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Fell off the fasting wagon...
10 Oct 2013, 16:28
Sooo, I had lost 11 pounds with fasting && last weighed in on the 3rd August. Summer holidays and a wedding & sheer laziness meant that I didn't fast again until this week. My second fast day of this week is tomorrow & I'm looking forward to it. I'm really annoyed because I've gained almost all the 11 pounds I lost (I only have myself to blame but it still hurts!).

I'm having to give up refined sugar because I think it's giving me migraines, so that should help. My questions are ... Will you all still support this total failure & will it work for me again, and should I start my progress tracker from the beginning & if so, how do I do that??

Thank you for your time, it's good to be back. Xx
Of course we will still support you!! What a silly thing to think :p . I would say of it worked for you first time it should work for you again this time round. Well done for deciding to come back to IF! It's a big step to come back, and sometimes life gets in the way. But so what, you can always come back to it whenever. Welcome back hun and I wish you all the best xx
Course we'll support you! :D welcome back. You're not a failure, you've shown yourself that this way of eating works and you can do it again.
I would continue with your progress tracker as it is and make a note in the notes section about life getting in the way.
Not sue how to start it again, but I'm sure someone will be able to tell you.
Good luck and tell us how you're getting on
of course we're still here for you!!

If a particular week is shaping up to be too hard for 5:2, at least try 16:8 for a few days that week. Any fasting time you can get in will only help prevent the yoyo effect!!
Of course! The door is always open and its never too late to start again..and you havent put all the eleven pound back on so its not really start again,just take up where you left off x
Welcome back. You know you can do it, you've done it before. There is always support here when you need it. Good luck. :)
Welcome back. good luck :)
Is there an echo in here?
Thank you!! There seems to be a problem with me 'thanking' people, it keeps jumping to thumbs down!! However I do thank each one of you!!
16:8 is a good idea, will try to fit a couple of those in each week on top of fast days. I just wish the migraines would 'bog off'!! Xx
Hello!! Hope everyone is having a happy day. I've been fasting twice a week & doing a few days of 16:8 too (thanks for that suggestion tracieknits!) & I feel back in control. I'm also doing a couch to 5k app on a mini trampoline (can't road run cos it hurts my knees!). I've lost 5 1/2 since I last posted! Back into the 11's albeit high 11's so feeling good.
Thank you so much for the support.
Well done Pumpkin. Sounds like you have found your groove again :like:
Well done pumpkin :)
I'm another person who fell off the wagon and came back.

Years ago, the best piece of dieting advice I ever got came from a friend, who simply said "just keep getting back on the wagon" :smile: It really is a good mantra for me.

I hope this time I'll ride the wagon all the way to my goal weight, but I won't give up the long term fight if I have a short term blip again.

Keep up the good work, and well done :like:
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