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Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 12:49
I'm struggling a bit - can someone give me a kick in the pants please? I'm such an emotional eater (why I'm overweight - currently 11st-ish at 5 feet 8.5 inches) and I've not fasted since last Friday.

I'd got down to 10st12 which was my lightest in ages, but I'm pretty sure I'm back up to 11st now (aaargh) as with the exception of Monday I have been completey exhausted/depressed this whole week. When I'm knackered everything goes 'down' and I just feel awful, so I overeat to try to make myself feel good again and it works, short term, but then I end up heavier, more tired, and more depressed. My goal is 10 stone, and then I'll reassess and see if I think I can get down into the 9 stone.

This all comes from lack of sleep coupled with a high pressure job/general being a stress-bunny, and I'm trying to beat it. Went to bed at 10pm last night for extra sleep and feel better today, much less exhausted and likely to break the fast. Would still be very much up for a kick in the pants though!
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 12:51
Don't worry Swingy, Janeg will be along in a bit with her wet fish. She gives expert slaps with it. Haven't needed one myself so far but when I do I'm sure she will oblige. Hope she makes yo feel better :smile:
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 12:58
Come on, you know you can do this. It's great that you are turning your life around. You've found a wonderful solution because you don't have to be good every day. Just do it today. That's all. Just today.
Post tomorrow that you fasted today or I'll come around and give you what for. Do it.
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 13:09
Come on Swingy, you CAN do it because it's only one day. And you're not just doing this to lose weight, you're avoiding Alzheimers and giving your body a real kick start as well from all other health benefits.
Give yourself a huge pat on the back for how well you've done so far and then GET ON WITH IT. We're all behind you, giving you a big push and a hug as well.
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 13:15
You're all lovely, and right! Okay, consider my britches kicked. I'm thinking about doing 2 consecutive days now to make up for missing my fast days earlier in the week (I usually try to do them between Monday and Thursday) and to avoid having to do one at the weekend.

I'll definitely do this one anyway - am halfway there anyway! - and will see how I feel tomorrow and if I can go again. Thanks for the encouragment everyone! X
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 13:42
5:2 is only 2 days a week, so if you plan your meals lots of great recipes here, organise your preferred fluids some nice teas, herbal green black and maybe proper coffee and miso or bullion and even good quality sparkling water. Lots of tips on line for very low cal snacks which you won't need if you save cals for lunch and dinner.

Spoil yourself and go or a walk each day and if you walk in early morning it helps your sleeping patterns improve. You can do this for you, 2 days a week move days around but getting into a pattern also helps eg fast along with the mon/thurs group they re good days in how the week is broken up but really choose days to suit your week

Best of Luck
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 17:04
Well here goes ***** did you get it YES :like:
Well I may need it back at the weekend as my 1st real fastthis week has just gone bit wrong, could have said NO to the invite from hubby to go for meal but I said Yes!! Not eaten yet but fear pub meal won't come in at 500 cals but who cares :heart: I will deffo do tomorrow now and 14 weeks into this WOL never failed yet ( Until Now ) life's to short.
But your kick up the arse You don't want to be fighting this battle when you reach my age you really don't, I so wish I'd got this help 30 plus years ago!!! So pull yourself together NOW :clover: Sue
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 17:52
I fell off the wagon a bit a couple of weeks ago and it's funny how one blip can allow us to completely give up something! I managed to persevere and am back on track again, I had one week where I only fasted once, but I maintained (much to my surprise!) and now back to 2/3 fasts a week. If this is long haul for you as it is me these blips fade into insignificance in the grander scheme of life so give yourself a break, keep posting when you intend to fast and stick with it and don't punish yourself/make it too hard and fail!
You can do this as you have already done this! That low weight will roll round again really quick if you get yourself back in the saddle! Good luck :0)
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 20:16
Swingy, You want to get to get down to 9 stone, for your height that is in the underweight category, why? Do you think that being underweight is going to make you happy and make your life wonderful? I would beg to differ - take it a step at a time and perhaps 9 stones is a step TOO far. I know that it is your prerogative to go for what ever weight you think is right but I just want to strike a note of ??
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 20:26
You know you need support, you have posted here - so you are more than half way there. Listen to the advice and come through this.
Good luck with it.
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 20:34
dhana wrote: Swingy, You want to get to get down to 9 stone, for your height that is in the underweight category, why? Do you think that being underweight is going to make you happy and make your life wonderful? I would beg to differ - take it a step at a time and perhaps 9 stones is a step TOO far. I know that it is your prerogative to go for what ever weight you think is right but I just want to strike a note of ??

Cripes! I'm with dhana on that. We're all built differently (thank goodness!) but I'm shorter than you (I'm 5ft6) and I know from experience (many, many years ago) that below 10st I look gaunt & not at all girly. My target is 10st2 but that's with bounce-back room :wink:

9st does seem like a harsh target to me.
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 22:57
Hey guys, thanks for all the support. I've managed it, even though I've been out all evening around rubbish and booze. Just on the train home now. :) thanks all, appreciate it.
You're quite right, 9 stone's underweight for my frame - typing fail, I meant to write in the 9st range. I really doubt I'd ever go below say 9st 12ish as i just doubt it'd be even possible, let alone look good. I've got a 30%ish body fat percentage which isn't great, I'd like to be significantly leaner, though don't really mind about the weight per se, it's more about getting to a shape I'm happy with.
Thanks everyone, you're all great!
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
25 Jul 2013, 23:21
Sleep, get as much as you can. prevention is far better than a cure.
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
26 Jul 2013, 00:41
Oh please don't do two fast days back to back. That is just too much at once. The next time you need food to make you feel better think of how good it feels to giggle with delight on the scale when your weight goes down a notch. It is a much better feeling. When I first started 5 2 and had my first weekly weigh in I nearly fell off the scale with sheer excitement. I tried so hard on other methods that did not work for me. This is really learning a different way of eating for the rest of your life rather than a diet. It is how you will lose and never gain the weight back. Believe and the time will come. :wink:
Re: Kick up the arse, please?
26 Jul 2013, 08:40
Did it yesterday, yay!

Clairemarie, from what I saw on here people sometimes do two days in a row if their week won't let them do two throughout though, right? I was reading the thread and it seemed to be okay to do if you've got a busy one one.

I've got a lovely three day weekend coming up you see, (three glorious days!) and I don't want to fast for it, so if I managed it today too I can go and do another fast on Tuesday and not have missed one this week. I'll see how I go today - not hungry now thanks to fast yesterday, but I reckon around three I might be singing a different tune!

You're totally right - it's not a diet, and it's not about quick results. Sticking to it, and takeing it slow and steady. And ommming lots when you get stressed out! ;)
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