to the 5:2 diet (4weeks) and have lost 3-4lbs
I find it is easier to just get through the fast day and think about the next day when I can have what I want in moderation of course.......

I usually have some kind of stir-fry or salad with some kind of white fish. Usually my toughest times on fast days are mornings into early afternoon, then finally my hunger subsides a bit and when it's finally time to fix dinner I can easily chop and dice and simmer or whatever needs to be done. The process of fixing the meal actually calms me. :)
I'm quite creative on fast days as I like to get in as many different vegetables as possible, and package it in such a way that my husband and two children will eat it. I also want to get as much nutrition as I can into my 500 cals. What I actually find hardest are fast days when I don't have any time to cook as I have no idea what to eat without doing major cooking!
Modo1 wrote: Hi Dianehelen,
Iam new to the 5:2 diet (4weeks) and have lost 3-4lbs
I find it is easier to just get through the fast day and think about the next day when I can have what I want in moderation of course.......


Welcome to the forums, Modo1
Simple and repetitive works for me. Porridge for breakfast, tuna on Ryvita for lunch, WW ready meal for dinner. It sounds boring but I like all of those things and keeping to 3 meals a day stops me feeling deprived.

On non fast days (when I have the time) I do love to cook, but on a fast day it seems too much hassle for the size of portion I'd be able to have :wink:
Good question dianehelen, I am a cross between Nicky and Betsy as in try to consider the best nutritious bang for my 500 cals. I find I can prepare just don't taste and it is a calming process. A bit like mindfully preparing and as I use a lot of plant foods, there is lots of dicing of veggies as I am doing soups and veggie and bean stews at present. Summer is salad galore. The fish sounds great. Poached eggs also a stand out go to meal.
Canned (runner) beans, spinach or similar.

Cottage cheese for protein or a slice of ham. (occasionally nuts such as almonds)

I get through a lot of packet /mug soups.

Gallons of coffee get me through it. :lol:
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