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As the title says on feast days I'm just so hungry once I've broken my fast.
Before that, the hunger hasn't really started or is at least bearable.
I fasted yesterday with soup and low cal noodles at about 6.30PM and got an early night. I woke up in the night a bit peckish but told myself porridge was waiting for me in the morning and went back to sleep. This morning I woke up and wasn't overly hungry so I just had my coffee but didn't have my porridge and waited until 9.00AM when I had three boiled eggs.
An hour after that I was wanting my lunch! I had some grapes as a snack and some herbal teas to try to get rid of it at about 11 but it just left me even hungrier and by 12 the hunger was almost painful, much worse than a fast day.
I have just waited until 1.00PM for my sushi but it was difficult and I can tell by 3/4 I am going to be starving! I have no other food though until I get home tonight so I am telling myself I will have to be satisfied with a milky coffee until dinner (chicken stirfry).
Does anyone else get this? It's so annoying.
Lil :heart:
Yes, oddly I find the same thing, but if I don't bother eating it doesn't worry me, and in fact today I didn't eat until lunchtime after my fast yesterday. I like breakfast but have now found I can live without it and I am not going to spiral into some sort of dangerous lifestyle as some health professionals would have you believe! My only problem is that I do like oats and cereal and now often have it for lunch instead!!
Hmm me too, I was quite sad not to have my porridge this morning!
I'm not sure what I can do to combat this but it is nearly 4PM and I am nowhere near ravenous like I assumed I would be this morning when I wrote that post which you would think was a good thing but I'm now worried I underestimated the calories in my lunch, but that is another story!
Lil :heart:
It doesn't look as though you had much to eat today anyway, and what you did have looks reasonably healthy to me, unlike the butter covered muffin I just had with afternoon tea, oops!
I've just watched the program again after a few months, couldn't do the three days in a row!!
I feel the same. My fast days are a "doddle", but the following day I could eat my arm! I have granola for breakfast but make sure I take healthy snacks for during the day. It seems as soon as carbs hit my body the hunger starts. However it does seem to settle by lunchtime. Just one of those things we have to get used to I suppose.
That sounds delicious debs! No I guess it's not a bad day of food, I just love seeing the scales drop and I want to see a decline the next time I weigh like I did on Friday :)

Jkw, yes I have found that ravenous feeling has subsided slightly since this morning :$

Lil :heart:
I think if u had had ur porridge you would have been OK - if I have a big bowl of porridge I'm full for hours...if I don't eat I'm ravenous!
Thanks gmh, I just didnt want to eat when I wasn't hungry you know? Want to get out of that habit :smile:
Lil :heart:
This is exactly why I never eat breakfast, I'd be 3 stone heavier again in no time as it just 'opens' my window, doors, flood gates and MOUTH! If I eat too early I just seem to spend the rest of the day like a baby bird, flapping around with my beak open squawking for food non stop, it's not a pretty sight, honest.

Ballerina x :heart:
Thanks Ballerina, do you think I should try going without breakfast?
Lil :heart:
I try to avoid breakfast as well, for the same reasons as Ballerina's. However I found a compromise, well 2 compromises

I have a real treat for brreakfast saturdays on sundays (like a croissant for example) and once a month I make a big brunch and it's the only big meal I have during the day

On some of the days I don't fast, I have a breafkast for dinner (for example home made pancakes with yogurt and fruits).

Both help me to not feeling frustrated :wink:

Breakfast is the one thing that people can either do without happily or they just cannot function without it. I am never hungry when I wake up so its easy for me and it can be for you but if you wake up ravenous it might not be do-able, try it, see how you get on, nothing to lose except fat
Ballerina x :heart:
Don't eat breakfast either. I really don't want anything until noonish. And for sure once you eat your tummy wants more. It wants to be satisfied. And little nibbles don't turn off that feeling. I fell into the trap of eating breakfast a few years ago and it seemed I was always hungry. Maybe it is like the Hunter Gatherer idea. Some of us Hunters have to wait for the kill and some Gatherers are betteroff nibbling as they walk along.
I could easily do 3 facts in a row, and like many I'm not hungry the day after my fast so I skip breakfast, but yes once I start to eat it takes humungus ( if that's a word ) amount of willpower not to nibble, obviously I'm human and do indulge but with certain foods once you taste you can't stop :shock: the fact that I'm doing so well on this WOL keeps me motivated but I've a long way to go and do so WANT to get there this time. Keeping occupied is one solution, if you've no more work/housework to do take a walk to see if that acts as a suppressant as it does for me. Good Luck in turning the must-eat button off :clover: Sue
Avoiding carbs at breakfast & substituting with a serve of protein also works here, for example scrambled eggs & smoked salmon or a nice big bowl of Greek yoghurt (this is what I'm having this morning sweetened with a little Stevia & also add some shredded coconut just cause I love it!). If I have something carb heavy which I tend to do at the weekend, bagels for example, I make sure I have protein with it & it keeps the hunger away til lunch time.
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