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Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 11:56
I've had a bit of the winter blues, I think..... and along with that my eating went downhill and I reverted to eating biscuits again. Consequently I gained a few pounds (which mysteriously levelled out rather than keep increasing) OK...... I will level with you..... I'd maintained target of 9 stone 13lbs until Christmas and then went up to 10:5. Despite trying to get back into 5:2 in January, I couldn't find that mojo any more and my weight went up again to 10:8. Rather mysteriously, it then plateau'd (which made me wonder whether my body was saying "Do you know what, I don't WANT to be 9:13, I'd much rather be 10:8" - after all, the lower weight was just something I plucked out of the air when I decided to lose the pounds!) Nevertheless, eating the biscuits and chocolate inevitably made me start to feel bloated and sluggish again.... and my scalp started itching.... I do get a dandruff reaction when I eat too much wheat! :oops:

I'm still running and loving it, last weekend I ran 15km which is my furthest to date and I'm averaging about 10 miles a week at the moment. I finally invested in a proper pair of decent shoes and so my Aldi ones (which have done me proud) are now languishing in retirement! However, I seem to have developed a bit of a subconscious phobia about running in company, either at the weekend park run or with my running club and I seem to always end up at the back having developed a stitch or cramp.... which never occurs when I run solo so I'm wondering why this might be. I am a slow runner, but I like to go for distance rather than speed.

The other really disappointing thing is that my body betrayed me big time. Eating all those "bad" carbs gave me a helluva lot more energy and fuel for running so it has felt fab (although it didn't speed me up, it certainly gave me more stamina). I never got this energy from eating "complex carbs" like wholemeal stuff and oats.... so now I feel like I'm stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea in terms of my running. I know that my body generally doesn't "do" refined carbs any more.... but that my running thrives on them! :confused:

So I've stayed away and not posted much on here because I've felt a little ashamed with myself and a bit of a failure. No, scrap that, I've been incredibly annoyed with myself and a bit of a grumpy cow, truth be known. But I know no-one can do this but me so I've taken control.... and I'm nipping it in the bud before I get so far down the line of weight gain that I give up... and remain totally miserable! I toyed with the idea of staying at 10:8 (and having a few pairs of jeans that are now too tight to wear) but I've since decided that I'm a much happier person mentally when I'm under the ten stone mark - despite what my body might argue - and so for the past couple of weeks I've been back in control and 5:2'ing, calorie-counting and running to lose weight.... and this morning I am back down to 10:4 so it doesn't feel like I have a mountain to re-climb any more..... more like a hill now :wink:

I don't think the weather has helped.... the fields where I keep my horses are naturally sodden and deep mud so I have no incentive to groom and ride.... but the few days of sunshine we have had this week have definitely lifted my spirits a bit.

Perhaps I have a bit of SAD...... but anyway, that's why I've been quiet.....
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 12:03
Well done @Domane for being so honest, not that you have any reason to beat yourself up with your 'confession'! It does sound as if mentally you need to shed just a few pounds to feel at your optimum healthy weight with a just a few carby treats to assist with your running. It's always a fine balancing act isn't it, but I know you'll succeed! :like: :like: :like: :heart: :victory:
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 12:28
Hi @Domane it's lovely to see your smiley balloon back! Please don't be so hard on yourself. This has been a particularly loooong winter hasn't it. I think a lot of us have got the 'glums'. I hope you're enjoying the weather we've got here in the south today. The sun has put his hat on firmly and it's really lifted my spirits that's for sure!

I can't give you any advice on running but I hope someone will be along shortly with advice on food for stamina etc.

Well I hope you'll soon be back on track (you know, you could always join me in the ADF tent!). Actually, I know I joke about it but doing ADF has really helped me get back my mojo back. I'm very nearly at my pre-Christmas weight now. I don't know what happened because I didn't really indulge over the holiday period. I think I was just like you, a bit grumpy about it all. But now I'm in the zone and more determined than ever. I'm sure the same will happen for you!

Good luck...and stick with us...we'll help you

Spring is almost here!

