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Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 07:18
Hi guys! I'd be happy with any insights on my situation:

I've been on the 5:2 for about 7 months now. Have lost weight very slowly, but all in all have been so happy with it. I've loved the feeling of being in charge, of making a positive change, where before my weight had just crept up, up, up, uncontrollably.

Anyway, today, I've got a bit of a cold and haven't slept well, so I'm not feeling at all great. I may also be feeling a bit tired of the fasting, not in the zone so to speak. I thought to myself, I'll just skip this week, sure, no biggie, I haven't skipped fasts since my two-week holiday this summer. I'll just eat healthily this week and see how I feel.

But I can't. The thought of breakfast or lunch makes me feel so guilty!! Like I'm losing control, like my weight will immediately start rushing upwards and I'll feel disgusting and like a failure. What is going on? Surely this is eating-disorder-type-thinking? Weight-wise no reason to worry as I'm still just barely normal BMI, but I really don't know what is going on in my mind.

Has anyone had similar difficulties?

Should I worry?
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 07:33
I think you're right when you call it guilt. It's like you've broken the chain (see Seinfeld's Don't Break the Chain). Don't think of it as being broken, think of it being under temporary suspension. Take care of your health first.
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 07:38
Hi Littlemy. I don't know the first thing about eating disorders but thought you could use a friendly Hi - I'm sure other more knowledgeable ones will be along soon.

Just using common-sense though, the fact that you're aware your thoughts may be bordering on eating-disorder type thinking is a positive, I'd have thought.

Good luck, hope you feel better soon. And DON'T beat yourself up! :)
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 07:40
Exactly, Lady Muck, it's like Breaking the Chain! Thanks for your support, you are right, I really need to take care of my health first. Fasting is there for me when I'm well again. :geek:
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 07:41
Hi shachat - thanks so much. A friendly hi is very welcome, and true, being aware has to be good. I feel better already. :-)
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 07:49
Its just guilt, especially after all of you have done. Just relax, there is always next week. By the way I had a cold last week and thought about not fasting, but I stuck with it and weirdly, I kicked the cold into touch faster than I normally do.
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 08:21
I've not experienced what you describe but it seems to be perfectly understandable that, since fasting has given you a sense of control, it is unsettling to change something that has been working so well fir you.

My suggestion is to retain a sense of control by swapping your fast day for a semi-fast...e.g. skip breakfast but have lunch, or allow yourself a bigger calorie intake... a big bowl of warming soup for lunch that has few calories will help your cold and could easily be part of a, say 1000 cal allowance. That way you are not giving up on the wol, you're just tweaking it to cope with your current situation.

Hope you feel better soon. :hugright:
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 08:33
Great advice here from folks. Yes, it sounds like a sort of guilt you're describing, or perhaps the feeling of 'cheating' on the 'rules' that you now apply to your life. What you need to always remember is that 5:2 has minimal rules and they are so flexible you can work them around your life situation as needed. So, don't feel like a cheat or feel guilty if you have to change things a bit, especially if you're poorly. You obviously know that you won't really skyrocket in weight from one different format/missed fast. I think when it comes to eating disorders the suffers have a true belief in these sort of falsehoods. The fact that you know this isn't really going to happen I think is a good sign that you're not suffering from a disorder :)
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 09:16
I think the words "losing control" has such a strong emotional resonance that just thinking that gives it unwarranted power LittleMy. Try instead to think instead when considering fasting that you are giving yourself permission to eat less on two days of the week & that is a flexible concept. You have done so well 5:2ing for seven months so one or two days of listening to your body & having some comfort food such as soup or hot chocolate is not going to have a drastic effect on weight loss. But giving yourself permission to do that still means you are making a choice & are "in control" but being kinder to yourself & your body :smile: it is just a slight change of mental perspective & we all make choices everyday anyway. :heart:
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 09:48
Don't forget that when you are feeling ill, you may not want food anyway. So forcing yourself to eat may be counter productive to what you body needs to counter a bug.
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
23 Sep 2013, 10:03
The thing I love about 5:2 is that I can be really flexible with it. Thinking of RULES starts to make it all sound like a big drag. I too have been sick, did a quasi fast to see how it felt and it was fine. I don't think it made any difference to my recovery but the main thing was that my head didn't roll off and fall on the floor :) For me, I need to be able to work this WOE- you know? Not have it own me. This week I fasted after a lunch out (normally I start after dinner) because I just felt like it. So I rejigged the hours and that worked just fine too. Don't stress. Remind yourself why you like it- because you are in charge, not the routine.
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
24 Sep 2013, 07:02
I know exactly how you feel. I posted recently about feeling guilty on feed days (I still use MyfitnessPal on those days). I guess its the feeling of not being in control frightened that all those hard months of fasting have been a total waste of time but ........ I went on hol recently ate normally (although didn't pig as I usually do but even so had half my body weight in cocktails :grin: ) and guess what only 1 lb lost !! Fasted yesterday and got on scales this morning and I have lost that 1 lb plus another 3/4lb!!! So don't be frightened, if you need to come off this plan then do so its not as scary as you imagine it will be.

As most wise people have said on here you must do what is right for yourself if health prevents you from fasting then don't do it or at least relax it a little. Good luck!
Re: Is this worrying behaviour?
25 Sep 2013, 06:26
Thank you guys for all your help, you are truly wonderful!! :heart:

I'm reassured and feeling so much better. Did something of a semi-fast Monday and am planning to do one tomorrow, if I feel like it. Losing control is scary, especially as I've felt before that the cookies were in control, not me. But I'm stronger now.

Lots of love and thank you again!
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