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Milk, cheese, butter, cream - in fact all saturated fats - are bad for you. Or so I believed ever since my days as a medical student nearly 30 years ago.
During that time I assured friends and family that saturated fat would clog their arteries as surely as lard down a drain. So, too, would it make them pile on the pounds.
Recently, however, I have been forced to do a U-turn. It is time to apologise for all that useless advice I've been dishing out, via my TV documentaries and books, about fat.

"low fat diets don't work because people get too hungry and don't stick to them", well I disagree Mr Mosley!! I have been on a low fat diet for over 8 years now and I don't miss it one bit!! yes I do have the odd treat, but no way on this planet will I start eating as I did before... :curse:
I started 5.2 mainly for health benefits as my weight has remained the same give or take a few pounds...
as always, not everything works for everyone as we are all different.... :smile:
I recently learned not to mix fats and carbs in a meal as the body will use both for energy. If just fats are present it will burn those, if just carbs are present it will burn those, if both are present it will burn the carbs and store the fats :0@
So low fat yogurt on strawberries instead of cream, for example.
Example menu:-
Breakfast: 2 soft boiled eggs with batons of one organic carrot and stick of celery.
Lunch: fish with salad drizzled with organic extra virgin olive oil.
Dinner: brown rice with vegetables.
Leave three hours minimum between meals so digestion has worked through.
Azureblue wrote: So low fat yogurt on strawberries instead of fatty cream please :0)

Er.....what's wrong with cream on strawberries?? I eat berries and cream most days. I thought the problems happened when you put SUGAR and cream on strawberries (and I don't do that). My low carby treat.
Fruit contains fructose, it's a sugar. Though berries are currently thought to be a better choice than say a melon, I'm guessing that's because there is more fibre in the strawberries.
I too love cream on fruit and have it if I'm not trying to lose weight :0)
Oh I know that re the fruit - but most things contain sugar to some degree, so impossible to avoid, non? Plus, as you say, fruit has other benefits like fibre. I eat lowish carb but not like Atkins - and most of my carbs come from veg (and the daily berries). What I think are the real baddies are refined and processed sugars. Yuk yuk yuk.
Completely agree with you @loversghost. I've just done Zoe Harcombe's Summer Blitz so am a bit over-enthusiastic still with regards finessing the carbs! When it wears off I'll be back to eating fruit everyday again. Got to love a fresh apricot :0D
"Recently, however, I have been forced to do a U-turn. It is time to apologise for all that useless advice I've been dishing out, via my TV documentaries and books, about fat".

One wonders if in 10 years time he'll be apologising again for giving out 'all that useless information about 5:2 fasting'?? He was so sure then as he is so sure now and has made a fortune out of all this 'useless' information.
Well as someone who was fat from the age of about 8 till just recently (and I'm 51) it's the only way I've ever managed to get to a normal weight so I don't care how much money he makes out of it! And you name it for weight loss , I've tried it (except Atkins and those meal replacement type thingies - bleurgh)! :-)
The book "Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz makes the same case that Dr. Mosley does. It's so counter intuitive, but I can't help but wonder if all these years of low fat, high carb are why I couldn't lose weight. I eat the same number of calories, but with the changed eating pattern of 5:2 & 16:8 most days, and adjusting my nutrient ratios to include more fat & less carb, I am losing weight for the first time in decades. I think , as so many on the forum constantly remind me, that every person has to find what works for them & be mindful not to compete with others on the forum. There is more than one right way with this, so the support & humor here are key to keeping me going. Love me some Dr. M, thanks for sharing !
I'm happy about this. I've recently started buying proper butter and cheese, and not being afraid of using a little olive oil in my cooking instead of the cooking spray stuff.

I'm still a bit scared of not choosing the 'low fat' or 'light' option on the shelf, but it does make more sense. The low fat options always have more sugar in them!
I've stopped buying low fat stuff. We are using butter and olive oil and I'm happier with that.
I had my gallbladder out last year and one of the nurses asked whether I'd followed a low fat diet! I explained I'd yoyo dieted and ate low fat for years and she reckoned a lot of their patients had!
She said something about the lack of fat in some peoples diet can lead to a build up of stones as their body isn't using the bile?
I tend to think in some cases gall bladder problems can be hereditary as both my mum and daughter have also had theirs removed!
I've never bought low fat stuff. I eat butter, full fat creme fraiche, yogurts, olive oil...the only 'diet' thing I have is skimmed milk in tea because it tastes better. I never drink soft drinks or squash (except for a glass of full fat coca cola after a running race) and I stay slim with no problems. I'm far more worried about the effect of aspartane on the body than 'natural' fat!
Thanks so much @Amber.
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