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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Recently Sunday evenings have become a bit depressing to me :frown: the combination of the end of the weekend and the beginning if the fast on Monday seems overwhelming... I think I will change my fast days from Monday, Wednesday to Tuesday, Thursday... Does any one else experience this?
Yes but for me it's more a back to work thing.
Can totally relate!
Lil :heart:
After cooking so much over the weekend I look forward to Monday fast...wouldn't mind staying home from work though.
Sunday evenings were always depressing till I retired but now I'm a happy chook!
I get you too chook. If its fasting I have to say I look forward to the thought of those scales showing a new low. Find some goals to spur you on maybe. Hope the change suits you Einatbl, chin up
I have felt that way at times on Sunday night. Diet fatigue is a real thing even on a plan that seems so much better than regular dieting like 5:2, 4:3 or EOD fasting. Sometimes a change up or new focus can help for a while. Or, at least it usually works for me.
Oh dear me, if it's the fast doing that then you should certainly change it. A change of day risks moving the depression (although if it doesn't you'll know that it's not the fast doing it, or maybe the combination of return to work & fasting is too much together?). Personally Monday is definitely my favourite day for a fast as it's excellent after the excesses of the weekend & gets my week off to a fab start.

Or, why don't you 16:8 on a Monday instead, the weight loss might be slower but it's still there & it's better than feeling bad about it!
Thanks, yeah it is the combination... So when I have the last meal/snack on Sunday evening, I start feeling really bad...last Sunday it ended up with a little unplanned uncontrolled eating after my last planned meal...don't mistake me. I love my work and the fasts are not too bad... When I wake up on Monday morning I feel's just this dreadful feeling on Sunday evening. I will change to Tuesday and than if I'll know that Mon is a feed day I think I'll feel better on Sun evening :smile:
I used to get this at school but as my working live was erratic and never mon-fri 9-5, it was no longer a problem but I do understand the feeling of dread for the next morning. Swapping fast days is worth trying and I think Annie's suggestion of 16/8 on a Monday is worth a try. Whatever you decide I'm sure this is just a temporary blip and you will soon e back on course, good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
Think the Sunday evening dread is quite common. I had it most Sunday evenings since school! If it's new for you and 5:2 is the only change, then maybe moving the day or 16/8 would be a good start to see if that helps.
Agree with what's been said about maybe changing days , doing 16:8 etc.
Also, have you thought about maybe planning something that you really enjoy for the Sunday night as a cool way to end the weekend and maybe raise your mood?
I wish I felt that way on a Sunday night. I get it on a Saturday morning - I actually miss work and having a good reason to get up. Social life has been a bit lacking this year and with hubby seeming to suffer one injury after another there's never much he wants to do at weekends except play his computer game (which tends to keep me away from my computer as I can't hear myself think when he plays).

I look forward to Monday morning, a sense of purpose & a fast to recover from the weekend.

Sad really isn't it?
Nobody likes Sundays (although Mondays are the worse). I was experiencing what you are describing for over 20 years (school, high school, college and when I was working for advertising companies and magazines) but now that I work from home it is less intense and frequent.
Today is the most depressing day of the year for me. It's the end of summer. :-(
Agree with all that's been said. It's the Sunday feeling. Would be great to get away from, but sadly in my case it won't be soon! :curse: :cry: :dazed:

BTW TML, who or what is AI?? :?: :razz: :wink:
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