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How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 05:54
It may sound strange, but I am not sure if I know how hunger feels. I have been doing 5:2 for two weeks now (4 fasts). I was afraid that I would feel weak, shaky and faint during fastdays, which fortunately isn't the case. But I am not sure if I am feeling hungry either. I just have this strange feeling of an empty, hollow stomage. Is that what one feels when hungry?
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 06:00
This is really odd because I was going to do a post asking people to describe what their hunger felt like.
Mine gets to the point where it's so bad it's almost painful and it makes me tired and weirdly, makes my eyes hurt?
It's a growling of nothing if that makes sense. But I do find once it's at it's very worst, it goes away after about 15 mins and stays away but I still want to eat?
Lil :heart:
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 06:19
Same as you Rasa, an empty hollow feeling in my stomach. When I first fasted it was a more urgent I need to eat feeling but that has mellowed out.
Lilsmiler I always want to eat that has never gone away, I love eating.
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 06:21
I hope mine mellows out!
Lil :heart:
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 06:24
How long have you been fasting Lil? Took me a while to adjust. The thing that kept me going was knowing when I do eat I am really going to enjoy it, and I really do!! :grin:
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 06:28
7 weeks! I'm finding myself actually getting excited waiting for my fasts, lol. Sad I know.
Lil :heart:
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 06:56
I feel empty. And like gurgling but not too loud. It's an odd feeling I can't describe. I have been doing this for awhile and I always read on here that hunger goes away but once I get it I can distract myself but it doesn't go away.
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 09:20
I find it varies from just being aware that I haven't eaten for some time, to having a growling tummy (which other people comment on) and other times a general feeling of weakness. I do drink a lot of water throughout the day, so most times I don't have any hunger pangs, but I can actually feel the water passing through my stomach - similar to when you eat an ice cream and you feel cool inside!
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 10:15
For me I rarely feel hungry at all which is also weird considering my size etc at the start :heart: :heart: I know truly believe that what I thought was hunger was as I've read on here + in the book in fact Thirst because I've never been good with liquids of any sort especially water. I do still get cravings but I don't give in the same, also the little gurgling I get I convince my self it's my body processing my food and '' Fat burning ''
Well I need all the help I can get and it's about time my brain was used again for whatever reason. Good Luck all :clover: Sue
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 10:31
I can have a very 'vocal' stomach, especially at night. I find it a bit of a relief when my tummy finally rumbles after it's been building up for a bit. Generally on fasting days I feel a bit 'out of it' - less perky and focussed than days when I've eaten breakfast. I find myself grinding my teeth or having a tense jaw as well which I was never aware of doing before fasting. By the time it gets to dinnertime and I've been fasting all day I do feel very lethargic although not actually rumbling hungry sometimes. By then I'm fantasising about tomorrow's food and wanting to go to bed. Of course now, when I get into bed on a fast day, I'm totally wired for about 15-20 mins before falling into (hopefully) a deep sleep, from which I wake up feeling like I've been drugged.
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 10:39
Along with rumbling belly and the other usual symptoms, I get this sort of detached spaced-out feeling. I get it when I'm very tired too.
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 10:55
tinsel81 wrote: Along with rumbling belly and the other usual symptoms, I get this sort of detached spaced-out feeling. I get it when I'm very tired too.

This is exactly how I felt on Tuesday - time of the month plus fast day at home - I just felt so weird. Headaches and an odd earache (like having catarrh). Thankfully today's much better.

Really wouldn't want to do longer fasts like 3 days - I'd be a wreck!
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 18:36
So, this is it? The empty stomage feeling is hunger? I have never known it was so easy to deal with voluntary hunger. I find it a bit boring, a day without food. And yes, sometimes I even feel a little 'uneasy' or so (hard to describe). But this is it? What a discovery!
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 19:00
My hunger comes and goes throughout the fasting day, and generally the feeling of hunger is far less than those of not being hungry.
When hunger strikes, it can go from a little tummy discomfort to feeling rather nauseous. Knowing that the feeling will pass, usually with the help of a few slugs of water, the feelings are not too hard to deal with.
Re: How does hunger feel?
29 Aug 2013, 20:01
I just feel empty but find I'm not actually hungry anymore on fast days which I like to think is ketosis kicking in, but think its probably more mind over matter! I also can feel water hit my stomach which is very odd and the bathroom trips on a fast day are ridiculous!
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