Bean :starving: :heart:
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 12:39
Domane, don't beat yourself up, we all go through this and what's more, we all come out the other side. You are very brave coming on here and baring your soul, not an easy thing to do and it also means that you have faced your demons fairly and squarely in the face and are now taking them on unafraid. That deserves respect and you certainly have mine. You know how to do it and once your mind is back to where it should be you will be off and 9st 13lbs will be yours again. Good luck, keep us posted

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 12:58
so pleased to see you boogying in the performing on stage tent earlier Domane! X
Long dark Winter days are hard for many reasons and the biccie barrel has been tempting me too,but all those minxy biccies do is make me more of a barrel!
Dont let those jeans go to waste but dont let them worry you either! Sounds like you're well on yr way back down,stay at 10:4,lose a bit more - its up to you,long as its not going up,thats great! X

Ps running in a group- could it just be you just feel self conscious? Old body images die hard,maybe you still have mental pic of Bigger Domane running with Slimmer which case you must adjust that mental pic of BD now youre no longer her! X
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 13:17
:heart: @Domane Failure you most certainly are not those people never return ever to the forum so please don't beat yourself up about something we have no control of mainly our bodies just do what they want to and you'll find a happy balance sometime soon, the weather has a lot to answer for this time last year we we're probably ankle deep in snow but somehow all this wet and soggy stuff has made it a long winter indeed, we back onto open countryside and my usual walks are off because its so mauling to plough through the muddy fields and all our local runners have kept away all year, you're back on track again which can only be good stay focused on how well you've actually done, and just as important you're back on the forum with all of us which is brilliant. :heart: Sue
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 13:54
It's nice to see you back Domane.

I'm sending you a big hug for being so honest with yourself and turning things around and getting back on track.

Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 14:14
Welcome back Domane,

I've nothing very helpful to add except that I find running in a group, like at parkrun, I run faster. I'm not even conscious of doing it, but I do, so I suspect you are being dragged faster by the group which is why you are having problems. Well done on your distances though :heart:
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 14:37
Nice to see you back @Domane I think we need to see the downs to really appreciate the ups.
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 14:55
Hi domane
Can I just say thank you for your post.
I to was 9 13 before Christmas and have slowly crept up to 10 5. Kept saying I will start afresh tomorrow but it never quite happened. I now feel bloated and sluggish. The weather hasn't helped but I know I am making excuses.
Because of your post, from Monday, I will be back on 5:2 - new start new me. I have bought a pair of red skinny jeans size 12 from primark and I am determined to get into them without looking like a sausage!
I haven't got to much to loose and I think just being under the 10 stone mark makes me feel mentally happier in my self.
Congrats on losing those few pounds already. Hopefully this time next week I too can see a loss of 1-2 lbs.
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 16:08
Hi @Domane and welcome back. You've taken a few little steps, then jumped right back in here - well done for that. Spring is just around the corner and you have a whole new positive attitude - good luck x
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 16:24
Hey hi and snap! Winter Famine Reaction is a b****r innit. Still you and I are back to it and it's a lovely Spring day.
Good luck with the running, I'll stick to walking, trying to do 8000 steps a day (haha) and only managed once, so hats off to you and Perseverence.
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 16:57
Well done for dusting yourself off and getting back on the wagon @Domane and welcome back to the forum! :victory:
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 17:18
Thanks everyone. What I also forgot to say in my original post is that I'm also embarrassed because I've posted about 3 times since Christmas saying "Today it all re-commences" .... and then I've failed AGAIN! I feel like the boy who cried wolf!!! I've been hiding behind the "Oh it's the time of year, I'll feel more motivated when the sun starts to shine" excuse for too long now...... I really REALLY want to succeed and to be able to post a photo of the scales showing a reading of under 10 stone again...... It's only FOUR pounds, for goodness sake.... that's hardly anything is it? A couple of bags of sugar!!!!
Re: Sorry I've been absent....
22 Feb 2014, 17:26
The weather here is like a spring day and that has motivated me. Want to be able to wear shorts, t-shirts etc and feel like I did last summer....funny how the weather in a good incentive! Having hairy bikers lamb curry tonight so off to a good start.
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