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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 18:55
I posted on a dog forum I am on about the 5:2 as there is a health section and these are some of the responses :confused:

Fasting never achieves anything except weight gain and ill health and throws your metabolism all over the place which regulates how you burn energy and store fat amongst other things.

Metabolism problems, hormone irregularities, mood problems, and plain old fatigue. You can’t tell me that anyone feels good on 500, 600 calories a day. How do you put in a full day living life on that few calories? You certainly aren’t living an active life that way, and activity is key to gaining health.

I just think it’s a very distorted and unhealthy way to look at food. Well, any restrictive diet would be, but one where you fast like that even more so.

This article by a dietician explains it much better than me: ... silly.html
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 18:59
Some negative opinions there, but lots and lots of positives and results here!
Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative , think I feel a song coming on! :)
Doing well here Claire, hang in there.
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 19:15
I say, let the negative thinkers stay whatever weight they are, and the positive thinkers get fitter, healthier and slimmer.
Each unto their own, really.
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 19:20
What a pile of BS! Especially this part:

In terms of ingredients, all processed starches are thrown out the window (or in the bin, if you want to be a bit more civic minded). So, brown rice or quinoa replaces white rice, sweet potatoes are used instead of your standard spud, multigrain bread trumps white… you get the picture....
...This way, each meal gets used by the body for energy, rather than turning it into fat.__

Lots and lots of overweight people eat this way. I've been eating this way for decades. Very healthy. Never have eaten many processed foods. And guess what - I was overweight!

Well, I just hope more people are listening to Dr. M than the likes of this guy.
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 19:25
The proof of the pudding (so to speak) will be our wonderful results (hopefully...although I feel less confident this week...can't stop eating chocolates :( )
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 20:13
Each to their own. Everyone has a pov on different ways of eating. Roll on long term 5:2 studies.....
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 20:21
nursebean wrote: The proof of the pudding (so to speak) will be our wonderful results (hopefully...although I feel less confident this week...can't stop eating chocolates :( )

Touch of the Autumn Feed Syndrome - yesterday I fell into a pack of 4 gluten free bakewell tarts and suddenly they had all gone ...
Then 3 Kallo choc covered rice cakes.

I suddenly realised what was happening and stopped but goodness me it was fast!!
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 20:22
Glad I'm not the only one! :bugeyes:
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 20:25
Ignore them Claire, they are just quoting garbage with no real knowledge about this WoE. I would bet that not one nay-sayer, including the duffus that wrote that article, have ever tried to fast and run to the fridge with the first pang of hunger. Bunch of wussies :razz:
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 20:30
Even though I have had issues with the fast days, it have all been worth it. The last week I have had no problems at all (except for a light headache) no what so ever - no hunger pains, no cravings, just like I could have gone on forever.

I have read so many issues about 5:2, but this is the way it have worked out for me.
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 21:14
Claire23 wrote: I posted on a dog forum I am on about the 5:2 as there is a health section and these are some of the responses :confused:

Fasting never achieves anything except weight gain and ill health and throws your metabolism all over the place which regulates how you burn energy and store fat amongst other things.

Metabolism problems, hormone irregularities, mood problems, and plain old fatigue. You can’t tell me that anyone feels good on 500, 600 calories a day. How do you put in a full day living life on that few calories? You certainly aren’t living an active life that way, and activity is key to gaining health.

I just think it’s a very distorted and unhealthy way to look at food. Well, any restrictive diet would be, but one where you fast like that even more so.

This article by a dietician explains it much better than me: ... silly.html

Hmm, sounds to me like they don't really know what they're talking about! I have been fasting for 7 months (mostly 4:3) and my energy levels have increased that much that I took up jogging! Today I did my first 10k (on treadmill) and it felt amazing, I still weigh 16st 10lbs so it's not like I'm even at my ideal weight but it doesn't matter. The whole diet for me has changed the way I eat on any day. I have a much better 'relationship' with food than I ever had in my life (I'm 39) I was very much an emotional eater as well, something good - treat myself with food, something bad - console myself with food. Vicious circle and I've found a way to break it that suits me. 5:2 doesn't work for everybody and I appreciate that, you have to find what works for you and this is it for me! :victory: :victory:
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 21:25
I agree with everyone Claire-ignore them. Everyone thinks they are right. I just smile and nod then do what I like. 37 pounds gone in 35 weeks, better relationship with food, saving money by eating less food, feeling healthier due to eating higher quality food and more positive outlook on life and great new cyber friends on this amazing supportive forum. Whats not to love. But its not for everyone and that's OK.
Xxx julianna
P.s. its great to see you on the forum Claire- I love reading your posts. :-)
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 21:43
Claire - there have been quite a few threads on here around how negative other people have been, and how most of us now just don't talk about it, unless we know it's somebody who is a fellow faster or who has already shown a positive attitude towards fasting. Just yesterday, I had a compliment from a colleague I hadn't seen for a while 'you're looking trim' and when I said it was 5:2, she said 'oh I tried that for 3 weeks but I had loads of headaches and gave up' and then went on the usual route of how she possibly carry on with it, etc etc, when the evidence of success was standing right in front of her!

I've come to the conclusion that you've actually got to be quite a special type of person to start, persist and see this thing through. Lots of people will never start, making the kind of excuses you quote above, or fall by the wayside in the first few weeks, because they aren't well informed when they hit problems, or aren't motivated enough ...

Anyway you've started, and restarted again - all you have to do now is keep your own counsel, ignore what everyone is saying, or writing, around you. Never explain, never justify, let them wonder. Be a bit of an enigma. They are only commenting because, to them, you have ventured into the unknown, and they are too scared (or complacent) to follow. It's a long game, but you will have the last laugh.

:like: :clover: :heart:
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 22:09
I saved the salmon recipe!

How bad is that ..... read the whole article yadda yadda and pounced on the recipe. Oh well it is a fast day

Lovely to have you back Claire and agree with all above this business take stickability through the ups and downs (pun intended). We know and they don't know what they don't know?
Re: Negative about 5:2
16 Nov 2013, 23:13
My relative started same time as me but gave up after a few weeks of losing very little and being so hungry she couldn't bear it. Just didn't suit her for sure.
Fundamentally the same we are all still different
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