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How much weight did you gain between Dec 15 2013 and Jan 15 2014 or thereabouts

Poll ended at 31 Jan 2014, 01:03

I lost weight
Maintained same weight (approximately)
1g to 200g (to 1/2 pound)
201g to 500g (1/2 pound to 1 pound)
501g to 1kg (1 pound to 2.2 pounds)
1kg to 1.5kg (2.2 pounds to 3.3 pounds)
1.5kg to 2kg (3.3 pounds to 4.4 pounds)
2kg to 4kg (4.4 pounds to 9 pounds)
more than 4kg (more than 9 pounds)
Total votes : 95

I gained about 7/8lb over Christmas...I only managed to fast once and then I was eating so much. Although I'm sure some of it was water weight. However after 2 weeks of 4:3 I have almost lost it, I'm hoping after this week I'll be back to my pre-Christmas weight.
daydreamer21 wrote: I gained about 7/8lb over Christmas...I only managed to fast once and then I was eating so much. Although I'm sure some of it was water weight. However after 2 weeks of 4:3 I have almost lost it, I'm hoping after this week I'll be back to my pre-Christmas weight.


given this poll and the comments, im going to delay my updating of the Christmas club weigh ins till mid Feb to make sure that we dont include any Christmas excesses people are sstill working on. If most people can get themselves back on track by end Jan then there will be some that need a few more weeks. and it does seem many have gained in excess of 1.5kg or 3 pounds.

I will also probably be able to "borrow" some numbers from people's weigh ins from the Valentine club. as i rarely see the christmas club in poeple siggies and sometimes the only thing i can go on is people's progress charts.

so thank you to anyone that has this in their siggy .. all i need to make it quick

christmas club member: nn
total weight lost since joining club : nn (in kg if you can)
Hi @Juliana.Rivers - I am quite alarmed to see I had put on so much weight before and over Christmas/New Year an increase of 5kg!!! :shock:

I didn't really Fast at all before Christmas and a few weeks after, I think the stress of my sons wedding and then Christmas just led me to make not very good wise food choices. :dazed:

However, that is now behind me and I am delighted to report since taking up the Valentine Challenge I have now lost the 5kg!! :heart: :heart:

Its off, never to be seen again!! :wink:

Two fast days together with way more mindful eating on the other days, I also don't feel the need to snack and I am sure my appetite is 'shrinking'.

This WOE is definitely working for me, and I believe I am now comfortable with what and how I am going and the determination I have. :like:

cheers Maggie. :smile: :smile: :smile:
Tracieknits wrote: I think two things helped me over the holidays - and I plan to do them again this year.

1) I weighed myself every day. Weighing daily is not necessarily for everyone, but it doesn't make me crazy anymore. I have a fitbit scale that syncs to my computer via wifi and it tracks my weight for me. I find that weighing every day really shows me how what I did yesterday affected me today. It makes me more mindful, and I may cut a smaller slice of cake or only have one cookie instead of four.

2) Hubby and I agreed to have a vacation from dieting for two weeks. We were going to try not to stuff ourselves. But we were going to eat whatever we wanted, mindfully and slowly until we were just barely satisfied. Yes, as a consequence we had some terribly naughty things in the house that we made every effort to eat up before the morning of January 1 :-D It was a wonderful break that prepared us emotionally to recommit to fasting.

Love your plan @Tracieknits. Thanks for sharing
Maggiee wrote: Hi @Juliana.Rivers - I am quite alarmed to see I had put on so much weight before and over Christmas/New Year an increase of 5kg!!! :shock:

I didn't really Fast at all before Christmas and a few weeks after, I think the stress of my sons wedding and then Christmas just led me to make not very good wise food choices. :dazed:

However, that is now behind me and I am delighted to report since taking up the Valentine Challenge I have now lost the 5kg!! :heart: :heart:

Its off, never to be seen again!! :wink:

Two fast days together with way more mindful eating on the other days, I also don't feel the need to snack and I am sure my appetite is 'shrinking'.

This WOE is definitely working for me, and I believe I am now comfortable with what and how I am going and the determination I have. :like:

cheers Maggie. :smile: :smile: :smile:

well done @Maggie 4 weeks to getting your Christmas weight off is great. regardless of the number.

yes love this WOE too .
I had a bit of a plateau going on in December because of a lot of socialising. Then on 23rd December I had a surprisingly low weigh in and hit my christmas target much to my amazement. One week later I had put on 2.8lb and since then have been gradually edging downwards again.
I weighed myself after Christmas Day/Boxing Day feasting and I had gained 1kg. I did not weigh myself again until 6th Jan (my official weigh in day) and I was back to 59.4kg which is what I was just before Christmas. So while I gained a kilo I lost it very quickly (methinks it was more fluid retention from too much carbs) so I voted for no change in weight. If you want to be pedantic I lost a kilo in just over a week to get back to my pre-Christmas weight.

Over the festive season I ate pretty much whatever I wanted and however much I wanted but I just can't eat as much as I used to (if I overeat now I get "rapid transit") so overall I was eating less than this time last year.

I gained 3.5lbs over the festive break - thats pretty good by my standards. I have been known to gain 5lbs !
wow what a range. - my christmas gain .. more like a jan one is very evident.

at least im aware and can action it.


any more results as the poll closes at end of weekend.
I put on about 1.5kg over the holiday, but at the beginning of Dec my weight had already started to sneak up out of maintenance because of lots of socialising. I'm struggling with motivation at the moment, but at least I've stopped increasing...
Really interesting to read about everyone's experiences over the festive period. Very reassuring overall and great to see such positive attitudes whatever the experience - and even those who didn't feel so positive, got back on the wagon.

I felt like I was back to my old habits over the Christmas period and 2 week holiday that followed, but maybe I didn't eat as much as I would have previously?? I do know I ate a whole 1 kg tin of Quality Street on my own....

I was too scared to weigh myself straight away on my return, so did 3 fasts in 5 days then weighed. The measurements were very similar to my last official weigh-in, tho a little higher than the non-official weigh-in that I did on a day just prior to Christmas when I was feeling light (ie tummy not full).

So I estimate I gained 1-2lbs, some of which has come off. But I would say that this sort of gain is within the error bounds of my scales, so it is hard to know what really happened. My tummy certainly was very bloated most of the time, due to all the white carbs/ sugar, but I can only attribute not gaining a lot more weight to being much more active and maybe (hopefully!) the body starting to think that my current weight is what is "normal" for me now?? Probably a bit early for that tho (I have read somewhere that it takes 2 years at a steady weight for the body to assume that is your normal weight).

It will be very interesting to see how we all go next Christmas, with all the knowledge that we have gained and shared from last year's experience.

Best wishes to all, esp those still trying to remove the last bit of festive season gain. :)
Last day for poll is tomorrow.
Please let us know your experience.

Hopefully most of us are now close to being back at pre-Christmas weight. I still have about 400g to go!
Hello Juliana I gained 4 lbs over Christmas from Christmas Eve to the end of December & quickly lost that. I am now stuck & have stayed nearly the same weight +/- 1/2 lb for the past three weeks :frown:
4:3ing doesn't seemed to have helped me so back to 16:8 & 5:2ing with also trying to reduce my carbs & get more active.
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