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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi everyone,
I'm very excited to be going to Phuket next week :island: for 10 days including :airplane:
I'm hoping that those of you who have holidayed since starting this WOE could share with me how they approached their holiday - continue 5.2, or just 16.8, or forget it and have fun.
My goal would be to maintain my weight loss and not gain so im thinking of 16.8 ( i know this worked for Caroline/ @Carorees )and really enjoy beautiful cuisine at lunch and dinner with :drink: . My portion sizes have reduced considerably since starting so I hope this works. Any advice would be welcomed.
:heart: julianna
I had 3 1/2 weeks holiday in June, and I kept doing a full Monday fast while away, and then turned my Thurs fast into a 24 hour fast - so didn't eat until dinner, but then didn't worry about counting calories. (I liquid fast, so no calories on Monday.)

I love breakfast and didn't want to actually do much thinking about fasting/limiting my food while away, so 16:8 wasn't for me. Monday fasts are always good for me, and I didn't resent them at all. And then Thurs I was fine, because I knew I'd relax and eat soon (and I'm pretty sure I had a late lunch one of the Thursdays).

This worked well for me - no stress at all about food, I ate, drank and was merry and came home with no weight gain. I'm pretty sure this is how I'll eat once I hit my goal weight - my permanent plan.
Having been away for four months and gained 4kg, I would personally do 16:8 if were to do it again. Thai food is fab but brekkies aren't that brilliant. I'd do that if I were on holiday again!!
I think if it was me I would try to get one day of fasting in and then skip breakfasts. After that I probably wouldn't worry too much.
I think if you get one fast in a week and don't go too mad i.e having 4000 cals a day, you should maintain.
Lil :heart:
Debs wrote: Thai food is fab but brekkies aren't that brilliant.

Banana pancakes :like:
I'm jumping ahead! I thought you were talking about Christmas and New Year. :D
I've just got back today from an amazing 12 day river cruise on the Mekong. All meals and drinks were included so I ate and ate and ate and drank and drank and drank.
Just enjoy yourself it will sort itself out when you get back - at least that's what I'm hoping !!!! :grin:
Ooh we are off to Thailand too in just less than a fortnight. I had planned on 16:8 but DH is trying to put me off saying we have paid for nice breakfasts and I should just take a complete break for the six days we are away.

I'm a bit scared to go cold turkey and not sure what I will do at the time. I think maybe just skip a few meals here and there wether they be breakfast or lunch.

Hope you have a lovely time Julianna and manage to maintain :)
I've just returned from Cyprus and was amazed to find I had only gained a pound considering I had consumed half my body weight in cocktails:-)

Tbh in my opinion life is for living so enjoy your food on hols and don't stress there is no way I could have fasted for 24 hours on hols when everyone else is drinking and enjoying their food - just my opinion.

For me I tended to skip the fry ups at breakfast - just stuck to Greek yoghurt and fruit/honey for breakfast. Had mainly Greek salads for lunch (unfortunately every meal comes with a side order of chips (fries) so I gave these to my partner and then I ate normally at night and stuck to water in the day and my cocktails/wine in the evening! Worked for me as I have since lost that pesky pound plus another pound and a half since I have been back (one week).

I have been to Thailand you will love it - enjoy!!!!
We have a Bahamas cruise in a couple of weeks and went on an all-inclusive to Mexico early this year. I ended up gaining 2lbs in Mexico which wasn't bad all things considered. There was tons of walking on the beach to counteract the delicious meals. I didn't do any fasting at all; but I was conscious/careful of what I ate, had I not been the gain would have been much worse than just 2lbs.

One thing I think that helped was that we basically ate meals with little to no snacking. The food was in restaurants and buffets and not immediately available or at hand like it is at home. I think this saved me from myself because the meals were a lot more than what I normally would eat while even on a weekend, holiday, or special occasion. But, since there was no grazing, it ended up no worse than a long weekend.

I am not planning to fast during the cruise; but I might take it easy the day before and after; like a half fast or dinner only day.
43tweaker totally agree about the snacking I stuck to just the 3 meals a day not an ice cream/choc/crisps passed my lips between meals LOL!
Sounds like forum members love to travel. I went interstate and gained 1kg in a week but lost it fairly quickly.

I'd say enjoy yourself and you can always repair any gain when back home as it's only 10 days. Maybe be get in an extra fast before you leave.
Just relax and enjoy yourself. Life is too short to obsess about diets on holiday. You know how to lose any gain when you get back!
I went on 2 short breaks in quick succession, and didn't try to get back on the wagon in between, so had a 2 week period when I just skipped breakfast (so sort of 16:8) and ate and drank for Britain the rest of the time. I lost a pound at the end of it.

I'd suggest try a loose version of 16:8 if you can, but either way just relax and enjoy your holiday. If you do put a bit of weight back on, you know you can lose it later.

Have fun!
Thanks everyone. :like: Great ideas I will sneak a third fast in next week. I have been 5.2 plus added 16.8 in the last month so I am used to not eating till midday- 2 pm everyday now. My DH will be at a conference for the first 3 days so I can eat when it suits me so I'll aim for lunch and dinner. The next 3 mornings brekky is included so well have that as late as possible. That's the general plan but I plan to enjoy myself and not stress so I'll just 'go with the flow' . Like we all know- if i gain anything I know how to lose it when I get back. I think Julie or Sue suggested not weighing in on return until the morning after the 2nd fast. That sounds like a good plan.
@Wineoclock ! Your back! We missed you. I'm so glad you had a great time.
Cheers, :drink: :drink: :drink:
:heart: Julianna
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