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Hello all! I am now 3 weeks into this WOE, and I am going downward and I find this mostly quite easy to do. The only thing is morning coffee! I cannot seem to give up my half and half in my 2 mugs of coffee. I am using 150 cals for that, even on fast days. So my fast days are usually about 600 cals -- still a VAST improvement for me :lol:

I simply cannot abide the taste of black coffee, so I am looking for something to put in my coffee to give it a better taste, but maybe use up less of my calorie allowance for fast days. I do 4:3 so I've got to find something...


Time to DO black coffee! I couldn't abide it either, but now I cannot take it any other way. Find a filter coffee you like and try it.
This is tricky and I have the same problem; I drink tea with milk and need 3 cups of tea which equals close to 100 calories even with skimmed milk

For coffee, some people (@rawkaren I believe is the one who started this, don't know how to make her name pop up in blue so she can see this and comment) add coconut oil and butter to make what she calls "bullet coffee". It probably has quite a few calories but apparently the fat fills you up.

I haven't tried this yet. I do like adding a spoonful of coconut oil to my coffee on occasion, but not sure I could do this every day.

I know people don't recommend low fat anything, but how about skimmed milk instead of cream or cutting down to one cup?

Otherwise I'd say just drink both cups with the half and half, enjoy the, and eat 600 calories on your fast day. This is a woe and not just a diet, so in a way, you have to be able to sustain what you're doing and you're doing great eating 600 calories on your fast day compared to what you may have normally eaten :-)

Good luck and may be others have better suggestions (that I can also benefit from) :wink:
I never ever could tolerate black coffee, until I got a Nespresso machine. Now I can. Most days, I still put about a tablespoon of milk in a "lungo" (large) pull off coffee from the Nespresso machine, but I don't have to. I can drink it black and I still enjoy it. It's got lovely crema/foam on top.

It's like a keurig machine, but it makes espresso. There's a bunch of flavor varieties. It's not cheap, but it's still cheaper than Starbucks. And the individual pods get shipping back to Nespresso for recycling. They can send you postage paid bags for this.
How about almond milk? If you buy the unsweetened kind it's half the calories of skimmed milk. The other relatively easy thing would be to replace one of the two coffees with a different drink (fruit tea?) and enjoy one coffee knowing you've halved the calories!
Tracieknits wrote: I never ever could tolerate black coffee, until I got a Nespresso machine. Now I can. Most days, I still put about a tablespoon of milk in a "lungo" (large) pull off coffee from the Nespresso machine, but I don't have to. I can drink it black and I still enjoy it. It's got lovely crema/foam on top.

It's like a keurig machine, but it makes espresso. There's a bunch of flavor varieties. It's not cheap, but it's still cheaper than Starbucks. And the individual pods get shipping back to Nespresso for recycling. They can send you postage paid bags for this.

Love my Nespresso machine and I've gotten into the habit of drinking a tiny extra strong espresso with the tiniest mouthful of dark chocolate - it is truly sublime!!
Perhaps you could gradually get used to using less half and half? I make espresso roast with Melitta filters and make it rather strong. But I only put 1 1/2 teaspoons in on a fast day. That's 7.4 ml and is only 10 calories. It's enough to cut the bitterness of coffee, but still lets the coffee flavor shine through. Just a thought.
This is more info on bulletproof coffee:

I love my morning milky coffee too. On fast days I give it up completely and switch to green tea. I figure I could do with cutting back on the caffine anyways.
Thanks for the replies and the suggestions! I think the one that I am going to try first is cutting the amount I put in each mug. Then I can try cutting it out of one mug completely, then take it from there. I must keep reminding myself "I can have this tomorrow"...and just repeat, repeat, repeat.

I am also looking at it this way: if being able to have that half and half allows me to stick to this WOE in all other ways, then I am just going to go ahead and have it.

Hi flamanette. I hope black works for you. It doesn't take long for your tastes to change. If you are low carbing, you could switch to heavy cream, or bulletproof as has already been suggested here, but it does bump up your calorie allowance (but it turns fast days into nice treat days). Almond milk is also a great suggestion. Let us know how you get on. @Tracieknits, the first thing I bought when I moved to the US was a Nespresso machine. Can't live without it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
@flamanette I just had the last mouthful of my bullet coffee. My routine is make a coffee from scratch eg grind the beans and I just use a squeaky clean coffee plunger or old fashioned dripolater coffee machine. While I brew coffee, I also blitz some unsweetened almond milk in microwave. I make half half and add 1 tspn of coconut oil butter and I heaped teaspoon of cream or butter. If I feel the need to sweeten this I sometimes add about 5 drops of stevia. You actually get to love the taste, trust me. This coffee I have around 1pm -2pm and I completely forget about eating for about 4 hours. it is weird but absolutely satisfies taste buds, Or kills the appetite. Have to remind myself to drink water.

Before the coffee earlier on in the fluid fasting day I just have a couple of black tea and a miso. See Caroees thread on tips above in the coloured balloons as I do this to stave off headache re caffeine withdrawal and the need for a salt drink is also explained

You will find your way but have to say the bullet coffee works. Your taste buds are really going to change on this journey anyway so I would also agree with peeps who now just drink black coffee
Hi @flamanette, I used to use 100 calories a day in my chai tea lattes. Then I discovered Coconut creamer made my Soy Delicious. Not to be confused with the coconut milk. The creamer is very thick and just a splash will give you the taste you are craving for a lot less calories. I also sweeten with stevia. By the way, it does not contain soy, that's just the brand name.

Also to tag someone you have to select the "full editor" option rather than just the quick reply. Where you want to insert their name you select the "tag" button on the row above the text box, Your cursor will flash in between two words of tag and you type their name in there. Make sure you don't delete any of the brackets and such out.

I just learned how to do this after about a year here...Enjoy your coffee.
The only thing to put in coffee is whisky :shock: :oops: :bugeyes: :grin:
Not sure how you would do this but I would suggest you taste different brands of black coffee because they really do all taste very different - I personally have instant Gold Blend as it is mild and not bitter. I find "real" filter coffee is often too strong, but that's just me! I also put cinnamon in it which adds a further dimension... and a Stevia tablet for my sweet tooth! :cool: But I limit myself to one cup per day and drink green tea the rest. Or buy an espresso machine and pretend that the froth is milk??? :razz:

Giving up milk in coffee is a mind over matter thing. I remember years ago I used to take two sugars in my tea and I weaned myself down to nothing over a few days and absolutely HATED the taste... Then one day I picked up my dad's tea by mistake which did have two sugars in it and I nearly gagged... realised how much nicer the tea without tasted....
When I was young I drank coffee made with full fat milk only, and a generous teaspoonful of sugar....yuk....yuk....yuk. I couldn't drink that now without a gun being held to my head, I love black unsweetened coffee now so this is how much you can change if you try. I occasionally have double cream in coffee but cannot stand the taste of milk in it, would rather have black than milky, but cream....mmmmmm. That said, I actually agree with @Jeninboston if your fast days are easier with your coffee which you enjoy and it means an extra 100 calories, so be it, this is not an endurance test, don't make it so difficult that you may be unable to sustain it. In time you may find your tastes change anyway, I'd be surprised if they don't so good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
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