The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I hope things pick up for ypu Alex
The door is always open and the light on in the hall if you want to talk,even if youre not fasting xx
Take the break and we'll look forward to hearing from you when the time is right. You don't have to abandon the forum, we'll still be here with a listening ear and holding hand.
Best wishes to you to keep up your strength and to your husband for a speedy recovery.
Do you drop into the carers tent?
Best wishes to your OH Alexandra - take care of yourself and we'll be here when you're ready to come back xx
Thank you for all the support

I had a quick peek beginning of the week but didn't really have time to comment, thank anyone.

Life is still all over the place. OH is still off on sick leave as his back just doesn't want to get better.

I am still not sleeping, guessing it's the stress levels. On a positive note my son returned to the class room after 3 years of home teaching. He is being carefully phased back in and managed to attend 10 periods this week. It's not a lot but for him this is a huge success. We will keep it at that level for a week or two and then introduce him to more teachers/periods until eventually he should be back to full-time.

The down side is me having to lift and drop him off which creates stress at work. Well he's worth it.

Hope all are keeping well.

I might re-join next week, depends how I feel.
Glad things are at least going better with your son and hopefully he'll soon be back into full time schooling. Hope things improve with hubby too and make sure you look after your own health. x
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