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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 09:47
Yes, everyone varies as to their carb tolerance. A good rule of thumb is to keep below 150g and then if that does not help weight loss or you feel bloated, have high blood glucose or other symptoms, to cut down to 100g and then if necessary to 75g then 50g. A few people will need to keep below 50g...most probably if they have diabetes or pre-diabetes. As others have said, the source of the carbs is also important so try not to have too many from sugars and processed white carbs, but the majority from veg, legumes and whole grains.

Many or even most people can lose weight with IF and not need to worry over-much about carbs. Your problem @prunus avium is that you are at that stage where your body may be resisting going lower. You have done so well already, I would concentrate now on finding a sustainable way of eating for the rest of your life...if very low carb is not it and similarly if you find 4:3 too much, then why not aim to maintain your current loss and work out a system you can stick to?

Once you have found a system that works for you to maintain your loss and which you can see yourself doing forever, then you can add the occasional extra fast or extra low carb day to see if you can drop a few 100g now and then and maintain at the new lower level. So you may be able to ease your way lower without your body panicking that you are in a famine situation.

You may like to read the articles on what happens to our metabolism when we lose weight and about when to enter maintenance in the Fasting section of the main site.
Re: Problem
25 Jun 2014, 11:26
Thank you all (again) :smile: .
It seems that CAROREES 's advice is the solution for me: I will try to maintain for a while and then see if reducing carbs or adding occasional extra fast will be of benefit.
Thanks ! :clover: :clover: :heart: :smile:
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