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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Migraine Headaches
16 Dec 2013, 13:01
I am a new member and wanted to share my experience on the 5:2 diet regarding migraines.
I started the diet in 2012 when I first saw the Horizon program, I had a BMI of 25 and wanted to reverse my middle age spread. My biggest worry was that my life was ruled by mealtimes, I only needed to be a hour late with lunch or be late eating breakfast and I would suffer a migraine headache. So the first couple of weeks fasting days were very unpleasant, but I was determined to stick at it. Well now over a year on I feel healthier than I ever remember feeling, BMI 22.5 and I have not had a migraine for over SIX MONTHS!!
So not only can this diet help you loose weight whilst still leading a normal life, it has seemingly cured me of an illness and given me control of my life again.
If you know anyone who suffers from migraines, tell them to give it a try, they have nothing to loose!
Re: Migraine Headaches
16 Dec 2013, 13:07
:heart: Great news C7GNW I'm getting the same benefits as you thankfully not had one in 8 months of doing this WOL
:clover: :clover: Sue :clover:

come in and read @debsie :heart: :heart:
Re: Migraine Headaches
16 Dec 2013, 13:11
Just realised, my last horrendous headache was on my birthday - which was just before I started 5:2 in March. :victory:
Re: Migraine Headaches
16 Dec 2013, 17:10
Hi & welcome :)

Unfortunately for me, 6 months of 5/2 has done nothing for my migraines. Still getting about 8 migraines a month plus headaches on other days.

However, I will say they currently are no worse than life before 5/2 :bugeyes: :wink:
Re: Migraine Headaches
16 Dec 2013, 18:20
Brilliant news :grin: My migraines were a monthly hormonal thing and got to a point were I couldn't see properly. This year since losing weight I don't suffer as much! Hopefully it's the reason :grin:
Re: Migraine Headaches
17 Dec 2013, 23:13
this is good news!! I hope it does the same for me
Re: Migraine Headaches
07 May 2014, 13:08
I started the diet in November and have been pleased with the overall results apart from an increase in migraines this year, which now seem to occur almost each time after a fast, no matter how much I try to drink. i am 51 and starting menopause, so think there is a link (my mum and grandma had bad menopausal migraines). I don't want to stop the 5:2, so does anyone have any advice?
Re: Migraine Headaches
07 May 2014, 16:48
Welcome to the forum @helenb63

Congratulations on your success so far!

I am sorry to hear that you have been struggling with migraine headaches. I wonder if you might be too low on salt? Fasting (or low carbing) tends to flush salt from our systems and this can cause headaches and sometimes other symptoms such as feeling a little shaky and tired. Many people here on the forum find that a salty drink like vegetable stock, marmite, bovril or miso or any kind of thin soup makes a big difference to how they feel.

Some people have found that a magnesium supplement can help with headaches and other menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and general aches and pains. Some scientific studies have indicated that magnesium and zinc levels may be low in post-menopausal women, but others have not found this.
Re: Migraine Headaches
07 May 2014, 17:37
Wow thats interesting.. to hear that so many are getting relief from migraine is very good news
I have a friend who suffers terribly with migraines..but she's so thin, i' m not sure fasting wd be good for her.
Hi @minigill so sorry it hasnt helped you..and ditto@helenb63 x
Perhaps Caro's suggestions would help x
Re: Migraine Headaches
08 May 2014, 09:08
Thanks very much, Carorees. I'll definitely try what you suggest.
Re: Migraine Headaches
08 May 2014, 11:30
Rather amazing how some of our symptoms disappear. I got pretty horrid headaches in my early says of fluid fasting but they have since disappeared as I top up with some caffeine to start the fast day and follow up with the salty drink. Weirdly yesterday I indulged in chocolate brownies at at workshop and boy the headache. It was an amount of sugar than I usually don't eat now, I wonder if that accounted for it
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