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Since starting 5:2 I have been putting my weigh-in data every Friday. There were some days I did not feel like using it because I knew the exact reason why the line would go up but still did it and it spurred me on. This week I have seen the scales daily go up and up (total 1.3kg) due to the festivities and was very tempted to avoid the progress tracker this morning.

However, I decided to be honest. I just added new weigh-in data, and changed from 'maintaining' to needing to 'lose' as one fast per week won't do. There's a chance that the gain will reach 2kg before my first fast on Monday 30th. How depressing.

I wonder whether the dilemma to use the progress tracker today was mine only.
I admire you Wmr. I am of the avoidance type. I only put in the new low weight I've eye balled on the scale which seems to be only once every 3 or 4 weeks due my cycle and the way 5:2 weight loss works. I still weigh most days but just wait for the new low. Last week I lost no weight but 3 cm from under my bust. In 1 week. You know the excess will go off after a few weeks of fasting. When you look back at you authentic progress tracker in 3 months time and you see that blip you will think " oh, yes, that was Christmas".
Xxx julianna
I'm like you wmr.I'd like to avoid putting in my weight but I feel compelled to do so even though I seem to be on a plateau since early September. I feel that if I don't record my weight I'll give up completely so I keep slogging away.
Xxx Carmel
Wmr, sometimes recently I have been tempted not to enter my weigh in details but in the end I have as I want an honest record of what is happening. Not looking forward to this week's weigh in!! Hopefully it will soon get under control again :)
100% honesty me. Have a look at my tracker, I update it each Tuesday and I can see when I was on holiday! Not looking forward to next Tuesdays weigh in as I have rather overdone it these past few days. I also use the True Weight app for daily weighing and am 100% honest with that too.
:heart: Honesty from me at all times I didn't weigh myself after a holiday earlier in the year and 10 days later I was back to my pre holiday weight. But for my second holiday later in year I needed to know what the damage was and just as important how long it would take to repair the said damage.
I only record my weight on Friday and tomorrow I will do the same, honestly and record on the tracker my theory is I'm not fooling anyone including myself so why not be honest, but can understand members who are maintaining avoiding but don't understand why you would avoid when wanting to lose weight you need to know exactly what we're up against :heart: Sue
My use of the PT has been all over the place. I am interested in this discussion and it makes me think about what to do now. During the period of the Christmas Club, I was weighing daily and only entered new lowest weights. Before that I was weighing once a month. I was on a plateau and it was too depressing. In 2014 I am going to weigh weekly on Friday. I have chosen Friday because weighing daily showed me that was the day I was most likely to get a good reading! I am now resolved to enter Friday's weight weekly in the PT.
During Christmas Club I started to weigh daily too and entered new low weights in the PT as they appeared, in addition to Friday's 'official' weigh-in. That was also the morning after the second fast of the week. Now with the once a week fast planned on Monday there will always be a few non-fast days in between. Maintaining around 69kg (68.6-69.9kg) will be my challenge with the PT as my main tool. Wendy
I only enter when I have lost. I have honestly lost-does that count. To enter ups and downs is just too depressing so I have settled for each definite down however long it takes.
I have only ever recorded my new lowest low and my hols when I gained in went the increase. I keep tabs with a daily weigh and with the tape measure and how my clothes fit

Bouncing between a range of 2 kgs on non fast weights and having glacial progress, I don't want to depress or frustrate myself and so am content to just enter now when I have some achievement.

I am therefore an avoider of sort but as it is a WOL I am taking a long range sustainable attitude
I officially weigh in every Friday and while I hate putting in bad numbers, I figure it's for my knowledge anyway. Lying to myself is how I got to the point I was at 3 months ago.

I do weigh in during the week as well, but that's more for my own tracking than the official number.
Honestly - however painful...
27 Dec 2013, 01:35
Daily. Honestly. Occasionally affording significant pain and / or embarrassment... :)

There's only been the one day since I started to log my "low-carb 5:2 experiment" that I've not registered anything, and (if I recollect correctly) I didn't weigh that day...
I'm one of the avoidance people and prefer to post when my weight has dropped!! It has been up and down recently and my tracker would look like a drunken caterpillar!!
I'll probably keep it that way, as I know which way I'm headed in the long run!
Honestly track, but not very often! Weigh monthly mostly, but sometimes forget! Measure slightly more often though and keep a track of that.
Slow slow loss, so at least with monthly weighing it goes on the downward direction.
Won't weigh til begining of Feb though....avoidance? You bet!
I enter my details on the 6th of the month. What I discovered with more frequent weigh-ins is that the very next day I could be half a kilo lighter. It doesn't really worry me that I am not at my lightest on my weigh in day as I can see myself doing this for a long, long time so I am ok with not seeing my lowest weight on my tracker.

Having said that I am not looking forward to my weigh in on the 6th of Jan but regardless of what the scale says that number is going to be entered in my tracker regardless.

So my "official" weigh ins are infrequent and the number is honest.
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