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I would just like to have a moan quickly, anyone else who wants to let off some steam please go right ahead. Especially if you, like me, are currently suffering from 'short hourglass' hatred!

Finally worked out with measurements and a lot of online information (mainly that hourglasses put on weight all over) that I am a definitive 'hourglass' shape. Hooray, I think, and cast my mind over all of the wonderfully sexy, curvy role models there are out there (Beyonce, Scarlett Johansson, Christina Hendricks, etc.) for hourglass shapes. I then remember that none of them are only 5'3!

I rarely have a problem with my height, but when it comes to weight it really annoys me that I'm not a bit more stretched out. I have long legs and a short upper body, which sounds alright until you collect weight around your middle. So that wonderful waist that hourglasses are renowned for is lost on my figure! So annoying! :curse:

Okay, end rant...
I don't think anyone would notice past that wonderful smile.
Rant away sweetheart. There aren't many ladies who like they're figures. We just need to dress according to the rules which are constantly being drilled into us by various style gurus.
Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about your height, but an hour glass figure in my opinion is fabulous. I'm a pear btw. :like:
If you are already at that weight for your height, then you are already gorgeous, but you probably don't realise it just now. As @carieoates said, just follow the style rules and you will look fab.
what a lovely thing to say Tbrewerton!
Positive thoughts Beth!
Accentuate the positive, dress for your shape and keep smiling :D
Wow the whole shape thing is more complicated than I realised, I guess I must be a short pear then LOL...

Anyway, I agree with the others, sure you look great and only you can see the 'problem' areas, now must go and google style tips for shape as I have never really paid any attention to that when clothes shopping!
I'm taller than you, but there is only 3 inches between my ribs and the top of my hipbone. There is no way I am going to go in 10 inches in that short distance once I'm at target. I can understand why some people have their bottom rib removed so they go in more.
Thank you so much for the positive thoughts everyone, and thank you for the unexpected compliment @TBrewerton! I'm not a naturally negative person, but we all need a rant sometimes I guess.

I suppose I should stop thinking that slim people can dress however they want, maybe we all have style rules that we should try and follow? Hmm.

@Nicky_94 if you're proportional, I'm sure it won't be an issue! I'm just complaining because the two halves of my body are disproportionate, but you're right, maybe only I can see it haha :)

And @Julieathome, I had no idea that people had their bottom ribs removed for vanity reasons?! Crazy. Anyway, I'm sure you look fantastic :)

I'd like to think that one day I'll be able to wear a crop top without worrying about my squidgy belly, but it'll be the last place to lose the weight (as it's the first place I gain it) and I have to remember that.
Most people have found that the weight goes from the fattest place first with fasting, so stomach tends to be one of the first places to lose. It was 11 months before my boobs started shrinking.
I've just remembered @Pennyforthemss link to the marks and spencer style guide. It didn't appeal to everyone, but I loved it.
@BethP I'm the same as you, 5' 3", long legs short body although my BMI is considerably higher than yours. I have a layer of fat around my midriff that I can quite clearly feel is outside my abdominal muscles so not wrapped around my internal organs but it adds to my waist measurement making the 50% healthy waist:height ratio seem very difficult to acheive
I'm also suffering from shortar*e syndrome... :( Not fair that if I were a couple of inches taller my BMI would look alot nicer haha.

BethP wrote:
@Nicky_94 if you're proportional, I'm sure it won't be an issue! I'm just complaining because the two halves of my body are disproportionate, but you're right, maybe only I can see it haha :)

Ha, I wish, I have a relatively flat stomach but also a flat chest, and my hips and thighs are not at all in proportion with the top half. That said I am more in proportion with 5:2 then I have been when I've lost weight before, this time my chest is smaller but not ridiculously too small as it has been when I've lost weight in the past, so hooray for 5:2!!
BethP wrote: I would just like to have a moan quickly, anyone else who wants to let off some steam please go right ahead. Especially if you, like me, are currently suffering from 'short hourglass' hatred!

Finally worked out with measurements and a lot of online information (mainly that hourglasses put on weight all over) that I am a definitive 'hourglass' shape. Hooray, I think, and cast my mind over all of the wonderfully sexy, curvy role models there are out there (Beyonce, Scarlett Johansson, Christina Hendricks, etc.) for hourglass shapes. I then remember that none of them are only 5'3!

I rarely have a problem with my height, but when it comes to weight it really annoys me that I'm not a bit more stretched out. I have long legs and a short upper body, which sounds alright until you collect weight around your middle. So that wonderful waist that hourglasses are renowned for is lost on my figure! So annoying! :curse:

Okay, end rant...

I'm closer to 5' and a definite hour glass. I have heavy hips and thighs with a small waist and almost none existent chest. Now that I've lost more weight, I'm two sizes different top from bottom!! so I now what you mean; I feel short and stumpy and gaining just a even few pounds is so noticeable; there isn't the height to absorb the extra weight

It's all so frustrating but remember we are all different shapes and sizes and that's what makes us so uniquely wonderful :grin:

My shape will never change, I've just learned to embrace it and even love my hips (within reason!)
I sympathize Beth. That must be frustrating for you. Maybe some clever person can direct you to some gurus guide to dressing for your shape. I had a book by Trinny and Sussanah which was great.
In 30 years you will look back at a photo from now and think I was so young, slim and beautiful and I just didn't know it. ( that happens to most of us I think) just repeat to yourself " I am awesome!" And really feel it. It can't hurt.
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