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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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20 Aug 2013, 19:14
I have been doing 5:2 for almost 3 months and have lost 8ilbs which I am happy about. What I cant get my head around is the guilt I feel on Food days. I find I am constantly analysing what I eat, using myfitnessapal religiously and feeling guilty if I so much as have a small bar of chocolate. Do any of you feel the same? I can see I am losing the weight but can't help panicking that if I start eating normally (i.e. the odd piece of chocolate, glass of wine etc) it will all go back on! I am due to go on holiday in 2 weeks and am worried I will undo all the good I have done. Its not so much the food on hols but the empty cals in drinks that is the problem ! And to be honest if you cant enjoy yourself and have a few drinks on hols when can you!

Anyway just wanted to offload a little and see if anyone else feels the same and how they get their head around it.

Also just curious - how often do you all weigh yourselves? I tend to weigh myself every Sat morning, naked as soon as I get up - do you all do this too. I guess I think that if you weigh yourself later on in the day the food you have consumed will add weight on LOL.

I know I am strange ...... :grin:
Re: Guilt
20 Aug 2013, 19:21
I went home in April to Singapore, a food heaven. How much did I gain? Not a single thing. What did I not eat or drink? Nothing, I ate everything and anything I wanted BUT not all the time. Breakfast was skipped as I know lunch and dinner would be calorific. I did eat a single thing that I did not like or want as its a waste of calorie. I went only for the food I wanted. I dont usually drink sugary drinks but I did in Singapore.

Then there was my 4 weeks staycation. I did a 16:8 and skipped even more meals if I did not feel what I was making or being served something I want to waste my daily calorie intake. I have no problems telling people no thank you I am full or I dont like what is given to me.

Try to relax as if more 'rules' and tensed you are, the easier for you to give up.
Re: Guilt
20 Aug 2013, 19:32

You have to come to the belief that you will lose weight with 5:2 if you eat around your TDEE on non-fast days, and do fast days as outlined.

As for holiday - quick on, quick off. 5-2-diet-chat-f6/the-scale-tale-t7660.html

Have a good time!
Re: Guilt
20 Aug 2013, 19:55
Sim have just read your post on holiday diet - you have a very witty style of writing. Thank you for that, yes it is so easy to sweat the small stuff as you say with 5:2 its easy to get it off again - that will be my mantra in Cyprus :-)
Re: Guilt
20 Aug 2013, 20:14
What is the point of even doing 5:2 if you obsess over dieting on the non fast days? You might as well just do a traditional diet.

I do my fast days super perfectly, but on my non fast days I do not even think about what, or how, our how much I eat. I just eat normally, drink my wine and enjoy life. I have alot to lose and have lost 12 pounds in about 6 weeks. If I had to obsess over food on the non fast days, 5:2 would just be moot.

Do your fast days, give those days your 100%, but live your normal life on the other days
Re: Guilt
20 Aug 2013, 20:27
You are right Diane I guess its because this diet is so good its almost unbelievable and I love the flexibility of it. I will definitely stop stressing - wow 12 lbs in 6 weeks is fantastic - well done !
Re: Guilt
20 Aug 2013, 20:32
Hi my advice is similar, when I had my holiday in may I'd been on this WOL just over 4 weeks so while away I did the best I could calorie wise because I only get one holiday per year 2 & I'm lucky, so I was jollywell going to have a good time because that's what holidays are for !!!
On my return I ''knew'' I'd gained weight I also get chronic water retention
So didn't get on scales, I fasted first day and did 3 full 24hr fasts and one ''semi'' fast where I do 24hrs then eat anything I want 3 courses & wine
This usually comes in below my TDEE. I use this method probably once each week :heart: :heart: Got on scales 8days after my return exactly same weight as the day I got on the plane :heart: :heart: :heart:
So Yes my motto is easy on easy off as simo
Never before in my life have I felt this sort of control over my food that's the beauty of this WOL flexibility to ''Fit'' us so chill a little knowing you can easily repair the damage. Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: Guilt
21 Aug 2013, 09:55
Go on and enjoy your holiday and if you put on weight you have this fantactic tool which you know works eg 5:2 and you have the forum to support you. You will most likely eat less on holidays but if you don't don't worry.

Some people do 16:8 and still have a great holiday eg just skip breakfast and start eating later.

What ever you choose will be right for you. I fuss about what I eat on feast days that is why I started 16:8 as a tIme limit. Most of all enjoy your holiday with no guilt :)
Re: Guilt
21 Aug 2013, 10:03
I did 16:8 on holiday, combined with being mindful of how many carbs I was eating...especially stretchy foods as it's so easy to take just one potato rather than three, for example. This meant I could have cocktails and pre-dinner nibbles, wine with the meal, and a dessert. I lost 1lb over the three weeks. No guilt!
Re: Guilt
21 Aug 2013, 12:18
What a classic. I ate 3 choc chip cookies today but otherwise very healthy. Have been feeling guilty ever since. Thanks for reminding me about tdee, i think i did ok, now can stop worrying about the cookies! :oops:
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