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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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My weight loss has hit the bounce up drop down, bounce up, drop down stage. When my eldest said to me that he thinks our daily intake may be too low, he is on 5:2 as well.

We tend to do a hairy bikers recipe each fast day, and he suddenly realised that we don't eat much differently to their recipes, in fact some recipes I manage to tweak even lower calorie. Yet the meals are substantial enough for us.

All things being equal, that would mean that my normal dinner meal is only going to come out at between 400kcal and at the very most 1000kcal, with a meal out or a meal with wine. Our lunch time menu today was a bacon and egg baggette, a heafty lunch for us, and that was only 480kcals. So where is the other 600+kcals coming from. (TDEE for both of us is over 2000kcals). I only have 200kcal of milk in my teas, no snacks except for an occasional plum or a slice of melon.

So we are making a concerted effort to up our calories, I will see how it goes.
I'm confused. Are you talking about fast days ("We tend to do a hairy bikers recipe each fast day") or non-fast days? Do you mean you also only eat one meal + cups of tea on non-fast days?
Add some cheese that will up the calories and it's yummy! :grin:
We do hairy dieters recipes on fast days. But we eat similar meals all week. When I calorie count 'normal day' meals I rarely find they go over 700kcals.
We also do 16:8 on normal days, as none of us have ever been fond of breakfast, so we only each lunch and dinner, with a rare pudding added, like last night, an eighth of an apple pie with custard.

I love cheese, so I think I will treat myself with some.... Dolchelatte today, as I am avoiding wheat again I will spread it on thinly a lettuce leaf, add some strips of pepper, a grind of pepper and roll it up like a tortilla. Yummy.
Just a word of caution; cheese is very calorie laden, asI'm sure you know. Weigh it. I think you're in the Uk. Try cathedral city selections at 50kcals each.
I buy my mature cheddar in 2kilo lumps from the cash and carry, its cheaper. The Dolchellatta was to be a treat. But I got waylaid by the lady in the supermarket offering Lindor chocolate samples. So I had chocolate instead.
Oooh, I wish my supermarket offered samples of Lindor!!!! Wonderful choice - can you tell I am a sweet-eater?
I've just done a full calorie count for today. Lunch - Turkey salad with honey mustard dressing. Dinner- Chicken Madres 1/4 jar, Chicken Korma 1/4 jar, rice, popadoms, raita, mango chutney. Snacks - 3 plums, 5 Lindor chocolates (very naughty but they were giving them away, how could I refuse?) and milk in my teas. Oops nearly forgot the 1/4 block of jelly.

I feel as if I have been a total pig. I have really pushed the boat out regarding carbs today as well. Yet it comes to a grand total of 1617kcals.

I really don't believe it myself. How can I be feeling guilty when I could get away with that amount on a day by day weight watchers diet without the fasting. No wonder I have stalled. It is 400kcals UNDER my TDEE, yet I feel as if its been a diet buster day.

Back to the drawing board.
Sometimes that really works, Julie! When you think you've eaten like an eating thing...then you lose weight.
But, it's the two day fast that's the secret to success, isn't it?
I wouldn't buy my cheese that way, 'cos I'd be open to too much temptation...think chocolates - how could I refuse?
I think, looking at the info from that Australian researcher, Amanda Salis, that overeating periodically is a good thing. I wouldn't do it every non-fast day, but perhaps at weekends? Or just for a week?
That was a great article @Caroees I am eating a bit more to see if I can deactivate the famine effect myself. Thanks it was so interesting

So Julie I know what you mean about thinking you are eating heaps but it still comes in under TDEE. Weird isn't it? 5:2 playing with our heads eh!
The 2kg lumps of cheese are chopped into half pound chunks and frozen. It doesn't harm the flavour, but does make the cheese more crumbly.

My problem I think is not enough carbs. As I am trying to go gluten free, or low wheat at least, it means I am not getting the usual sandwich/ bageutte type lunch. Also I don't eat breakfast so I don't get the carb loading that cereals and toast can bring.

A bit more protein in the form of cheese and nuts, plus extra fruit should sort things out.
Have you a link to the article @carorees ?
Julie, I think this is the link to the thread with the Amanda Salis article ... dUn_R7H0yQ
Thanks for that @carorees . It does make sense, a bit like the 're-set point- thoughts with diets. My eldest has gone out tonight, going for a meal with my daughter and probably hitting the clubs. So he should be giving his calorie intake a boost, and I'm having BBQ chicken chips and veg, followed by a fruit salad with some yogurt. I've been hungry all day so something substantial should sort us both out.
If its a nice day tomorrow we will be off for a wander around a place called Queenswood, Its an arboretum and this time of the year the colours are wonderful. It also has rough terrain disabled buggy's so hubby can come too.
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