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Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:10
How many of you eat full fat stuff to fill you up? I've been low-carb, low-fat since I started losing weight but now that it is autumn, I am REALLY craving carbs, which I really do feel are the "bad guys" in large amounts, so I'm tempted to go "full fat" in an attempt fill myself up instead.

Thoughts, comments, opinions???? Thankies :grin:
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:14
Me! No low-fat stuff allowed in this house now, frying with coconut or olive oil, maintaining weight despite 3-egg breakfasts most mornings....
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:19
Me too - I used to avoid fat like the plague but not any more - I've changed my thinking drastically. I've really cut the carbs (less than 100g daily, which some people would say is still not that low but compared to what I used to eat it is) - and I find it surprisingly easy. I am never hungry in the way I always was when eating carb laden food and it seems to be helping the weight loss.
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:21
Low/moderate carb and full fat is the way for me and it WORKS!!!! :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:23
If you mean the white starchy stodgy type carbs that tends to bloat rather than fill, I would say try full fat instead. Its a joy to taste real food. I have been eating this way the last 2 years and I am thriving on it. (despite my rant earlier on here). :grin:

Chris x
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:24
I'm lower carb and I'm attempting to lose my fear of fat. I have no problem cooking my food with butter/coconut oil but I still have issues with full fat milk and yogurt, don't really like the 'thickness' but I make up for that with cheese's. ;)
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:28
Me too. Am trying to get to grips with less bread - but at least I don't eat it daily now.

So low carb and full fat for me - even bought some lard the other day but not used it yet. Should help with the running, using fat for fuel sooner.

Maintaining seems easy (so far) using low carb/ high fat
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 18:44
How many carbs is defined as a low carbs a day? How many carbs approx in a slice of granary bread? I love toast with marmite or almond butter but don't have that every day. Really want to do low carb. Would have no problem with high fat.
Katie x
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 19:06
From Marks Daily Apple, refers to carb intake daily:-

300 or more grams/day - Danger Zone!

Easy to reach with the “normal” American diet (cereals, pasta, rice, bread, waffles, pancakes, muffins, soft drinks, packaged snacks, sweets, desserts). High risk of excess fat storage, inflammation, increased disease markers including Metabolic Syndrome or diabetes. Sharp reduction of grains and other processed carbs is critical unless you are on the “chronic cardio” treadmill (which has its own major drawbacks).

150-300 grams/day – Steady, Insidious Weight Gain

Continued higher insulin-stimulating effect prevents efficient fat burning and contributes to widespread chronic disease conditions. This range – irresponsibly recommended by the USDA and other diet authorities – can lead to the statistical US average gain of 1.5 pounds of fat per year for forty years.

100-150 grams/day – Primal Blueprint Maintenance Range

This range based on body weight and activity level. When combined with Primal exercises, allows for genetically optimal fat burning and muscle development. Range derived from Grok’s (ancestors’) example of enjoying abundant vegetables and fruits and avoiding grains and sugars.

50-100 grams/day – Primal Sweet Spot for Effortless Weight Loss

Minimizes insulin production and ramps up fat metabolism. By meeting average daily protein requirements (.7 – 1 gram per pound of lean bodyweight formula), eating nutritious vegetables and fruits (easy to stay in 50-100 gram range, even with generous servings), and staying satisfied with delicious high fat foods (meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds), you can lose one to two pounds of body fat per week and then keep it off forever by eating in the maintenance range.

0-50 grams/day – Ketosis and Accelerated Fat Burning

Acceptable for a day or two of Intermittent Fasting towards aggressive weight loss efforts, provided adequate protein, fat and supplements are consumed otherwise. May be ideal for many diabetics. Not necessarily recommended as a long-term practice for otherwise healthy people due to resultant deprivation of high nutrient value vegetables and fruits.

Read more: ... z2jQFfC36z
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 20:17
Me. I'm around 90g of carbs a day and my fat intake has been up to 90g on some days. Mostly coconut, olive, rapeseed, avos and butter.
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 20:28
When I started 5:2ing in January I stopped dieting which meant no more low fat. I now buy Kerrygold butter (real butter from grass fed cows), whole milk and full fat yogurt and no more low fat ready meals. Oh, the flavours, especially the butter. Low carbing is something I keep taking about doing but find so much harder to achieve - sweet tooth! I'll keep trying.
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 20:37
Brilliant, thanks.... I think I'll give it a go to see if it helps my hunger pangs then. I don't eat "white carbs" anyway and I adore cauliflower mash/rice and courgette spaghetti but can I still eat fruit? And if so, what's best? And Sugar is what I'll have the biggest problem with as I have a terrible sweet tooth so that's where I'll have to tread carefully....

What do you eat for breakfast then? I LOVE my breakfast and I'm used to having porridge with skimmed milk, but that would use up a fair chunk of a daily carb allowance....

What "staples" will I need? Butter (is unsalted OK as salted butter makes me gag?), coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil? Don't eat avocados. What about nuts and seeds, cheese and full-fat natural yoghurt?

Is LCHF the "Atkins" diet? Can I nick their recipes??? :wink:

Sorry.... I'm a bit clueless about this area.... :confused:
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 20:48
Track FatDog. She is the queen of low carb recipes (veggie)

Breakfast. Eggs. Try Shaksouka on a weekend which is basically cooked sliced red peppers, tinned tomatoes, smoked paprika with eggs plopped into the hot sauce and cooked.

Fruit. Berries are the lowest carb. Steer clear of tropical fruits like mango, banana, pineapple. Apples and pears are not bad. Dried fruits a no no unless in teeny tiny quantities

Seeds are lower calories than nuts. I'm a nut freak but they are easy to scarf.

Fat. I only eat unsalted butter too and put it in my coffee with coconut oil. I have become a bit of a butter snob and will hunt down grass fed butter if I can get it. Others have cream. Tins of coconut milk a staple in my kitchen. Great for curries. I'm not a big cheese eater so I stick to raw unpasteurised mostly.

Sugar. I stopped eating sugar when I started this WOE. Kills your cravings stone dead after about a week. So fab side effect. You need to be a label freak as it is in everything, even some brands of bacon.

I have started to record what I'm eating on my blog if you need more inspiration.
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 20:53
:heart: I'm lower carbs now than I used to be :heart:
Bread maybe once per week and cutback the rest :heart:
don't take milk in drinks (by choice ) can't get my head round the full fat thing at all and maybe that's for those of you at the end of your journey but I've bought the coconut oil and now buy butter so making different choices as advised :clover: Sue
Re: Low Carb, High Fat?
01 Nov 2013, 21:09
I have migrated this way and it is much better to help with reducing the cravings. Make the fat good quality and there is always coconut oil

It's easy to image your own butter with a good quality cream then you don't have to have the salt though adding your beautiful salt flakes yourself you control how much salt

Breakfast on a feed day can be fruits eg berries seed combo sprinkled on top and a good dollop of Greek yoghurt, it's yummy. Poached eggs lovely too with mushrooms fried in butter all on top of pinged spinach and a grind of pepper and sprinkle of salt

Good thread thanks for all the great info folks
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