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Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 08:28
Good Morning my lovely fellow 5:2ers,

Hope all who are fasting today have a good one (me included!)

How often do you all weigh yourselves? do you find it fluctuates quite a lot from day to day?

I have a confession - I'm obsessed with jumping on them ruddy scales and I... *hangs head* document it on a spreadsheet.
I ony document at these times, daily: Morning, Afterwork and before bed. Highlighting my fast days in blue and my "official weigh" in days in red.

I find I lose about in my sleep but obviosouly that doesnt take long to get back on, but after a "normal - nonfasting" day I lose quite a bit more in my sleep and generally on a fast day I seem to not lose as much.
I know it's silly to take any real notice of my little weigh ins and I should only focus on my official weigh in date which is a Friday, but I'm completely controlled by my scales at the moment and they dictate what mood I'm in for the day.
I've worked SO hard this week at this and if I've stayed the same or dare I say it.. put any weight on I fear I'll a wreck.

So... any words of wisdom on weighing in? and how it all works!
I'm confuzzled! :?:

Thank you :) x x
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 08:38
I weigh daily in the morning and record it on Excel, also recording calories in (from My fitness pal).
I can see what works - and doesn't - for me.
At the end of the day, it's got to work for you and how it works is only down to you.
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 08:50
I love my scales! I hop on at least twice a day, sometimes not at all. I weigh myself after breakfast (or after a poo, it's my guilty secret he he he). I am fascinated by how my weight fluctuates. If it goes up I know in the long term it's going downwards and gives me a bit of a nudge to be aware of what I eat on food days. x.
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:06
I may weigh myself frequently but only record it on Monday morning, so I can re-calculate my TDEE (if I actually lose that is!). The other measurements are for curiosity.
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:12
I would suggest you step away from the scales and get away from jumping on so many times in a day. Try once a day. First thing before anything, maybe aim for once a week.

I have done this in my past and got totally obsessed with several times a day. It is not healthy when it effects your mood for the day.

Now I am once a week and refuse to be controlled by them ever again :)

Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:14
I weigh myself every morning and write it down in a notebook but only record my weight on the Progress Tracker once a week on a Thurs morning - and this week I have only lost a measly 0.1kg so have to try not to get too disappointed and just plod on :-( Hey ho! I;d never weigh myself at night because I'd get too despondent!! I try not to obsess about weight and scales but after a lifetime of it it's hard not to!

PS Really good advice from Minigill!
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:19
I've gone from one extreme to the other, whilst I was heavy I couldn't face the blasted things as they only confirmed what a fat, lardy waste of space I was. Now I weigh very morning and it confirms that I am now back to my yww (young woman eight) and although I love it, I wish I could stop this habit. I NEVER, EVER weigh myself after the morning pantomime of going to the toilet, being naked, kicking the scales around the floor, getting on and off numerous times and then thinking that all this exercise must be good for weight loss.

Losing a pound in your sleep is a good thing as it means that you are not using your pillows as anti-night starvation kits and there is no need for a pillow count prior to making your bed. It's when you have gained overnight that you and your pillows are in danger so, don't worry, just do what suits you and remember that pillows are probably high carb so be careful, :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:30
Ballerina wrote:
Losing a pound in your sleep is a good thing as it means that you are not using your pillows as anti-night starvation kits and there is no need for a pillow count prior to making your bed. It's when you have gained overnight that you and your pillows are in danger so, don't worry, just do what suits you and remember that pillows are probably high carb so be careful, :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:

Especially those wheat ones eh Ballerina! :oops: :bugeyes:
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:32
I use a spreadsheet too...and try out various colours for the graph...!

Have you read the following post in Top Rated Posts?
I've Had It. 5:2 Is a Pain in the (fill in the blank)!!!
Postby simcoeluv » 28 Jun 2013, 04:29

I would suggest you just need to trust that this will work, and take lots of measurements, so when the scales aren't friendly, you can still see something is happenening, and really, I would recommend you stop your daily weighing, and maybe go to once a week. The point about 5:2 is it doesn't rule your life, only two days a week, but I don't think you are getting that benefit. :heart:

Good luck! :clover:
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:41
I weigh every morning and record it when the weight goes down to the next number. Psychologically that's what works for me.
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:46
I'm allergic to my scales for the same reason @ballerina used to be. So once a month and twice if I can bear it. Big weigh in this weekend :cry: However the tape measure gets wrapped around my waist most mornings........
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 09:46
I'm a weekly weigh-in + record member. :heart:
I do sometimes peep mid week after a naughty day and if they tell me I've gained I then pull my socks up :shock:
:clover: :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 10:17
Sue.Q wrote: I'm a weekly weigh-in + record member. :heart:
if they tell me I've gained I then pull my socks up :shock:
:clover: :clover: Sue. :clover:

Talking scales? They sound good and such an interesting method of weight loss :shock: :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 10:23
Sue.Q wrote: I'm a weekly weigh-in + record member. :heart:
I do sometimes peep mid week after a naughty day and if they tell me I've gained I then pull my socks up :shock:
:clover: :clover: Sue. :clover:

And @sue.q - you weigh in your socks???? :wink: :lol:
Re: Obsessed with the scales
31 Oct 2013, 11:03
I used to weight myself once a week, but since noticing the fluctuations over the past few months I am now a daily weigh-er, although I only record my weight once a week in my progress book and on my 5:2 progress tracker. Keeping a record of your measurements is also a great way to track progress, as others have said you may not see a difference on the scales but the tape measure is often quite kind.
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