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It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 10:32
I've been a lurker for some time now and enjoy reading all your threads.

So here I am trying to loose 10kg's and on the 3rd week of 5:2. I just cant seem to get my head into's so head tells me I shall die of starvation if I don't load up NOW!!!

Wait head, tomorrow I can eat so many yummy things... but head has other ideas :starving:

Head has a best friend, stomach. They do everything together and right this moment they are plotting a revolt.

Why are these two in such control over me?

How did you guys get over this hurdle?
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 10:46
Hi Pumpkin and Welcome :heart:
All will settle shortly, in the meantime just ignore them both and keep yourself occupied with stuff to do so you dont get tempted, as you said theres always a nonfast day for the treats for me it all happened on day one which is just as well because I've got an enormous amount of weight
to shift.
Good Luck to you and let your weightloss be your motivation to carry you forward + help you ignore the other two voices :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 10:52
Hi another newbie yay, welcome to the forum. Yes it's so simple and you will soon be in control. Just a few questions :
When you didn't eat, did you die of Starvation? No. Did the tummy rumbles stop. Yes. How many fasts have you done and how do you "spend" your calories? Also have you lost any weight?
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 10:55
Welcome Pumpkin,glad youve stopped lurking and now joining in the fun
I ditto what Sue said...
And try not to overthink things,specially if you have a lot to lose,in which case one day at a time is the best motto! X
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:00
Welcome Pumpkin! Tell your head to shut up and give your stomach some protein. It will keep it from conspiring with your head behind your back. :like: :clover: :like: :clover:
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:03
It's a simple case of mind over matter. For years I had more matter than I had mind but it does change! you will adapt! honestly. My matter is now reduced by 2 stone, not sure about the mind though :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:05
Hi Pumpkin (mmmm, I love pumpkins!)

I see the fast days as a kind of challenge, or game. 'Can I beat the hunger' type thing, or mind over matter or whatever. Then my competitive side takes over and I rock the fast day :-) :-)

it's only ONE day at a time, you know? You can do anything just for a day! Pick days when you can keep yourself busy and I'm sure you'll be breezing through fasting in no time!

Also, it's important to identify what makes you eat - for me, once I start, I can't stop, so I've learned it's better not to even open that bag of sweets.

Finally, that rumbling in your stomach does NOT mean that you have to eat. it means that you are hungry, not that you're going to keel over! You can, and will, learn to ignore the Rumble Monster :-)
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:07
Sorry for the intrusion :shock: :shock: into your thread but
:heart: Welcome Back ballerina :heart:
Bet you didnt gain 5kg like me :heart: Sue. :clover:
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:17
Hi Sue,

Thanks for the welcome, no idea if I've gained as not weighing but my clothes feel the same so hope everything is fine, if not then one or two fasts should sort it out. You will lose your 5kgs very quickly, just jump straight back in and before you know it you will have lost it plus a little bit more. I am a big believer in the occasional blow out, so, good luck and "Pumpkin" were you listening? This is how easy it is once you've got your head round it so please, persevere. :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:41
Thanks so much guys for your replies and welcome :dance:

You're all so right with what you said an no, I'm not going to drop dead any second lol.

I've lost about 1.5kg and seeing the scales go from 70.5kg to 68.5 did make me feel good.

I'm a savoury fan, give me 5 anchovies and a slice of bread and I won't touch the ice cream but it's the red wine I am unable to give up :frown: 3 glasses a day (120ml each) and on the fast days I'll spritz them so am averaging 2 glasses. The only other drinks I have every day is one coffee and water. I do count the wine calories on fast days though.

It's 10pm right now and in total I've consumed 495 calories (yay) I just need to wait another 2 hours and I will reach the 24 hours of fasting.
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 11:45
Pumpkin888 wrote: Thanks so much guys for your replies and welcome :dance:

You're all so right with what you said an no, I'm not going to drop dead any second lol.

I've lost about 1.5kg and seeing the scales go from 70.5kg to 68.5 did make me feel good.

I'm a savoury fan, give me 5 anchovies and a slice of bread and I won't touch the ice cream but it's the red wine I am unable to give up :frown: 3 glasses a day (120ml each) and on the fast days I'll spritz them so am averaging 2 glasses. The only other drinks I have every day is one coffee and water. I do count the wine calories on fast days though.

It's 10pm right now and in total I've consumed 495 calories (yay) I just need to wait another 2 hours and I will reach the 24 hours of fasting.

I guarantee you after a few weeks of this, you will not want as much vino. And I am a very accomplished vino drinker :wink: :shock: and have cut right down since starting this WOE.
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 12:07
Hi, Pumpkin888 ! A few tips for avoiding temptation on Diet Days :
1) KEEP BUSY ! You'll forget about tummy rumbles when you're engrossed in something else . ( no, baking is definitely NOT in the "something else" category on this occasion - you can do that tomorrow ).
2) avoid the kitchen except for cups of tea/ coffee .
3) get out and about, especially round lunchtime - but avoid anywhere you're likely to smell food , especially of the delicious garlicky variety !!!!
4) have that 500 cal meal ready in the fridge - no starting from scratch - that leads to nibbling !
5) and remember tomorrow's another day . . .

Like you , Pumpkin 888 I was a "lurker" till recently . Nice now to be " one of the gang" !

Goldilox. :oops:
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 12:23
Hi Pumpkin and welcome to the forum!!

i can sympathise with the tummy rumbles and stuff,but as rightly said on here it will pass... good luck on your journey, and enjoy your fast/feast days!! :-)
Re: It's all in my head
27 Oct 2013, 13:05
Thanks for more welcomes!

I think my general eating structures have always been a bit quirky. Never ate breakfast (many years now), no lunch generally unless I've got a date with a girlfriend. We have dinner between 7 - 8pm, 3 wines between 5 - 9pm, then my midnight snack which can be anything including a full meal again!

On the fast days it's around 8pm that I'm turning into a raving lunatic! Husband goes out for his meal so no cooking is done. When I feed the dogs....I wonder how yummy their kibble!

I'm just being a big baby and indulging in pity tonight The truth is up until the past 12 months I've never had to 'diet', a couple of kilos here and there didn't worry me but this past year I've managed to pile on close to 10kg.

Some of you guys have had many years of weight management and I admire your strengths and self discipline. Am so glad I found this forum :)
new member . . . ???
27 Oct 2013, 22:27
There's a road sign near my street which says , "new road layout / new junction " , which has been around for 18 months+ . . . . . just wondered when I stop being labelled "new member"?? ( only joking really - am delighted to be a member of the Forum , new or old !!! ) ??
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