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My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 12:21
It was my fastiversery yesterday - AND I MISSED IT! :-o :bigfrown:

I've been a bit naughty since Christmas, put on 5 lbs :cry: messed up about four fasts and been rather bingey during the evenings.

I've had my head in the sand lately trying to hide from the scales. I'm feeling guilty and annoyed with myself.

I know that it's easy once I get back into it. Why am I finding it so hard to do?

I'm trying again today, I don't want to go back to my 2012 way of eating. :frown: :frown: :frown:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 12:25
Happy Fastiversery for yesterday coffeetime. You know how to do it, so just get on with it :heart:

Edit - that didn't sound quite how I meant it to sound sorry. After reading it back, I looked round for the wet fish :grin:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 12:28
Thanks Sian, that's just what I need, someone to give me that little push to get me on the straight and narrow again :like:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 12:29
Happy Fastiversary!!

Don't despair - you know how to fix this, and that it's not that hard :-) You just need to do it! We all know you can
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 12:51
SianS wrote: Happy Fastiversery for yesterday coffeetime. You know how to do it, so just get on with it :heart:

Edit - that didn't sound quite how I meant it to sound sorry. After reading it back, I looked round for the wet fish :grin:

Yes like Sian says happy Fastiversary, and join me in the "what have I done " tent.
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 13:00
Congrats CT and well done you x
Could you be in famine reaction time?
If you put that in search and read the link that Caro has put to Dr Amamnda Sallis and her book,you might find it answers your question
If not,well yeh,.was gonna say wet fish but thats a bit harsh on yr fastiversary!
Seriously tho it gets soooo hard this time of year when its cold,dark and drab after the twinkliness of xmas xx
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 13:12
:heart: Belated Happy Anniversary@coffeetime for yesterday, and as for getting back on board I'm with you one day off the next and xmas has been an eye opener for me also and lessons learned. And now the only thing we can do is get on with the job that needs doing now before too much damage has been done so come on let's avoid that smelly wet fish together :handshake: I'd better get a move on because my signature will be outdated the way I'm going on :heart:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 13:15
Happy fastiversery Coffeetime! :like: :grin: :present: :cake:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 13:15
I've been doing 6:1 maintenance and I think I got a bit blasé and was too relaxed about it all.

I was shocked about how quickly I got into bad habits again!

I'm going to fast twice a week for a while now until I get back to my goal weight and then I'll think about doing 5:2 permanently.
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 13:21
Happy belated fastiversary Coffeetime! It is still time to celebrate even if you slightly fell off the 5:2 wagon. Look at what you have achieved from a year ago with losing 11kg :like:
Anyway you know how to do fasting now & have it firmly in your lose weight tool kit for when you need to use it in the future. :smile:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 17:30
Happy Fastiversary! I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time at all! Take Care.
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 17:34
Well done on your fastiversary!
Don't give up now my dear, you've come too far to go back to your old ways. I know what you mean, in the past when I gained weight over Christmas I'd just keep going into the following year... and then Christmas came around again, more Christmas weight and another year of gaining. Well, we know how to stop that cycle, and damnit lady you're going to! I too gained a fair amount over Christmas - 4lbs and probably a little more as I didn't weigh until after my first post-Christmas fast! I'm now just 1lb away from my pre Christmas weight and hoping to head down a bit lower this time. You can do it, just jump back on the wagon and carry on as before.
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 17:35
Come on coffeetime. You know what to do. Or else someone will pop round with a stinking wet fish :shock: :shock:

Know what you mean though, have found it tough myself.
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 17:42
What a lightweight! Only regained 5lb! Listen - I've regained nearly a stone since October, :curse: having maintained since July, and am now firmly back on the 5:2 straight and narrow!

The good news is that I lost five and a half pounds in my first week, so you could probably lose yours in two or three weeks - max!

There - straight talking done with - now commiserations, hugs and 'good luck' coming your way! :smile:
Re: My fastiversery
15 Jan 2014, 19:22
First of all congratulations on your fastiversary coffeetime, that's something to be proud of! :victory: :like:
Don't get too down about a little matter of 5 lb gain, think you'll find many people are still suffering from the excesses over the festive period but you know what to do to get things moving in the right direction again so, to quote the song
:musical: Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again! :musical:
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