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Giving up, but not totally
20 Oct 2015, 18:34
After months of struggling with getting back at the 5:2 wagon, I decided to give up. It is just impossible for me to take up the gauntlet again after the last thyroid malfunction and I have steadily gain some of the weight I lost earlier.
But - since I hate what i see in the mirror and feel in my clothes, I decided to try something else. Here there is a health7losse weight chain called I trim and through my work we get a "health-check" that covers a bit protion of the year subscription. the deal is - eat up to 1000kcal per day and train in their gym after a certain way. Now weights,but a two way way of using the machines - push out, hold back. I also bought a set of their meal substitutes for breakfast, lunch and snack and then do a HB diet dinner.
After the first day I feel good, even think I will go back tomorrow and do the program again, it only take 30 minutes to do it.
Hopefully I will continue to feel good and be inspired to go on. Have set five goals for the next six months, among them to loose the kg I gained.
Wish me luck!
Re: Giving up, but not totally
20 Oct 2015, 20:40
Good luck Wolfie,sometimes other measures are called for..i ve been doing Slimming World for the last five got the weight moving downwards again,tho i really dislike the massive diet industry...
Have kept up the fasts (tho not twice a week regularly) coz of the health benefits x
Re: Giving up, but not totally
21 Oct 2015, 12:57
Best of luck to both of you - sometimes trying a different method of losing weight can be more beneficial than trying to keep to the system you have been using even if you have had good results in the past. Thyroid problems tend to sabotage even the best of intentions and it can sometimes feel as if the body is trying to work against you. I have had a look at Itrim and like the idea of combining exercise with an eating plan. Slimming World is also popular here in Cyprus. I like to do food combining or high fat low carb occasionally, just to see what effect it has on my energy levels and general condition, but the biggest plus for me about intermittent fasting is that no food is off limits.
Re: Giving up, but not totally
21 Oct 2015, 19:09
Good luck @Wolfie!
I hope this suits you (and your thyroid!) better. You've given 5:2 a fair try. I have a friend who loves weight-watchers; 5:2 would not suit her, just as WW would not suit me. We each have to find something we can stick to, and hopefully even enjoy!
Re: Giving up, but not totally
21 Oct 2015, 22:52
Good luck @Wolfie. Keep us posted on your progress.
Re: Giving up, but not totally
22 Oct 2015, 00:49
Alls the best Wolfie - I am sure you will find the method that works well for you.

I thought slimming world was shakes till i looked ... rence.aspx

it says
Taste the difference…

Never go hungry again! Our Free Food list includes masses of food that you can eat in unlimited amounts.
Eat as much as you want, when you want!
No food is banned! Enjoy your favourite treats every day and still lose weight.
We'll support you every step of the way – in group and online where our Consultants and your fellow members want you to succeed just as much as you do!
You set your own target. You choose the weight you want to be and together we'll achieve it.

curous.. how does it work. that you can eat as much as you want?
Re: Giving up, but not totally
22 Oct 2015, 12:51
Oh Wolfie - I'm in the same boat. My thyroid refuses to behave, even after I tried to irradiate it into submission last January. My levels are all over the place and it makes fasting so very difficult.
1000kcal a day isn't very much and I suspect it will be hard to stick with that plan for very long. You might want to consider doing the 1000 kcal program every other day. If your TDEE is 1800 calories, that would mean a deficit of 2400 to 3200 calories in a week. Or if you did it two days on, one day off, you'd see a deficit of 4000 to 4800 calories in a week. Plus that might help shakes things up so your metabolism doesn't get in a rut.

I'm trying to work with the plan from Dr. Amanda Sainsbury-Salis' "Don't Go Hungry" books, as well as reducing my carbs. I think this and my fitbit are what have kept me from regaining -- but I still have so much more to lose.

Best of luck Wolfie - I hope you find what works.
Re: Giving up, but not totally
22 Oct 2015, 13:21
As someone who has Hashimoto's Thyroid disorder I can really identify with this! Good luck to you! I am VERY INTERESTED in hearing from some long-term 5:2 fasters with thyroid conditions who have had success! I am enjoying the 5:2 fast (doing it since Sept 1). I am losing some weight. I would REALLY like some success stories / encouragement from other thyroid sufferers, and/or any stories of how 5:2 has affected your thyroid.
Re: Giving up, but not totally
22 Oct 2015, 14:28
Tracieknits wrote: Oh Wolfie - I'm in the same boat. My thyroid refuses to behave, even after I tried to irradiate it into submission last January. My levels are all over the place and it makes fasting so very difficult.
1000kcal a day isn't very much and I suspect it will be hard to stick with that plan for very long. You might want to consider doing the 1000 kcal program every other day. If your TDEE is 1800 calories, that would mean a deficit of 2400 to 3200 calories in a week. Or if you did it two days on, one day off, you'd see a deficit of 4000 to 4800 calories in a week. Plus that might help shakes things up so your metabolism doesn't get in a rut.

