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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:27
Following my AWOL thread last night I am here on my first fast day in months.

As promised I am posting my weight which is currently 17 stone 11 pounds. I got down to 16 stone 10 pounds on this diet but then went off the rails came back with good intentions then went off the rails again!

So I'm back feeling hungry but I have a bottle of water and a pear to see me through the day and have corned beef hash with veg to look forward to tonight. A nice healthy portion of hash for me.

Wish me luck I am going to check in often on this thread to keep me on track!

Also can u change your diet start date? Or can admin change it to today for me?!
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:32
hi Claire and good to see you back lol!!

I am fasting today as well, as many others so we're all in this with you :-)
as for the tech questions sorry I cant help but someone will no doubt!

good luck!!
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:37
Claire you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to if you really want to do it. You mustn't have had your head in exactly the right place when you first started but now it sounds like you are extremely motivated and are going to bloody well do this!!! Remember, take each day as it comes and if one fast day goes out the window just think to yourself that you can either swap it for another day or just do one fast that week. Even one fast will make a massive difference. Every little helps and all that. And we are always here when things start getting hard....I honestly don't think I would have stayed on this WOL without this wonderful forum and it's users. So good luck!!!!
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:45
Hope all goes well this time . I think you have to PM Moogie to change dates
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:45
Have a good fast, Moogie is the one to ask about resetting your start date, I'm sure she'll be along soon. :smile:
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:45
Hi there Claire, good to see you back, confessions and all. Feeling hungry is good for the soul.
You've done the worst bit now by admitting you fluffed it up first time round. Thats in the past, get over it. You've posted your weight, well done, that's the thing you can do something about. 2 days a week, that's all. You have SueQ coming to (virtually) live with you ( I'd be more scared off that than a fast, I fear she could be pretty bossy about this if the need arises!) oh and the forum members cheering you on, what more do you need??

Step away from the kitchen & good luck xx
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:47
Thanks everyone, I love this forum! Its so supportive.

I just popped into tesco for a big bottle water, walked straight past the warm almond croissants that have been a particular favourite! :shock:
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:50
The best of luck to you Claire. :heart: You CAN do this!
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 08:55
Merlin wrote: Hope all goes well this time . I think you have to PM Moogie to change dates

Thank you , I have sent her a PM.

I don't like that my weight loss says minus :cry:
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 09:03
You go girl :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 09:16
:heart: :heart: Good Morning Claire. :heart: :heart:
Just take it one day at a time !! you know that if you fail on a fastday you can always do tomorrow BUT you can also run out of tomorrow's so you have to be determined to make each fastday count and if you need to go over your calories then do so because if you have 100 cls its got to be a hell of a lot better than the amount you've been having :shock: :shock:
Good. Luck Claire but you don't need that you need Determination :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 09:22
Good luck Claire! You've already done extremely well by walking past those croissants!! Just stick to lovely, simple, 5:2 and soon you'll be looking at your ideal weight! Well I say soon but we're all tortoises here and like to take things slow and steady!!

Have a great day!

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 09:37
Good luck Claire! I think it is very brave that you fell off the wagon and came back publicly - just hang in there and if you have a bad day (as we all do) then just write it off and start again the day after !
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 09:53
Love your determination Claire and organisation for the fast day. Just think how chuffed you will be tomorrow that you have achieved a fast day
Re: I can and WILL do this!!!
14 Nov 2013, 10:00
Well done for starting again today Claire! Lots of support here for you :-)

Just remember that you've chosen to fast today, and it's only today, back to normal tomorrow. So in the face of any temptations think of your lovely corned beef hash tonight, grit your teeth and be strong. All you have to do is not eat until dinner - simple!!

When your stomach rumbles - it's normal! Have a drink!

If I can fast whilst baking/icing/selling cupcakes all day long, you sure as heck can too!
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