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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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School holidays
13 Aug 2013, 05:22
Hi,does anyone else find it difficult over the summer to stick to your normal routine? The schools go back next week and I am looking forward to getting back into a proper routine. On the flip side my 5 year old is just starting school and I'm not sure how I feel about that :( :)

I've just really struggled to keep to fast days and I find it difficult at work. Looking forward to Mon and Fri fast days with a swim on a Mon and zumba on a Friday. Roll on weight loss in September!
Re: School holidays
13 Aug 2013, 09:10
I teach in school so I am really enjoying the summer holiday, although it is harder to 5:2 when I'm not working. Our schools don't go back until the 3rd Sept.

Lots of luck to your 5 year old starting school - it's harder for mummies than 5 year olds!! You'll both be fine :)
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 11:15
I definitely find fasting over the holidays much harder than when kids are in school.
There's more temptation around and if my kids haven't got something to do and are bored, baking is their fall back activity.

On the one hand it's great not having the daily pressure of school runs and homework and after school activities.
But it does make fasting more difficult.
I work less when the kids are off and fasting is much easier when I'm in work.
So while i'm not wishing the next 2 weeks away, when they do start back to school, I'll be ready for it :smile:
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 11:18
Sorry Bofa45
Meant to to say, I wish you and your 5 yr old all the best on 1st day of school :heart:
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 12:00
I personally find fasting much easier when I am at work. Then again I have an office job and I can avoid things that needs to be avoided. When I was home during my staycation, fasting was difficult as we were busy each day. Going back to work means I can rest!

My husband is the 'stay at home' dad and he gets to have the joy of sending my son off to school and homework and what not. The few times that he was really sick and I had to send off my son to school was really stressfull as I was not used to the routine. The kid was complaining about me not doing anything right!
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 12:18
Horray!!!!!! My 3 girls went back to school today. I have found it really difficult controlling my eating with the girls being off and change in routine. I am pleased to report that I did continue with 5:2 over the holidays (except 1 wk, when away)and have managed still to be lighter now than at the start of the summer! :victory: I am hoping to do even better now that things are back to normal! :clover:
Good luck everyone!!!!!
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 12:36
Wow! I had no idea people in Europe went back to school so early! In NY we don't go back until the first Wednesday after Labor Day (a holiday which falls on the first Monday in September).

I agree that it's so much harder to fast when my son is home with me. He's a skinny, skinny wisp of a boy, and I need to remind and encourage him to eat, as well as make him lovely high-calorie meals. It's really not as much fun on a fast day!
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 12:40
My girls go back to school next week.......and they need it, and so do I. Fasting has been more difficult during the holidays.
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 12:49
My youngest is Home Educated, so no holidays. Plus I am a stay at home carer to my husband so no escaping the house. Fasting is no problem. Even today when I have just made hubby and youngest son a cheese and onion panini each. The smell of the cheese dripping and crisping on the griddle plate was a bit hard, I must admit.
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 14:00
Hi Tracieknits
In Ireland the childen finish at the end of June(for primary) and return end of August.
In total they're off for 9 weeks.
In secondary school they finish end of May so are off for 13 weeks in total

How long are the summer holidays in the US?
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 14:42
Hi Emerald 17
Just for the sake of accuracy secondary schools had 12 weeks holidays...most are opening on the 26thAug and they closed on May 31st
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 19:51
Thanks flower.
I don't have any kids in secondary just knew that my 2 were definitely were off for 9 weeks so added on extra 4 for secondary (not that I'm counting) hee hee :grin:
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 19:57
Thanks for the good luck Emerald! She will be fine....not so sure about me :(
Re: School holidays
14 Aug 2013, 20:56
There's no doubt first days are more emotional for the mammy's than the kids.
But it's a great day for them and you'll be amazed how quickly it feels the norm.
Just make sure it's not a fast day, you mind need a nice little treat. You'll deserve it :heart:
Re: School holidays
15 Aug 2013, 05:34
Thanks. Yes no fasting that day.......lunch out with friends is booked! :)
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