I'm trying to work with the plan from Dr. Amanda Sainsbury-Salis' "Don't Go Hungry" books, as well as reducing my carbs. I think this and my fitbit are what have kept me from regaining -- but I still have so much more to lose.

Best of luck Wolfie - I hope you find what works.

Thanks Tracie for the tip, sound like a good thing to do, specially since the evenings are hard not to nibble on sweet stuff ;o Interesting but the PT who did the health test before my first session said nothing about how much calories in a day I oguht to eat to loose the weight to reach my goal...have to ask what she think.
Re: Giving up, but not totally
22 Oct 2015, 14:56
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Alls the best Wolfie - I am sure you will find the method that works well for you.

I thought slimming world was shakes till i looked ... rence.aspx

it says
Taste the difference…

Never go hungry again! Our Free Food list includes masses of food that you can eat in unlimited amounts.
Eat as much as you want, when you want!
No food is banned! Enjoy your favourite treats every day and still lose weight.
We'll support you every step of the way – in group and online where our Consultants and your fellow members want you to succeed just as much as you do!
You set your own target. You choose the weight you want to be and together we'll achieve it.

curous.. how does it work. that you can eat as much as you want?

Hi JR @Juliana.Rivershaving gone to SW for the last few months,and lost weight so doing...BUTi think they have left out those two little words,"portion control.."
I knew from the get go i couldnt eat like they say in the bumph and still lose,so have kept portions smallish most of the time ( tho have cheated loads with goodies i should have limited) ...
I only go for the weigh in,i dont stay for " class" ..i stayed for a couple but didnt find it inspiring tho the leader and members are lovely and all very supportive of each other. Also lots very helpful useful material up on the walls.
Now - maybe if i stayed to class i wd know the answer to your question..
I have a feeling that as you get further down the line,perhaps they start advising you to ' cut down' portions of pasta etc? I do have a friend who was told that as she wasnt losing as quickly as she wanted to,she should look at her portion sizes.

The syns system IS helpful can have 15 "syns" ( stands for synergy) a day ...of whatever you fancy..
If you keep to that, it curbs the overeating of ' goodies' but still gives you a chance to have a few treats daily.

I see folk at my group looking visibly slimmer week by week than when i met them almost five months ago ..and i too have lost over a stone and a it does work, but i suspect its the people who do watch their portions who lose.
I think i' m losing mainly coz i know someone's gonna weigh me every wednesday teatime,and tho its in private and tho nobody is judgemental if you dont lose/gain...just that mental image of getting on the scale helps me keep focus throughout the week ( most of the time anyways)!
I think most people.unless incredibly lucky with their metabolisms, find you cant just eat and eat - apart from some veg i guess . Most foods, even given the label Free by SW, really aren't :confused: so.....its a bit like Cloud Cuckoo Land? :?: xx
Ps one interesting thing..have had a really bad cough and cold for 2 weeks...didnt lose when i got weighed at SW last night....the group leader pointed out that taking cough medicine,honey drinks etc when unwell impedes weight loss...Good point,hadnt thought about calories/sugar in medicine..had thought of the cals in honey but honey and lemon is so sooothing when you have a cold! X
Re: Giving up, but not totally
22 Oct 2015, 18:09
Oh Wolfie, I'm also wishing you success and look forward to hearing about your progress and what's happening in your daily life. The whole med issues and wellbeing is an on going conversation. Fasting works for me so far, I have no medical issues at this point apart from advanced arthritis (for someone my age?) and the weight loss and lowing carbs has worked it's magic!
@CandiceMarie you nailed it for me! [b]Size portion [/b] is key of the healthy food I eat, has also helped me maintain my loss. I think it's also easy to get complacent for many, different reasons but at least we are all up for a challenge.
Best wishes to all who have medical challenges. I salute you :heart: :clover: :victory:
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