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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So I knew I was going to go 'all out' over Christmas and boy didn't I just!

I literally haven't stopped for six days. They have consisted of no liquid apart from cider or bubbly (terrible I know), huge greedy amounts of cheese, dips and crackers, chocolates by the box load, cake and just about everything else with barely any greens in sight - bar the grapes with the cheeseboard!

And do you know what - some of the time I wasn't even enjoying it and was making myself feel quite bloated and gross to be honest and I don't know why?!

I had said to myself I will 'allow' a gain as long as it is under 11stone - my lowest was 10stone8lb so I allowed a fair bit? And this morning I was 11st1lb. I feel flabby and fat and I hate how my tummy is sticking out over my pajama bottoms! I actually don't want to go out tonight because I feel so fat and I normally love partying!

I find fasting too difficult whilst not at work but I think I can have a few lower calorie days. I was tempted to go for the cold pizza in the fridge this morning but after really thinking about it I wanted fruit! So I had half an avocado and half a punnet of strawberries with a coffee (not water but better than a Buck's Fizz right?)

Anyone else in this situation? How/when are you going to tackle the Christmas weight gain?!

Lil :heart:
Lil, ok so you went overboard or at least more overboard than you predicited, it's in the past, jump back on the fasting boat. When are you back at regular routine? We will be here right with you when you start back up. It's not a big deal so don't beat yourself up. :)
Don't worry Lil, we'll all be here come January!!! I have so far exercised restraint, or had until I received 10 gourmet bars of assorted Montezumas chocolate!!! It will be eeked out over a few weeks!
We're all here for each other!
It sounds dreadful but being realistic, I'm not going to fast until Jan 6th :/ but then I will be doing 4:3 and I'm going to try and cut out alcohol for four weeks!
Nah, you know what you've got on so don't beat yourself up about it! I have birthday and wedding anniversary celebrations in the next few days so I am not too worried. I'll be back on the serious wagon when I head back to work and am actually contemplating alternate day while I'm at work as there is nothing to distract me up there.
I'm sure you will be in good company. But then you know what to do about it ......
:heart: Hi Lil don't beat yourself up just be thankful it only comes once a year Lol. Just do what you can and what fits you have all the tools and can soon shift the gain next year, you've just said yourself a few low calorie days are better than nothing, by the time of your first fast comes around you'll be doing it willingly and with caution, as for how you're feeling now that's just a little "guilt" because you know you've overindulged over the festive season, I actually got all those feelings about 2 weeks before xmas felt bloated totally uncomfortable puffed, and my new clothes I was looking forward to wearing felt rubbish!!! But the family said I looked great
even my hubby !! so it's sometimes just us :shock:
Having said that I haven't weighed-in today yet, (but i am and also putting into tracker ) so don't know what damage I've done I haven't gone mad at all and last night had my first xmas chocks 2 only amazing restraint but truthfully just didn't feel like any at all. But I really believe my problems are bad carb related because I hadn't gains again but really felt as if I bad big style so from now on I'm back onto reducing my carbs because as you said I don't like all these horrible feelings. maybe that's the answer for you until your first fast to reduce carbs from now to then :like:
Good Luck and let's all get together and really solve this problem in 2014 Yes we can do this!!!!!!!! :clover: :clover: :clover: Sue
11 stone is my 'red line' (until a few weeks ago, it was actually my target!) and this morning I was 10 13.5. I know what to do about it....
Now then @LilSmiler I want to tell you that I haven't fasted since the end of November. Today I got onto the scales and I'm 1kg heavier than my Xmas club lowest.
16.8 has been my day to day calorie reducing tool. I've not been able to exercise at all this month and to be honest, I'm totally gobsmacked with the stability of my weight throughout.

You can do it, We have the tools, now let's use them, don't feel guilty, enjoy the time you've had with family and friends. I too have drunk too much, eaten too much, have felt uncomfortable. But because I've unwittingly trained myself to stop sooner I've not gone as mad as previous years.

Today I am fasting but only because I want to..and I can .....
I'm with you lil. Friday is my normal weigh in day and my normal fast days are Mon and Thurs. I didn't fast yesterday and I have overindulged since the weekend and yes I feel yuk and bloated. I've put my weight into the tracker and I'm 3lb up this week having been 2lb up the week before....and my BMI has just gone back to overweight!!! Never mind, it's my daughters birthday today so that's another feast but I'm working tomorrow so I might try a fast - I've never fasted at the weekend before. It'll all get sorted sooner rather than later.
It is Christmas and I am sure most of us have put weight on over Christmas for most of our lives. :cry: We also know that new weight comes off quickly :grin: so it will be gone by mid January :like: I do wish however that I could just click my fingers and feel as ill as I felt Boxing Day morning after the over indulgence I would never over indulge again. :wink: here's to 2014 onwards and downwards :lol: :clover:
My weight went up a kilo so I did a fast day & it's back down. 11stone is my long-term goal. (-:
Hi Lil,
It's tricky to learn how to navigate our way through the hols isn't it? Let's face it, this is new for most of us. My hubs and I are on holidays for 5-6 weeks so we've decided to do 3 modified fasts a week ( his idea) we eat our normal 5-600 calories but then at night we can have our drinks-whatever we like, usually champagne. No chips or cheese munchies just those 3 nights but we can have salso and vege crudités. I find 3 days a bit restrictive but I thought I'd try it. I can go back to 2 if I want to but he will do 3. I figure this way well still be cutting out 3000 calories a week. My best friend said ' enjoy your holiday and just aim to maintain. Who cares if you get to your goal weight in September instead of August. Big woop.' So that's what I'm thinking. I think we need to try new things so this WOE fits into our lives.I don't know if that helps at all but it may help to see how some of us are adapting during non routine times.
Good luck,
Xxx julianna
@Lilsmiler you might be amazed at how well your post Festive season fasting goes for you. I was as my body seemed to be hanging out for a very good fast and I do it that favour. You will be back into the swing in no time.

Sounds like a plan @julianna
Just got on the post Christmas scales and I'm up by 5lbs, fasting has been out the window for a while now and it still feels odd to eat every day! I'm getting back into fasting come January, but looking at the grander scheme I am over 3 stone lighter than this time last year which is amazing! Fasting is my salvation and although a break has helped me to appreciate just how much I enjoy the fasting lifestyle I an sure the first fast back is going to be a challenge! Sure they'll be plenty of us in the same boat and newbies too to support us back into the swing of it!
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