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A bit annoyed with myself. Fasting well yesterday but I had to step out to get some last minute groceries for dinner and walked past my current favourite sweet treat. Crystallised ginger that comes in at a whopping 350 calories per 100g or 440 calories for the 125 gram packet

well first it was 2 or 3 .. then a break then 3 more .. then by midnight they were gone

No control

so instead of a steady weight i showed an extra 2 or 3 hundred calories.. all in those damn sweets. and you know whats annoying on the packet, not that thats why i bought it but it has this large sales speel.. Low fat high energy

yeah high sugar 100g in the packet.

Easy solution for next time. Just don't buy it.

Has anyone had the same with something they cant stop at one. For my sister its Turkish delight.
Very yummy though but thanks for the heads up as I have some in a glass jar in my pantry and as I threw out the packet I am unaware of the sugar content. Will think twice about having a nibble
Nuts are my downfall. I have them in the house so it isn't a question of not buying them, but I reach out in moments of fasting desperation and 'I'll just have a few' and then it's a handful, and then another handful! Not today!!
In the past I would chomp through a whole bag in under an hour, the buderim brand. I probably still would. Just haven't take that step to buy them.

Now this, Coles has a nut station, do stay away, resistance really is futile. I discovered french vanilla almonds, sugar and nuts, double triple quadruple the calories.
zamale wrote: In the past I would chomp through a whole bag in under an hour, the buderim brand. I probably still would. Just haven't take that step to buy them.

Now this, Coles has a nut station, do stay away, resistance really is futile. I discovered french vanilla almonds, sugar and nuts, double triple quadruple the calories.

Yep thats the brand. evil stuff. there's nicer stronger ones at my local Chinese grocer. but when you are in the moment you dont differentiate between good and very good haha.

yea, anything coated on nuts is pure evil
Things I can't keep in the house:

Home baked cheesecake. I only make it at Christmas when the family are all here as I have been known to eat an entire one myself.

Ice cream. Much safer to overpay for a cone away from home! Fortunately DH loves flavors I don't like, so he can keep a carton in the freezer that I ignore.

And the absolutely worst, for some reason are Trader Joe's almonds covered in Belgian chocolate with sea salt. I ave had to direct those who live me to never give me these as a treat because much as I love them, once I start eating them I can't stop until the whole container is gone.
peebles wrote: Things I can't keep in the house:

Home baked cheesecake. I only make it at Christmas when the family are all here as I have been known to eat an entire one myself.

Ice cream. Much safer to overpay for a cone away from home! Fortunately DH loves flavors I don't like, so he can keep a carton in the freezer that I ignore.

And the absolutely worst, for some reason are Trader Joe's almonds covered in Belgian chocolate with sea salt. I ave had to direct those who live me to never give me these as a treat because much as I love them, once I start eating them I can't stop until the whole container is gone.

... did someone say trader joes almond covered Belgian chocolate with sea salt - I know it well. I discovered their pound plus bars and the first one I bought which was (70% cacao dark chocolate) lasted a month. So I thought great, I'm over my chocolate "thing" and bought this almond covered Belgian chocolate ... well it was all gone by the end of the day, not a pound plus bar mind you but still!! :curse:

So I'm not repeating that anytime soon! :shock:
I have to buy any sweets in small doses or I eat the whole lot. I've never caved on a fast day. If I feel nibbly then, I go for cherry tomatoes or something like that.
Salted caramel toffee icecream "I will just have a teaspoon, really I will". Well many scoops later :curse: My OH's problem is cream. If it's in the fridge he just has to eat it, then when I go to make whatever I had bought it for, no cream.
my OH is like that with the previously mentioned ginger, coated in sugar. Now I have 2 containers of it, one labelled 'Sally's ginger' because it is so annoying when you go to cook something yummy and he's eaten it all!
MaryAnn wrote: I have to buy any sweets in small doses or I eat the whole lot. I've never caved on a fast day. If I feel nibbly then, I go for cherry tomatoes or something like that.

I normally dont cave in on a fast day either. dont know what got into me.
The nuts are a big problem for me as well, once I start, I can't stop!

I dare not keep any Hot Cross Buns in the house, if I start, I won't be able to stop at one. Hence I have not purchased any since they have been on the market, but I will buy ONE to have on Good Friday.

Maggie :wink: :wink:
Hum, this is a well timed thread with the run up to Easter upon us.

In an effort not to undo all the good work since I started I'll buy ONE and ONLY ONE special treat for the weekend. Now what will that be? :wink:
Yes, I recognize that. I just love candy, almost any kind and we have a jar of candy for the kids. When I really creave sweet things, I usually can manage it by taking a few big sniffs from the candy-jar and drink another glass of water telling myself I can eat it tomorrow. I did cave in once (and probably will many times more :oops: ). Oh wel, we are only human and as long as we keep trying, we will get to our goals eventually :wink:.
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Has anyone had the same with something they cant stop at one.

Quite a lot of things :grin: Crystalised ginger is definitely one. Most chocolate. Cake. Quite a few biscuits. So yes, mostly I just don't buy or bake any of these unless I need it for something specific.

I have often bought crystalised ginger for a xmas cake or some other baking, but eaten it all before making the cake and then have to buy more. One xmas, I even picked the pieces of ginger out of the soaking-in-rum fruit and had to replace it. (Yes, it's even nicer when it has been soaking in rum.)
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