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I just picked what I thought I could get down too. I know I was about 12 stone wghen I had my eldest so it seems reasonable to get there again but it isn't about the numbers for me I will go to maintenance when I think I look ok. My DH will soon tell me if I need to lose or maintain.

theres a 96 reply thread that i started a month or so ago as i had the same question. or more of a case of realising by original goal weight from April last year was just too low. might be worth reading through as some inspirational stuff in here

it got a bit heated in that thread though which is a shame. but good reading nonetheless

btw still set on 69.0 kg as my goal final weight.. not original one of 68.0 kg. with 69.9 i know im likely to fluctuate from around 68.5 to 70.0 and that i think will be good. basically want to see Libra trend weight as spot on 69.0 and if i see it up to say 69.5 im going to return to full on 4:3 ...well thats the pla

as to how i arrived at this goal weight.. i think its what i was for at least a decade before 2012 when i felt relatively good with my figure
I'm just trying to get back to a weight I feel flatters my frame. I am quite tall so I'd be happy being a comfortable size 10 / small 12. My trousers are getting noticeably looser, even tho the scales dont follow the path I'm wanting them to quickly enough...
I put 10 stone into the Progress Tracker as my goal as that was the weight I was nearly two years ago when I gave up smoking. I put two stone on which is why I'm here now to sort it out. 10 stone would give me a BMI of 22.6, but I will see how my waist/height ratio is then. Since all my fat is stomach fat I have a feeling it won't be at 50% or lower. I was wearing a UK size 12 jeans then but still had a flabby belly. Since for health reasons it is stomach fat which is dangerous, I'd consider going lower to 9st 4 which would give a BMI of 21 - which I have read is 'ideal'. But I'll just see how it goes.
I plucked 65kg out of the air, when I started at 80.7kg, but now I'm over half way there I am thinking perhaps I should go a little further. I'd like to be under 10st, maybe 9st 7 to allow for the feast I'm going to have when I reach my goal, inspired by Gargantua and Pantagruel.
When I started this WOE I was 10st 4lbs and 5' tall. When I got married in 1984 I weighed 7st 12lbs but for most of the next 30 years I've been 8st something. I picked 8st 7lbs as a reasonably healthy weight not too scrawny and not too heavy. I could still lose a bit but I'm not sure that I'm prepared to eat so little. I'm maintaining at the moment and going to see how I feel after a few months.
When I started about a year ago, I picked 137 as a goal. It was about what I weighed in my mid to late 30's when I got pregnant with my daughter. (I had been in 120's in my 20's.) I looked and felt well due to my athletic build. Most importantly, I was looking to dodge the Type 2 diabetes bullet. Once I got there, it just seemed a good thing to go a little lower and have a bit of a safety margin. So, I picked 128-9 out of the air. I didn't really think about saggy skin--probably should have as I'm 65! However, even though it's a bit saggy, it is better than saggy and fat. :razz: I'm at 132 this morning. I feel well, most of my clothes are US size 8. Truly, what I feel like is myself! I feel like I've shed a skin that I grew to deal with stress. The "skin" wasn't me. Now I feel like me. :cool: :heart:
I'm sure you aren't "porky" @loversghost :grin:

Bean :starving:
Thanks for reminding me of your thread @Juliana.rivers, very interesting, but as you say, a bit of a ding-song ensued.

I originally plucked a figure out of the air, but now I'm going to see whether I can get to 120 lbs, which the NHS website assure me is a BMI of 20.5 and healthy for a women of my age who is 5' 4". I know that BMI is a fuzzy number for many reasons, but I'm not exceptionally tall, short or muscular, so it is good enough

If it doesn't feel right then I'll stop at just under 9 stone; but I'll go by how I feel and not by whether anyone, male or female, tells me I look gaunt. When women comment on your weight loss their motives are not always straightforward
. :frown:
I am 63 years old, 5'4" in height and of slight build and at the start of the diet way back last September I weighed 67k and I just thought that 58k seemed a good target I had been back in my youth. However, when I got to that weight I realised I still had fat to shift, so lowered my target to 54k. I am at 55.5k now and I am aware that 54k would be a good weight for me, leaving some fat 'just in case'. No science in that at all just the 'feel good' factor as far as I am concerned.
Just do what is right for 'your' body. :heart:
nursebean wrote: I'm sure you aren't "porky" @loversghost :grin:

Bean :starving:

That's very kind of you - but I used to think I had a 'large frame' and would be happy at about 11.7 - I got there and found out I haven't got a large frame and I really do still have a lot of 'spare'!!! But I'm not obsessive about - don't care about being thin - just happy to be healthier. But thank you! :smile:
I only picked my goal weight of 11.7 because that's what I was pre children and very physically fit. Think it will make my BMI 24.
I picked 9st 7 as being realistic if nowhere near my lowest weight. I then looked at the Duken ideal weight which said 9st 10[the emails from them seem to have finally stopped]. Then I stalled around 9st 12 and had a rethink, so I removed the goal weight from my tracker and posted else where that I was going to carry on until my birthday and reassess then. I also looked at why I'd stalled and have cut out most of the naughties that were creeping back on ordinary days. The result is I've hit 9st 10 but I need a bit more leeway to allow for life so I am planning to stick to the birthday idea and see how I feel then. To try for my lowest ever weight would be daft at y age- it was around 8st. 9 st. wouldn't be silly but it would probably be unsustainable and require too many new clothes.
I think I'm just confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just assess as I go along. I was aiming to lose about 8 stone but have lost another 8lb after that so weigh in at around 198lb/89kg/14st2lb. I could quite happily lose another half a stone or so but I'm in size 16 (uk) from a 26/28. I'm fitter than I have been in years and have managed to maintain my weight for the last 3 very indulgent weeks :wink: lots of birthdays/baking/eating out! I'm in no rush to drop another dress size (think that would require surgery for the jelly belly! :oops: )
:oops: When I was 14 st plus I just wanted to get to 12 st, my first goal..then achieved 11st, and now 10.11... My target now is 10.7....will I get there who knows but I aim on staying with 5:2 and 16:8 because it works! So a shifting goal for me, but I am happier now with how I feel so it can only get better! X
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