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Re: I feel DREADFUL......
10 Nov 2013, 02:01
Aw you are just testing maintenance with a blow out, will be interesting to get your feedback

Fasting here today and have a carb tummy, it is making so much noise. Have to say even on a fast say dark chocolate and vanilla ice cream yum
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
10 Nov 2013, 08:54
Wineoclock wrote: I hope your feeling better Domane. I feel pretty awful too but mine is from too much wineing. Oh my aching head. Of course the worst part is knowing I did this to myself. :cry:


SNAP :cry:

Ballerina x
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
10 Nov 2013, 09:04
I had too much yum cha for lunch, with shallot cake and barbecued pork buns the culprits. My stomach hurts after the carb overload. I always enjoy a glass of red wine late Sunday afternoon but that will do me for dinner tonight. As tomorrow is a fast day I might regret not eating in 24 hours.
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
10 Nov 2013, 12:59
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support - you're all very lovely!

In the end, I felt so rough that I toddled off to bed at around 9pm, slept for pretty much TWELVE hours solid, had a good... er.... *cough* "empty out" this morning and then went to do two day's worth of poo-picking (140!!!!) from the horses field. Just had a late, but small, porridge brekkie... so actually fasted for 21 hours, unintentionally. Employer is having a lunch party today so I'm off shortly to wait the table for her 12 guests so I'll be burning off more whizzing around on my feet than my usual relaxing Sunday. The scales weren't too hard on me this morning (for me, the next day is deffo the one that shows the damage rather than 48 hours), especially as I'd actually lost a couple of pounds last week anyway. Still, back to being good again now.

Looking back, the lovely taste of all those carbs definitely wasn't worth all that discomfort, so I can categorically state for the record that I WON'T be bingeing again!!!! "Moderation" will now be my key word!
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
10 Nov 2013, 16:26
:heart: :heart: That's how we learn our lessons the hard way :shock:
Glad you're back to being good today and enjoyed your waiting on and extra exercise doing it :clover: :clover: Sue. :clover: :clover:
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
11 Nov 2013, 01:27
It doesn't even seem that much if that's all you had all day? I bet you didn't go over 2000cals :)
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