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Question about feed days
03 Jun 2014, 05:03
this weeks are my feed days but weird because after fasting days, I feel not hungry at all. well sometimes but then should i eat lunch if i didnt feel hungry? yesterday i only eat dinner and im afraid i will bring myself into starvation mode. I have 5 -6 kg to lose. :razz:
Re: Question about feed days
03 Jun 2014, 05:54
I think you will find it takes more than a couple of missed meals before you enter starvation mode so I would not worry about that. Not feeling hungry after a fast is quite common and there is no point in eating food when you don't feel hungry, just go with how you feel. You will soon get into the swing of it. I eat only once a day for most of the time and have no problems, good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Question about feed days
03 Jun 2014, 06:51
I think its great to wait till you're hungry to eat. Todays not a fast day and I felt hungry at 3 pm then ate soon after that. Yesterday was a fast day. I'm pretty sure that means I was burning fat all day today till I ate. It can't hurt to listen to your body. For me I find it liberating to eat when it suits my appetite and not just because its regularly a meal time.
Best wishes.
Xxx Julianna
Re: Question about feed days
03 Jun 2014, 14:03
@JollyBrielle I'm never hungry the morning after my 3 fast days so very quickly took up 16:8 on all non fast days saving calories and the wasted carb overload I was getting from my cereal based breakfast, plus according to our resident guru @carorees The said starvation mode is nothing but a myth. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Question about feed days
03 Jun 2014, 15:12
What Sue.Q said!

Here is an article about the myth of starvation mode and the myth of the importance of breakfast: ... -examined/
Re: Question about feed days
04 Jun 2014, 01:15
Stumbled on this.

I love the concept of mindful eating. And this WOL has definitely kick started something which i can classify as mindful eating.
Re: Question about feed days
04 Jun 2014, 10:43
It is great to eat mindfully and only when hungry but very difficult when one shares a house with someone who likes their meals on a more regular basis! I often find myself eating before I really want to just to keep the man in my life happy!
Re: Question about feed days
04 Jun 2014, 12:12
Geneen Roth & Evelyn Tribole were two authors of the intuitive eating books I read that started me on my mindful eating journey. That led to Judith Matz & Lima Bacon & the Health ay Every Size approach. 5;2 is like the last piece of the puzzle for me, teaching me to get back in touch with genuine hunger & really think about what I really want to eat. As this WoE progresses for me, I'm just as likely to be hungry for a salad & some strawberries over the McDonalds that used to be my go to choice.
Re: Question about feed days
04 Jun 2014, 19:30
It's not a bad thing to recognize when one is hungry, as opposed to stuffing one's face unconsciously. I have struggled with this for YEARS, having read and practiced "Diets Don't Work" and similar philosophies. But it's too easy to let it slide...I'm hoping that keeping in touch with the feeling of genuine (physical) hunger via fast days will help me stay on course with mindful eating on non-fast days. It's helped a lot so far; I'm much less likely to eat something I'm not hungry for. I've been eating a lot less frequently than pre-5:2, 2x a day rather than grazing...

In the past, I would often "get hungry" and stuff my face with snacky stuff while fixing a meal; by the time the meal was ready, I wasn't really hungry anymore, and eating the meal made me TOO full. Now, I know I won't keel over being hungry while waiting for dinner (though maybe a tad grumpy, which is OK), so I can anticipate the yummy meal. As my son often says, the best seasoning is hunger! :lol:
Re: Question about feed days
08 Jun 2014, 04:00
thank you :oops: thank you to every single one of you who answered my question :grin: Seeing my weight changing every weeks, especially when it happens in fast days make me feel so happy :victory: thank you and have a nice week
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