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Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 16:58
Have been doing 4:3 for a wee while now and was begining to find it a bit of a drag and a tad restrictive. Seems to be working though, all be it at slightly faster than glacial pace... Maybe sloth pace?
So , I thought maybe if I jazz up what I eat on a fast day it would add a wee bit of frisson and interest. This is from the wet fish yielded who has faithfully had poached eggs (two) on toast ( two slices, homemade bread) since she started nearly a year ago!
In my defence, it suits me and is easy and very comforting and satisfying. :bugeyes: :dazed: :
Today, for my tea it was roast beetroot, wee bit of avocado, wee bit of feta, cucumber, bit of orange, vegetable patch of salad leaves, wee drop roast aubergine and pepper and a spoonful of couscous. Splash of olive oil and vinegar (balsamic) :smile:
Plate was overflowing, table was groaning, took me an age to eat.
One and a half hours later I'M HUNGRY. Feel really empty! worked it jou to be about 400 calls and I'm eyeing up the Beloved's arm (and I'm veggie) :shock: :shock: :shock:
Is it the reduction in protein that's causing it
Or the call of the salted caramel brownies from the fridge :wink:
Think I might stick to my eggs :confused:
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 17:02
Eat an egg as damage limitation.

It's the protein that is satiating. Salad doesn't do it for me, I'm afraid!
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 17:05
I agree with BBT053 - you didnt have enough protein. If I'm peck ish I will now reach for an egg or some ham/meat. It fills you better than anything else. Swap carbs for protein every time. Dukan taugh me that. If not much else. Sometimes we need to stick to what we know works hey.! Now go get that egg.
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 17:11
See, I thought there would be enough protein in the avocado and walnuts...
I'm going to tholl it out and not eat- it'll no' kill me!
Did think that the toast accompaniment wasn't the best as it's lots of carbohydrate....
Mmmmmm, poached egg......
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 17:55
When I started fasting, I ate porridge. First by itself, then with veggies. One time, I thought I'd change it and eat only veggies. Oh boy, the hunger was HUGE and unbearable!!!
You need something filling. Now that it's hot and the veggies are good, I always eat veggies on fast days but I accompany them with low fat cottage or low fat cream cheese and some turkey ham.
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 18:14
Janeg if I get the hunger pangs I always have a babybel disc of cheese (61cals) it's very small but it always does the trick :smile: :wink:
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 18:23
Silverdarling wrote: Janeg if I get the hunger pangs I always have a babybel disc of cheese (61cals) it's very small but it always does the trick :smile: :wink:

Not forgetting that cheese it brilliant for neutralising the acid in your mouth so very good for your teeth. My OH heads straight for the cheese drawer for a lump when he gets home from work and is very disappointed when its all gone.
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 18:40
If you are bored with poached eggs, what about an omelette? We have ours with mushrooms, onion, tomato and a little sprinkle of cheese. :)
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 19:02
Or, scrambled eggs with smoked salmon! :cool:
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 20:06
That's funny, I often eat salad for a fast day meal and don't find myself feeling hungry later, though maybe you didn't have enough protein afterall? What about trying tofu or beans or chickpeas with your salad next time? You should get more for your cals than you would with cheese or avocado.
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 20:22
Am I the only person who eats a salad and is full :like:
Oooh No, thank-you Nicky
Well I have one every day now, unfortunately I'm allergic to eggs so have to make do with other stuff, today was feta cheese a very small amount not worth putting on really, but I do put absolutely everything on my salad, I'm full after don't know if its all in the mind but if it is I'll accept that but all the egg suggestions sound so nice I just wish I could because they would be so useful to me :clover: Sue
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 20:34
We're getting 20 rescue hens on Saturday, so I'll be eating eggs 3 times a day for the foreseeable !

If I have an insatiable hunger, which a normal meal doesn't fix, I hard boil some eggs, then eat them one at a time, dipped in full fat mayo, and I can "mend" myself and avoid going on a binge
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 22:00
Wish I'd seen this thread earlier! Went for a big plate of roast veg today. Nice enough but just not satisfying. I'm finding this the hardest day so far. Previously always had an egg or some meat. Clearly need to stick with that approach!
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 22:39
On repair days I've found that if I lever in as much fat that I can into my 500 calories I'm unlikely to feel hungry (along with a low-medium % of protein).

The times where I've been tempted by table-legs have usually been pre breaking-fast and when I've gone for a 'nice healthy salad' for my evening meal.

Oh, and if I do avocado on repair days it's about 120g worth and usually pushes the limits of my allowances...

Feed days - well, there's no accounting for what my appetite will do then :) FatDog

Second the Babybel - have just this minute scranned one with pistachio nuts and extra salt.

Edit: should have said - Babybel on offer at the co-op just now for £1 for six (just under half price - I couldn't resist, they used to be a childhood favourite, along with La Vache qui Rit).
Re: Poached eggs v salad
01 Sep 2013, 22:53
FatDog wrote:
Second the Babybel - have just this minute scranned one with pistachio nuts and extra salt.

Edit: should have said - Babybel on offer at the co-op just now for £1 for six (just under half price - I couldn't resist, they used to be a childhood favourite, along with La Vache qui Rit).

Wow - thanks Fatdog - will be hotfooting it round the corner to the village co-op tomorrow! These are my 5:2 discovery, never had them before. They have arrested the hunger pangs more times than I can remember over the past 4 months, who would think a little disc of processed cheese would have such an effect? :lol: :victory:

Also like pistachio nuts from the graze boxes, so will have to try them together :smile:
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