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Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 16:59
I'm not sure you remember, but I tried to start this diet a few weeks ago, being concerned about my mental health (depression, anxiety, waiting for an appointment with an ADD specialist). I'm mainly doing it because I wanted to improve my depression in the long run, and for all the other health benefits (I want to lose a few kilos but I am not overweight).

Turns out it went really badly! I've been feeling so incredibly depressed, not just over fast days, but the rest of the week as well. I had to call in sick last week because I couldn't stop crying... :(

So until I get my mental health sorted out, I think I should focus on eating well and "normal" (which I generally do anyway).

I have been thinking about 16:8, since that is what my body naturally want to do (I can easily go without food until early afternoon). Does this have similar health benefits as 5:2 or is this just for weight loss?
If I get it right; you are allowed to eat during eight hours of the day?
I do have a varied schedule, so does it have to be the same eight hours every day? (for example; sometimes I get off work at 4, and then my eating window might be 12-8pm, but the days I get off at 10pm, I might want to change it to 3-11pm. Would it still work?

Thanks to everyone for supporting me in my last post - I'm sad to say I just can't do it! :(
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 17:14
Hi Fasterstronger,

Gosh, you have been having a rather hard time of it, well, worry no more, you are amongst friends. 16/8 is so easy, if that is the route you wish to go down. Forget the hours, just skip breakfast and don't nibble in the evening and you should manage it. Your 'eating window' can vary from day to day so no panic there, how easy is that? So do yourself a great big favour and don't stress about this as that will be counter productive, just relax and do what comes naturally.
I have found that a relaxed attitude to 16/8 is a wonderful, simple way to live plus, if there are any long term health benefits, you will reap them but the thing is, your should feel wonderful, energised and happy being in control of what, and when you eat,

I hope you feel better soon, do not hesitate to ask any questions here, you will find everyone is SO helpful, so, good luck and keep us up to speed with how you are doing

Ballerina x :victory: :heart:
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 17:18
Faster, your mental health is far more important right now. :heart: There are some posts by @carorees regarding health benefits of some different IF hours ie: 16:8 in the lab section. I'll see if I can dig some of those up. Give 16:8 a try, it doesn't have to be the same hours everyday, just that you give your body a good fast a couple times a week. I would say that you listen to your body (and mind) eat when you are ready and start your 8 hour clock from there if it extends abit for other reasons, no problem. The benefits of fasting seem to be more about NOT eating over our complete waking day/night. Some days may be 18:6 and others 14:10, be flexible and don't stress, eat healthy. :heart:

Lol, Ballerina said it better and faster than I did. :)
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 17:23
I do 16:8 now but very gently. I'm not ever a big brekkie or lunch eater so it's fairly easy and fits my life well.

Apparently, reading around it's the best way of eating for keeping hormones in check so it might be better for you. Suck it and see but be gentle and flex it as necessary.
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 17:39
Hi Fasterstronger, I'm sorry that you were having a difficult time doing 5:2. I'd like to echo what Ballerina and Betsy already said. If you're trying 16:8 , just relax about the eating window, just skip breakfast and try to avoid snacking after dinner and it'll be fine.

I found 16:8 to be very much manageable. I actually started out doing 16:8 for a month for several days a week before even doing a full fast, and having that "adjustment" time helped me such that my first full fast went pretty well. I lost about 3 kg on 16:8 alone, so it does work.

I do hope you will feel better very soon, and you have everyone here to cheer you on! :smile:
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 17:44
I agree with Ballerina, I found 5:2 got me very stressed and I felt constantly wound up. I have accepted that I will have to eat low carb to keep my weight down but wanted to fast in the hope of health benefits. I went 16:8 and its suits me fine. As Ballerina has said, you can juggle your days and your eating window to suit your mood and your commitments. It takes all the stress out of it. Worth a shot! Hope you soon feel better.
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 19:33
Hi fasterstronger. Having had a couple of bad bouts of depression myself over the years my thoughts and sympathy really do go out to you. Personally you've got other things on your mind, so if 5:2 isn't for you right know then please don't add them to your list of things that you're down about. Give 16:8 a go as others have posted and just see how you get on. But concentrate on getting yourself stronger faster :smile: and then you can come over to this - on the otherhand you may feel that it gives you a bit of diversion from your situation. I do hope you get an appointment soon and that it helps you. Sending you hugs and best wishes through the airwaves :hugright:
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 19:43
Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time
Your priority is to get yr mental health sorted,but also take the time to think about all the good advice offered here
Hope you will soon be back to feeling happier ..feeling down and tearful is horrible
Sending hugs x
Re: Give up or change to 16:8?
13 Oct 2013, 19:59
Take good care of yourself and agree with everyone just don't stress yourself., the eating window of eight or less hours gives you a fast while you can still eat well and nutritiously in that time frame.
All the best with you there
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