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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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This is my 2nd week and the first fast day that i've not eaten anything during the day. I've been drinking water and green tea. I did feel hungry last week after i'd eaten soup for lunch so thought i would wait till dinner today. I'm ok as long as i'm busy, poor dog is having her legs walked off though, as soon as the pangs start i grab the lead!! :grin:
Ok lovely people, if you want a free box use this code. i will then get to donate £1 to a charity. @Moogie if this isn't allowed i will understand and please let me know. I will somehow upload proof of this donation.
One my facebook friends has done it already and i didnt realise i get £1 pff next box or could donate. so I'm chuffed.
Code 4RR2L2ZB
That's no problem :)
You can also use the graze link on the forum shop page to get your free box and earn a small commission for the forum.
Hi all! Have been using graze boxes since early May. They have a 'Light' box option which guarantees contents at around 500cals or under. This is useful to know if you find it a pain to judge cals in what you're eating. I did start off just having the contents of a graze box on a fast day which is ok, especially if like me you sometimes work in the evening. However, I've now switched to having a porridge from one of their 'breakfast' boxes - these are around 130 - 180cals each, roughly, and you get 4 different ones in each box.I have one of these about 2-3pm on a fast day, just when feeling peckish and it staves off any hunger pangs until I have the rest of my cals at night. I did think it might make me feel more hungry, but it hasn't done, and weight loss has kept up too. Very convenient, tasty and not bad if you don't mind having your breakfast in mid afternoon!
I hadn't heard of the word "graze" until I joined this forum. Tis funny because I knew of Graze Boxes but I thought that Graze was a brand, LOL!

Anyway, I had to look it up. It is the way I usually eat. I have 2 medium meals and 1-3 small ones. The way I see it, there is bad grazing and good grazing. I know it sounds like I'm over simplifying it but that's the way I see it.

Another word that I had to re-programme its meaning in my head when I'm on the forums is "snack". Where I come from, a snack is always something healthy (it's the same word in Greek) that we eat when we feel hungry and it is not a meal time. Snack is never crisps or biscuits or chocolate. When I first came here, I couldn't understand why people said that snacking is bad, LOL!
Apparently grazing is bad for dental hygiene so my dentist says as we are programmed to wash teeth/floss after meals but with grazing, thats almost imossible.

If you do graze, whether sweet or savoury, good or bad, do the floss/rinse out /clean if you can.
I'm afraid that I'm not good at that. I brush me teeth once or twice daily, but not after meals. Just before I go to bed and before I go out...
(I changed the thread title from "it's easy not to graze"... here's why ...)

2 weeks or so on the "no graze" on a fast day method. I have a very light breakfast (hardly anything actually)), and just coffee and water all day and my experience is very favourable.

When i used to fast and also graze through snacks, even healthy ones, on average in the morning after a fast day I would have lost say 300 to 500 grams. Last 3 times on no graze its exactly 900grams to 1000g . A kilo after a fast is very reassuring.

I know I'm a sample study of one person but the numbers don't lie. I have my chart on the fridge of every single day since starting mid April and if ive fasted i will show that in my list. like this
Day, Date, Weight Loss/Gain
Day, Date, Weight Loss/Gain
--- fast-------
Day, Date, Weight Loss/Gain

Great reminder for me and the cause and effect of my activities before are just so clear.

Anyway my point to myself is never ever snack on a fast day. Reach out for coffee, tea, almond milk, or whatever low calorie beverage i have if there's a hunger pain or to avoid dehydration. Skip the apple, or the corn kernel or the walnut... it can wait till dinner time.

One other benefit is that 'cause youve skipped 100 to 200 calories during the day, you can allow yourself a "bigger" more satisfying dinner and also perhaps eat just a smaller portion of what you normally eat at dinner rather than cook special or prepare just "rabbit food"

My no graze method seems to be supported by the stats collated by Carorees here the-5-2-lab-f10/questionnaire-results-first-look-interesting-t7857.html As she stated, many people start on the snacking method as skipping calories in itself is a bit daunting and it 's a good way to "ease" into the new Way of Eating".

That said as soon as you are brave, do the no graze and you will get into that sexy trousers or skirt in no time!
Nice one Juliana. Thanks for following up and tying it together for us. Makes a lot of sense.
Well said Juliana - especially the last bit!

Was reading your update at the same time as other threads like TML's 16:8 (she is going to try it) which got a bit contentious (not fromTML I hasten to add) and also carorees questionnaire - I think it is great to get the anecdotal evidence as well from people like you as in some ways it's much the most compelling and incontrovertible evidence that it works (wow that,s a long word to spell at 8.30 on a Saturday morning ...)

Thank you for your update x
:like: :clover: :heart: :victory:
Silverdarling wrote: - I think it is great to get the anecdotal evidence as well from people like you as in some ways it's much the most compelling and incontrovertible evidence that it works (wow that,s a long word to spell at 8.30 on a Saturday morning ...)

Thank you for your update x
:like: :clover: :heart: :victory:

I had to look up that word actually. Can imagine the meaning in context. but yeah
Impossible to dispute; unquestionable: incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence.

Saturday morning is a great time for thinking for me. After a hellish week and no phone calls from clients, (run a business) it's definitly a good positive day for me.
Agree absolutely that grazing is counter productive. Only water, green tea and one 400 cal meal for me at the 24 hr mark during a fast. Grazing leads to snacking leads to weight loss!! Ive just cut out coffee as well during the day on a fast day, as I dont like it black so was having milk in it, will hopefully not lead to withdrawal headaches.
I've noticed that the no graze habit has translated over to nonfast days - I simply do not reach for snacks while working or at home as much as I used to. That HAS to help as well!
Love the stats Juliana :smile:

I completely agree that I seem to loose more by drinking lots of water and black tea and saving my calories for dinner on a fast day.
It has worked for me so far, loosing just under 2 pounds a week doing 4:3, eating around 1200-1500 the other 2 weekdays, and enjoying myself on the weekends :grin: :lol: :grin:

Prior to this, I was unable to shift the extra "fluff" and pregnancy weight by eating around 1200 cals a day and working out 6 days a week, which always used to work :cry:

There is hope with this WOE/WOL :grin: :grin: :grin:
Yes, that's why I thought it was so important to put it on my signature, don't know whether anyone reads it or not but it's there just in case. It is so easy to train yourself not to reach for a snack but to have a drink instead. Once my hunger switch gets flipped I want more. I couldn't cope with a graze box, it would just set me off.
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