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I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:28
.... and it is a self-inflicted learning experience.....

I went to an event called Your Horse Live today, where I was part of a captive audience with a not-vast array of catering choices. I was weak and over the course of the day I ate a bacon roll, some sweets, a hamburger and some mini doughnuts!!! :shock:

Suffice to say, I now feel absolutely awful.... physically. My stomach, whilst not bloated (surprisingly!) is churning and very uncomfortably full, even though I stopped eating at 3pm, nearly 6 hours ago! The mental guilt will hit tomorrow when I step on the scales. A useful exercise to enforce my suspicions that my body really doesn't tolerate large quantities of carbs any more.
It won't happen again. I'm off to bed at on a Saturday night because at the moment I fear I will barf.....
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:31
Whatever you do, step away from the scales until Tuesday. Funny how we appreciate decent food on this WOE,
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:35
Yes I would avoid the scales for a bit...until you feel better! And don't worry too much about it. We all overindulge from time to time :-)
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:43
Hell no... I know that I retain tons of water to digest carbs, so I'm interested in seeing just what the damage IS in the morning, compared to how different it will be on Monday..... I really AM going now... nunight *waves*
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:43
Yes agree with rawkaren and nursebean - stay away from the scales - what is the point of putting yourself through it? Have a rest tomorrow, relax, don't have too much to eat - steak and veg or salad - and put it behind you... It is only one day, and a couple of meals.
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:45
You were captive. We live and learn (or not sometimes) but we survive to tell the tale.
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:46
I agree, stay away from the scale. I like it when my body tells me I've eaten too much of the wrong thing, I don't like the feeling ofcourse but I know I'm much less likely to do it again any time soon. In the past my body told me nothing and I just kept on eating. Don't stress about it, be happy your body told you and you listened. And drink some water to help with the churning. :)
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 20:59
Domane wrote: Hell no... I know that I retain tons of water to digest carbs, so I'm interested in seeing just what the damage IS in the morning, compared to how different it will be on Monday..... I really AM going now... nunight *waves*

Noooo, its the day after the day after it hits...
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 21:18
It's wierd isn't it ..... I went out to dinner last night, a business dinner, to my favourite restaurant.

I'm a mainteneer now, and my weight is actually BELOW where it should be :shock: :shock: :shock:

So I thought to myself ....... you are "under-weight", so "Go for it" have a fab time and indulge ......

So I did.

And, honestly, it was FAB, & thank you 5:2 for giving me the latitude to be able to enjoy it. And I will always be glad that I ate that meal because it delighted so many senses (way to go Normandy!) but .......... I could almost feel my tummy bloating as I ate all those carbs & things that I no longer eat!.

As I say ..... weird ........ & GOOD :)
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 21:51
You poor thing Domane. Hope you are feeling better now. 1 fast day will get you back to where you want to be. :-)
Please tell us @AnnieD - what did you eat at your favourite restaurant?
Xxx julianna
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 22:09
julianna wrote: Please tell us @AnnieD - what did you eat at your favourite restaurant?
Xxx julianna

Well, I was tempted to tell you, but then I worried about peoples sensibilities, and then I thought well...... we're all grown up & we know people eat different things ......

The starter was a bit controversial, but a bit fabulous ... Carpaccio of boudin noir .... as I was typing the explanation of that I realised how bad it sounded so I'll leave those of you who are serious meat-eating folk to look it up.

Followed by a duo of fish on a bed of endives & potatoes

And then, and this is what just blew my mind away because I normally don't like it, a dark chocolate cake (mousse!) with vanilla ice-cream

Words cannot describe the taste explosions that I had the pleasure to experience .... that is what eating is all about (& all in small portions, so that's good :))
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 23:38
AnnieD wrote:
julianna wrote: Please tell us @AnnieD - what did you eat at your favourite restaurant?
Xxx julianna

Well, I was tempted to tell you, but then I worried about peoples sensibilities, and then I thought well...... we're all grown up & we know people eat different things ......

The starter was a bit controversial, but a bit fabulous ... Carpaccio of boudin noir .... as I was typing the explanation of that I realised how bad it sounded so I'll leave those of you who are serious meat-eating folk to look it up.

Followed by a duo of fish on a bed of endives & potatoes

And then, and this is what just blew my mind away because I normally don't like it, a dark chocolate cake (mousse!) with vanilla ice-cream

Words cannot describe the taste explosions that I had the pleasure to experience .... that is what eating is all about (& all in small portions, so that's good :))

I'm salivating especially since it is my fast day! I too have over eaten for the last two days as have had 3 meals out in two days. Woke up today 1.5kg heavier but not as stressed as I used to be when that happened as I'm fasting today and will skip an extra breakfast this week and I know I will lose it but I have the good memories and no feelings of deprivation. Got to love that! :grin:
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
09 Nov 2013, 23:44
As a bird watcher, when I saw boudin noir, my heart sank as I thought, blackbird, lark or something equally cute and small. But then I realised what it was, good ol' black pudding!!!!
Mind you, the dessert looked right up my street!!!
Re: I feel DREADFUL......
10 Nov 2013, 00:36
I hope your feeling better Domane. I feel pretty awful too but mine is from too much wineing. Oh my aching head. Of course the worst part is knowing I did this to myself. :cry:
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