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My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 20:36
Having been on 5:2 since January it really has become part of my life. But my only regret is that it didn't come along about 20 years ago and then I might not have been fat all that time! Not terribly fat but too fat for sure. Fat at 40, fat at fifty but next year not fat at 60.

Never mind it's going now and not coming back.How about you?
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 20:52
Wow, Gillb! That could have been my post! I'm 65, looking pretty good, but 65! All those years since 43 or so could have been a whole lot more fun! :razz:
Oh well, regrets are pointless. We can't change the past, but we can sure as heck make our future the best it can be! :cool:
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 20:53
Mmmm, I think we can all identify with that one but at least we have found the answer,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 21:11
Wasn't fat at 40, or 50, but several operations in my 50's rendered me blobby.
Hub took a lovely photo of me yesterday (on my avatar) and, for once, I didn't order him to destroy it instantly!
I'm not photogenic and to see myself in a positive way is amazing!
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 21:15
I can so relate to that one.

As for other regrets.... Its weird but I miss the feeling of *wanting* to be a pig. I have cupboards of treats, because we kept on buying treats without anyone realising that no-one was eating them, and I have no 'desire' to eat them. I guess I miss being out of control, this being IN control where food is concerned is weird.
Now a plate with a just right steak, baked potato, butter and sugar snap peas, followed by a creme brulee and a couple of squares of dark chocolate, would be divine.
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 21:30
But think how wonderful it is that we won't be fat at 60/70/80 (whatever our next decade is) and we'll have dealt with / improved existing health problems and pre-empted new ones that would have arisen had we stayed overweight. Here's to growing older healthily (& in my case, disgracefully) :party:
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 21:50
Definitely disgracefully.
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
04 Aug 2013, 22:25
Hi Gillb Wow it's all a bit spooky at this time of night but I also posted that I'd be in a different''state'' if this WOL had been around 20/30 yrs ago :like: :heart: :heart: we'd be a fitter/happier group of members then.
Well it wasn't so let's get to work at it now we have the knowledge to do what counts ( those of us needing to carry-on loosing that is )
Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 03:57
I too wish I had found this earlier. Turning 55 this year and really want to be fit. My husband was driving by me this weekend and didn't recognize me from the backside. A true compliment.

Another sadness is all those people still struggling on other programs I hope they find us soon....
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 04:50
Oh, I so agree with you Gillb! Still, glad to have found it now and glad to be alive in an era when I think we are close to finding the answers to many ailments.
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 05:23
Better late than never :-))

No regrets, is my motto that keeps me sane.

We all did things in our past for a reason.
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 05:29
Gillb wrote: Having been on 5:2 since January it really has become part of my life. But my only regret is that it didn't come along about 20 years ago and then I might not have been fat all that time! Not terribly fat but too fat for sure. Fat at 40, fat at fifty but next year not fat at 60.

Never mind it's going now and not coming back.How about you?

Oh God how any times can we all say that....

Then again better than never, every time.

It's driven a horse and cart through my (mis)coneceptions, too.
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 05:41
I have also wished that it had been around years ago, but now at 57, I am a born again 30 yr old. :grin:

Chris x
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 06:37
I have a similar sadness which in one phrase is "why didn't I think of it"?

And I'm explaining: I am one of those people who eat a lot on a holiday (or a special occasion) or while on holidays. When I ate a lot on one day, I ate less than 600 calories the next. When I went on a holiday, I did some sort of crash diet (depending on the time of year I ate just fruit or veggies or drank juices) 2-3 days before leaving and then I did the same when I came back. In those cases I also ate less than 600 calories per day and the whole idea was very similar to fasting.

How come I didn't think of doing this when my thyroid started to give me a hard time, I've no idea! Perhaps if I did, I wouldn't have gained 8 kilos...

Never mind, at least I found i sooner then later. :-)
Re: My one 5:2 sadness
05 Aug 2013, 06:45
But isn't this just true of so many things. If only I'd known when I was 20/30/40 what I know now! As they say, youth is wasted on the young.
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