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Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 05:55
Hey all, long time no speak.
As some of you know I went through some pretty awful stuff recently (all resolved now!) but in the process I just gave up on fasting. I tried to stick to like a fasting window most days but recently I've just been so bloody hungry all the time. I was going to kick start fasting again yesterday but by lunch time I was starving and dizzy! No idea why this is happening and it's making me struggle to get back into it!
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 06:17
Glad to hear that your difficulties are resolved :) but maybe your body/mind isn't quite ready to start the fasting again?

Maybe give yourself a few days when you don't try to fast, just look after yourself, and listen to what your body wants to eat. Get out in the fresh air - hopefully your weather is starting to get better!

When you do decide to start fasting again, make sure you have things to keep yourself busy, and perhaps have a miso soup (or your preferred broth) at lunch time to help with any starving/ dizzy feelings. Have a favourite meal in the evening, and a small treat.

Also think about what worked well for you when you were successfully fasting, and try to recreate that.

Very best wishes, I hope it all sorts out for you. :)
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 06:19
Thanks Sassy. I've only put on 2lb in the 4/5 weeks I've not been fasting. And that has included takeaways, mcdonalds and pizza :)

I'm going on a school trip on the weekend and camping in the holidays (week after next) so I'm hoping the fresh air and stuff will sort me out. I think I'm just struggling because for some reason I'm really exhausted and run down at the minute.
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 06:28
You must feel pleased and relieved that your weight gain has been quite minimal - so no need to rush to get back into fasting! Sounds like a good idea to enjoy the trip and the camping, build up your resistance, and then start again re fasting once you are back! :)

Enjoy the break and look after yourself :D
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 08:15
Good to see you back Danielle and in a stronger frame of mind. You still seem a bit low physically so a break will do you good and hopefully restore your health and enable you to try fasting again when you are ready. Meanwhile, enjoy your trips! x
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 09:29
Hi @Danielle21711 Was wondering where you'd got to
So pleased you've sorted your personal stuff out.
now 2lb isn't bad at all!!! But the crap food is very bad!!!
But you knew that anyway and a few good fasts will soon blast your small gain away, you know what needs doing, you know how to do it, but maybe a hot chocolate drink at the end of the day would help the dizzy spells or as for some people a little and often may be the way for you.
I couldn't do that because once I eat I actually become hungry and then can't stop, but you need to find Your best way to do this WOL.
:clover: :clover:
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 10:19
Hello @danielle21711 - very nice to see you back!

With all you have been going through, I am not a bit surprised that you fell off the wagon for a while. Knowing you are a teacher, the Easter hols will soon be upon you - and I think this would be a excellent time for you to focus on yourself. As in, resting, relaxing, pampering, catching up with good friends and eating nice nutritious food (not junk!). You had to keep going throughout the trauma of splitting up, so now take some well deserved "me time".

I am assuming you kicked him to the kerb once & for all? So now must be the time to regroup & make plans. When the holidays are over, you will be in a good place to pick up where you left off with 5:2.

Wishing you a relaxing Easter and all the very best! Xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 11:46
Glad to hear from you D coz was wondering if youre ok
Youve been thru a sad and stressful time and if youre not ready for fasting,don't worry, no one's gonna sue you!
Ok youve put two pounds back on,that's manageable. Just resolve for now not to put on any more and eat sensible nourishing food up to yr TDEE
Fasting is there for whenever youre ready,and we're always here for you. Youre part of our fasting family but none of us have to fast when it doesnt quite gel with us x
Re: Fell off the wagon
02 Apr 2014, 16:47
Lovely to have you back

Bean :heart:
Re: Fell off the wagon
28 Apr 2014, 06:47
Okay everyone, officially back!
Been trying to get back into it but just so hungry all of the time that I've been failing miserably!
But recently noticed that my confidence is low, looks wise, I'm much more bloated around my middle than when I was 5:2ing and my weight has gone upto 155lb (as of last Tuesday, I've not weighed since). Last night I reread the book to give myself a boost.

Starving this morning already (not even 8am!) but looking forward to a coffee when I get into work. I've got a job interview tomorrow and I'm mega busy in work today prepping for it and also teaching a million lessons (or 5) so I literally won't have time to think about food!!

Keep your fingers crossed for me! Xxxx
Re: Fell off the wagon
28 Apr 2014, 08:54
Good to see you back here Danielle. Hopefully a new job and a new start will give you the extra incentive you need right now to try again with 5;2. Definitely keeping everything crossed for you! x
Re: Fell off the wagon
28 Apr 2014, 09:03
Good luck! I fell off the wagon last August and it took me until 3 weeks ago to find the fasting mojo. Good luck with your job interview xx
Re: Fell off the wagon
28 Apr 2014, 10:16
Welcome back @Danielle21711 Glad all seems resolved regarding your personal life,
So onto fasting again you can do this because you know exactly what + how to do it so climb back on board, as you're busy today + tomorrow that will help
1 fastday+ 1 vgood day
When you start to feel hungry have a large glass of water followed quickly with a coffee its surprising how that little trick helps, go as long as poss before you eat. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Fell off the wagon
28 Apr 2014, 10:25
Hi @danielle21711 :heart:

Good luck with your job interview :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:

Nice to hear you are now back in the zone :like: :heart:
Re: Fell off the wagon
28 Apr 2014, 12:24
One day at a time Danielle21711. You can do it!
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