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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So years ago when I lost my weight the first time I gave up pizza completely. Now on this new way of eating with 5-2 I ate 1 slice a pizza today (it's a non-fast day). Are you sure it's really ok to have one slice of pizza? I almost felt guilty- But it did taste good :razz:
:like: Hard to believe, but true - if a slice of pizza is within your kcal allowance for the day, and there's no metabolic or other reason for you to avoid any of the ingredients with pizza, and it has no trigger effect on you to consume more, then have at it and enjoy every morsel. :smile: :smile:
This is an amazing new way to eat. :grin:
After decades of eating extremely carefully, I've been amazed to find myself steadily losing weight eating fried chicken, pizza, and a bunch of other things that have been strictly off limits forever. That's what cutting out 2000 calories a week will do for you.( Its only 2000 for me because I'm old and small and TDEE is only around 1450.)

Mind you I eat one slice of pizza and one fried chicken breast, not half a pie or a bucket. And I stay away from cake and other very high carb foods that overwhelm my blood sugar. But that's why 7 months into this WOE I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I keep expecting some kind of bad news because I feel like I'm stuffing myself five days a week, but my doctor appointment last week verified that my blood sugar is in great shape, blood pressure fine, and I am fitting into pants I wore 18 years ago.

Gotta love that.

The only caveat, is that I expect I will have to keep fasting two days a week forever, since I eat more than my pathetically low TDEE on nonfast days which is what makes it possible to eat like a normal person.
You said it perfectly @peebles. I keep asking myself..does this diet really work?! Can it be possible to eat a few things that have been off limits for years? So I look at the succes forum and see all the people it has worked for and I wonder.. can it really work for me? I hope so because this is amazing :lol:
Glad you're enjoying your new way of life @Canoearo Love your name by the way!

I've just started doing 16:8 on my non-fast days to see if that helps with my tendency for overeating on non-fasting days. I only started on Wednesday so its early days, but I do feel better already.

Its just wonderful to be able to treat yourself without having to add up points or work out syns. No, this is definitely the ONLY way to lose weight...and keep it off!

Good luck canoearo!

Bean :smile:
Pizza is fine, as with everything though moderation is the catch word on a non-fast day. A slice or two not the whole thing. Unless the whole pizza is all you eat the whole day of course (Some of the pizza hut pizzas are still well within most peoples TDEE's though).
My catch phrase has always been you can have your bread and butter, just not the whole loaf and a a half pound block.
Like yr catchphrase @julieathome! X :like:
I've often been suprised at how much so called 'sins' you can eat without it wrecking everything. Although you do have to exercise some restraint, something I've been letting slip lately.

I've been trying to recruit people at work. They're doing slimming world or weight watchers and sit their looking miserable or fed up complaining of being 'starving'. I keep telling them, but they just can't get past the idea of eating so little 2 days a week. I don't get it. I'd rather eat very little 2 days a week then restrict myself 7 days. The thing is you just know, that come a month or so they'll be off the wagon. I've been doing this since January and only had a few breaks, what with the hols and such. It's the most sustainable eating plan out there surely.
Hi @egregiousThe downside of Intermittent Fasting i guess is that many people find that first step hard to take..and it is! Missing meals is an alien concept to most people and then of course,they fear they may faint! I think your head has to be in the right place and they have to get there at their own the meantime they' ll just have to endure paying out for WW and SW :confused: xx
If you are worried about the carb count in normal pizza, try the cauliflower base pizza. It sounds weird, but I think the flavour is better than a flour based pizza, plus the carb values are much lower. It can also be lower calorie, but that depends on the amount of cheese you use. Just seach google for caulflower pizza base, you will get loads of hits.
thanks everyone. It was just hard to think that eating one slice of pizza was 'ok'. I do love this new way of life. My last fast day (yesterday) was a little harder than the others. I had a horrible headache all day. I finally got rid of it with some diet dew. I normally do not have caffeine so I am not sure why I had the headache. I'm hoping my next fast day (Monday) will go much better.
Headaches can be caused by low water, or low salt, or low caffeine. If in doubt have all three, maybe not in the same cup though.
I am not sure I should admit to this @Canoegal and anyone else who reads this, but the other week I had SEVEN pieces of pizza one evening. I hadn't had pizza in ages and it was SOOOOOOO yummy I just could not stop. In fact the whole weekend was a carb feast, and yes I did put on a small amount of weight. But a couple of strict fast days does seem to shift those binge feasts for me.

So, as others say, absolutely nothing to stress about with one slice of pizza!!
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