Julieathome wrote: Most people have found that the weight goes from the fattest place first with fasting, so stomach tends to be one of the first places to lose. It was 11 months before my boobs started shrinking.
That's strange, I lost from my legs and waist first and my abdomen and arms were harder to shift (those are my problem areas!). I think so, anyway... Ah well, the fat will shift at some stage wherever it's held.
Lil wrote: @BethP I'm the same as you, 5' 3", long legs short body although my BMI is considerably higher than yours. I have a layer of fat around my midriff that I can quite clearly feel is outside my abdominal muscles so not wrapped around my internal organs but it adds to my waist measurement making the 50% healthy waist:height ratio seem very difficult to acheive
You'll get there! At least we are not alone in this world, and at least we have good legs

jeninboston wrote: I'm closer to 5' and a definite hour glass. I have heavy hips and thighs with a small waist and almost none existent chest. Now that I've lost more weight, I'm two sizes different top from bottom!! so I now what you mean; I feel short and stumpy and gaining just a even few pounds is so noticeable; there isn't the height to absorb the extra weight
Short high five! Thanks for the encouragement

Also, thank you @julianna for the kind words, and everyone else for that matter! This is such a lovely forum, even when you're in need of a moan