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24 Jun 2014, 13:03
Hi fellow fasters
I 've lost 10 kgs very very slowly (about 10 months) on 2:5, then 3:4 with low (actually very very low , less than 50 gr a day) carbs, and also 8:16.
About a month ago, not only I've stopped loosing, It became impossible for me to stick with the low- carbs,as My energy levels are low ,and on a fast day It's absolutely impossible for me to exercise (i do power yoga,i.e. Yoga with weights).
I have 2to 3 more kgs to lose.
I was advised in this forum to take a brake for awhile.
Now my question is: based on your knowledge and experience, do you think it will be possible for me to loose the remaining 2-3 kgs by just doing 2:5 combined with 8:16 without adhering to low carbs? It seems that eating low carb is what makes me so energy-drained , actually experiencing what is sometimes called 'the low carb flu'.
In other words, is it likely to loose these final kgs by just eating 2:5?or3:4 with regular carb consumption (100-150grimes a day?
Maybe my question is stupid, but I really dont know what to do , as I'm stuck , and as much as I try - Every couple of days, i end up eating a lot of carbohydrates - just to feel well-and seem to be unable to exit this vicious circle...
Sorry for the length of this post, but really I'm a bit depressed and unable to figure out what to do.
Thank you very much.
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 13:33
Prunus avium wrote: Hi fellow fasters
I 've lost 10 kgs very very slowly (about 10 months) on 2:5,than 3:4 with low (actually very very low , less than 50 gr a day) carbs, and also 8:16.
About a month ago, not only I've stopped loosing, It became impossible for me to stick with the low- carbs,as My energy levels are low ,and on a fast day It's absolutely impossible for me to exercise (i do power yoga,i.e. Yoga with weights).
I have 2to 3 more kgs to lose.
I was advised in this forum to take a brake for awhile.
Now my question is: based on your knowledge and experience, do you think it will be possible for me to loose the remaining 2-3 kgs by just doing 2:5 combined with 8:16 without adhering to low carbs? It seems that eating low carb is what makes me so energy-drained , actually experiencing what is sometimes called 'the low carb flu'.
In other words, is it likely to loose these final kgs by just eating 2:5?or3:4 with regular carb consumption (100-150grimes a day?
Maybe my question is stupid, but I really dont know what to do , as I'm stuck , and as much as I try - Every couple of days, i end up eating a lot of carbohydrates - just to feel well-and seem to be unable to exit this vicious circle...
Sorry for the length of this post, but really I'm a bit depressed and unable to figure out what to do.
Thank you very much.

Hello rare-posting Sweet Cherry! *

It takes 2-3 weeks of being very low carb to get fully keto adapted (fat burning as your primary energy source). During that time you will get tired sooner than usual with strenous efforts. It does get better, and will go away completely but any carb hits will inhibit and delay the transition up to several days each time. Bump up fat consumption instead. Bullet proof coffee also works very well to keep the energy up while remaining in a keto state.

Without knowing your BMI it's hard to tell, but assuming you're already within the normal range your body may be saying it's happy right where you are currently. Might be time to reconsider the goal.


* = for the curious, Prunus avium translates to Sweet Cherry
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 13:52
Thank you ADFnFuel . I will try once more to adhere to low carbs, taking your advice reg. bullet proof coffee.(have just searched in the forum and found info about it.)
My BMI is 24.9 but I still have a bit visceral fat which I really want to get rid of.
So Ill try once more - this time adding the butter/coconut oil coffee- and hope to succeed this time:-) thank s again for your reply. :-)
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 16:42
Just wondering is a regular coffee with double cream equally as satiating.?
As when I'm low carbing I find fats very helpful.
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 17:20
[quote="carieoates"]Just wondering is a regular coffee with double cream equally as satiating.?

I don't like bullet proof coffee but I do find ordinary coffee with double cream can keep hunger pangs at bay for hours so in answer to your question, I'd say yes

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 17:47
Ballerina wrote: I don't like bullet proof coffee but I do find ordinary coffee with double cream can keep hunger pangs at bay for hours so in answer to your question, I'd say yes

Ballerina x :heart:

Thanks Ballerina! It's an acquired taste.

I've never been a coffee drinker, prior to these last few months of experimenting with BP variants, so really couldn't provide an answer.

Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 21:09
The fatigue does go. It used to plague me but I just more and more switched to low carb and haven't had that feeling for ages. I still eat carbs more of a treat than a staple and don't count as want WOE habit. Commiserations though as that fatigue is bone deep

I stopped having the bullet coffee and now my coffee still from grinding the beans is usually on soy but the cream appeals so I will give it a go. My fat snack now comes in form of cream cheese which I stuff into mejoola dates with a Brazil nut yum yum. Also partial for savoury to have made up little rolled morsels of baked and peeled red capsicum strips around a dollop of cream cheese and blitzed 3 cut in half green beans

Thai curry also a good way to get in the coconut cream @Prunus avium all the best know what you are feeling and it is a nuisance but will go
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 21:21
People certainly do get to goal without going low carb. It is absolutely not a requirement of this way of eating.

I would say if you are miserable on 50g carbs a day (as I would be!) and feel a lot better on 100-150 grams a day, then I would go with the higher level. I know my endocrinologist asks his diabetic patients to restrict only to that level, as there are signs all over his office about it.

Perhaps, since you're at a healthy BMI and are only worried about a bit of visceral fat, perhaps you could try and see if you can do more exercise with your higher carb threshold. Maybe adding extra abdominal exercises to your routines would help target your belly area.

I came to this way of eating because it doesn't eliminate entire food groups. Low carb is an option, not a requirement and everyone's bodies seems to work a bit differently. What works for one may not work for another, and what is ideal for one may no be ideal for another.
Re: Problem
24 Jun 2014, 21:49
I haven't gone low carb and I've reached my goal. I didn't want to do anything unsustainable because that's why diets fail, so I have simply adapted my diet in ways that I know I can sustain and low carb was not one of my options- although I am usually fairly low carb on a fast day.
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 02:44
I also reached my goal without going low carb. I suspect if I added up my carbs it would be lowish (maybe 100-150g), except on days when my sweet tooth gets the better of me. I'm just not big on carbs in general (other than the sweet tooth).

Maybe try to up your carbs some, as Tracieknits suggests, and make it quality carbs not white ones.

Good luck! :clover: :clover:
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 04:26
Thank you for the answers ,and special thanks to Merlin, Tracieknits and MaryAnn .
Its important for me to learn that you did loose weight by intermit.fasting only.That is what I was hoping to hear. I will increase carbs to 150 grams max,and see how it carbs so far has been strict 'quality'carbs, i.e. Only from vegetables and very little not-very-sweet fruits.never junk, but I'm afraid too small quantity ,and that what causes, again and again the 'low carb flue' feeling.
This is really an amazing forum, and people here are really willing to help! I appreciate you taking the time to answer me, and I really intend to take you advices here :-)
Thanks again , and I shall let you know how it goes :clover: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 05:47
I would count whole grains and legumes as quality carb sources, too. A nice slice of whole grain bread with hummus can't be bad for you, can it?
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 09:10
Hallo! I've experimented with very low, low, mid carb levels by cutting out gluten products I.e. Wheat, rye, barley, non-gluten free oats and sugar. I find I bung up quite quickly when too low carb so am currently allowing myself gluten free oatcakes (no sugar) and sprinkle milled flaxseed on natural live greek yogurt with chopped nuts.
When I am too lazy to care and eat a wheat product my stomach bloats and hurts for hours, so I think it proves I am gluten sensitive and should know better by now!
I've also found that, wonderful as fruit is, the high fructose content doesn't help so one piece a day and seven of veg is much better for me.
50g pre-cooked weight of brown rice is ok, also quinoa.
Onwards and downwards :0)
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 09:27
I got to target with 5:2 without going low carb but I must admit I had reduced bread, potatoes, rice and pasta in my diet anyway in an attempt to lose weight. I never worked out how many grams of the stuff I was eating because it never occurred to me to do that but I still ate them all plus cereals if I fancied some but again, I just ate smaller portions. I have not removed completely anything from my diet, I still eat the same foods that I have always eaten, just in different quantities and if there is a complete food group you don't enjoy eating, then don't eat it. I hate fish so anything that ever went about its daily business out at sea never makes eye contact with me from my plate. Good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 09:34
I agree with you @Azurebluemy tummy hurts too. I got rid of gluten product and am much happier in my gut.
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