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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I've been fasting quite successfully since July. I actually enjoy my fasts and this WOE really suits me.
When I started I was splitting my calories and having 2 meals, a lunch and dinner.
I've gradually worked up to a single meal in 36 hours, an evening meal about 6, 22 hours into my fast.
I've been on holiday and had a break from fasting, yesterday was my first fast in 2 weeks. I followed my usual routine but this time I had a splitting headache from about 3pm and was very short tempered.
I'm not sure if it was the length of the fast or a kind of sugar withdrawal as on holiday I had a lot of junk.
My next fast day is Thursday and I'm wondering if I should split the calories or go with my usual routine?
I'm just looking for opinions from others who have been fasting for a while as this is the first time I've felt so bad on a fast!
I have been OK after holidays and I have eaten and drunk what I liked while away,maybe you haven't had quite enough liquid or caffine other people's comments suggest that this is a common cause of head aches.
I would say see how you feel on Thursday but plan food that you can split into two meals if you feel the need.Don' suffer unecessarily
I can relate! I had a holiday in May and didn't fast for some 10 days or so - actually ate to excess and regained a few lbs. My following fast I did as usual (single meal, like you) and I have to say it was like doing my very first fast all over again - headache, grumpy, cold and really hungry. I did struggle, but worked my way through it. All was back to normal by the 3rd fast after the holiday. So, I'd say stick with it and just power on through :) Actually, I think for the second fast after my hols I had a low cal hot choc at lunchtime to warm me up and make it easier. I defo wouldn't go back to splitting cals even in the short term as I know how much hungrier that made me.

Good luck my dear - I'm sure you'll be right as rain next week.
I haven't had any holidays away this year so can't answer that bit but I did try going from liquid only fasts back to 500cals at dinner time but it didn't work as I just couldn't stop eating when I started! Back on liquid fasts and happy. If you feel a bit irritable on a fast day try a stock drink.
:heart: Hi well I also never had problems after a recent holiday/break from fasting quite the opposite really because I couldn't wait to fast on my return :heart:
Lack of Water is a common problem to a cause of headaches and I remember Moogie advising pinch of salt in water or as I do an oxo mid afternoon, personally I would try both of these before returning to 2 meals on fastday as you'd got used to the one, Good Luck for your Thursday fast :clover: Sue. :clover:
Thanks for the advice guys, hopefully Thursday will be ok!
As a WOL we are going to have ups and downs with our continued application to 5:2 IF. Holidays bit like a test, getting out of the groove and then getting back to routine of fasts. Agree I was amazed it was like starting over as well but just stick with it and once some results come back in or the fasting is easy you are back on track.

If I get desperate with hunger I have a bullet coffee with the coconut oil, it stops the hunger pangs and caffeine headaches and gets you closer to the end of the day. I save it up until about lunch time. Miso is good for the salty drink and keep up the fluids. Holidays are worth it
gillymary wrote: As a WOL we are going to have ups and downs with our continued application to 5:2 IF. Holidays bit like a test, getting out of the groove and then getting back to routine of fasts. Agree I was amazed it was like starting over as well but just stick with it and once some results come back in or the fasting is easy you are back on track.

If I get desperate with hunger I have a bullet coffee with the coconut oil, it stops the hunger pangs and caffeine headaches and gets you closer to the end of the day. I save it up until about lunch time. Miso is good for the salty drink and keep up the fluids. Holidays are worth it

I do the same as gillymary. But I have my bullet coffee in the morning. Can go all day on it unless I'm exercising. I'm fasting today and had miso tonight
I had a break from fasting for about 2 months over the summer (for various reasons) - went back on it full pelt - head on - no holds barred etc., etc., about 3 weeks ago and luckily didn't have any problems whatsoever. I much prefer a full fast as I too seem to be hungrier if I have an evening meal of 500ish calories - better to have nothing at all - that's what works for me. So I'd stick with it as much as you can - maybe have a coffee sometime during the day and see if that helps with your headaches. If you were able to go through to the evening for your main meal before your hol then try and aim for that... but if you do have to break your cals down into 2 meals then so be it. It'll work itself out eventually and it's not worth feeling bad/headachy over - do whatever you feel is right. Good luck - let us know how Thursday goes for you.
I had two weeks off while on holiday & when back into the first fast it did feel like starting all over again.
What's a "bullet coffee"
If you google 'Bullet proof Coffee' you get everything you need to know about it. A lot of people on here put about a tablespoon of coconut oil in their coffee, you need to blast it with a processor or it will be an oil slick but I understand the real thing is made with unsalted! grass fed butter and some sort of special coffee. I've tried the 5:2 version, as above, and whilst it's OK I much prefer some double cream instead as I prefer the taste plus no gadgets to wash up afterwards. That said, it does keep you feeling full for hours so it is a healthy way to keep the old pangs at bay. Try it, you will probably like it, good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina wrote: If you google 'Bullet proof Coffee' you get everything you need to know about it. A lot of people on here put about a tablespoon of coconut oil in their coffee, you need to blast it with a processor or it will be an oil slick but I understand the real thing is made with unsalted! grass fed butter and some sort of special coffee. I've tried the 5:2 version, as above, and whilst it's OK I much prefer some double cream instead as I prefer the taste plus no gadgets to wash up afterwards. That said, it does keep you feeling full for hours so it is a healthy way to keep the old pangs at bay. Try it, you will probably like it, good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:

I just have a tsp each of coconut oil and butter or it has unfortunate consequences on my digestion. :bugeyes: :shock:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: What's a "bullet coffee"

Thank god for that. Been wondering what brand bullet was for ages. Now I know I won't like it as I'm not keen on greasiness, or is it not greasy ?
If you blast in a liquidiser for a few seconds then it looks like it has milk or cream in it and whilst I would not say it is greasy it does have the texture of putting cream in coffee, which I prefer, but that is a personal thing. I am using my buckets of coconut oil for my hair as I don't like 'pulling' and not too keen on bullet coffee and I have to use up the stuff somehow as I paid a lot of hard earned pension for it :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
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